Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Saturday 7 November 2015

Humans Are Free-Blog

Posted: 06 Nov 2015 10:00 PM PST
When a Reddit user posted an open question to U.S soldiers asking them how they justify their actions against innocent civilians abroad, he probably didn’t expect this candid response…

‘You kill. Watch friends die. It’s usually quick, almost never quiet, but for the rest of your life, when you remember sitting at the bar with them, they’re blown open. You picture the nights you spent downtown at Scruffy Murphy’s, but instead of the stupid hookah shell necklace, your boy’s jaw is blown off, and his left eye is ruined, and he’s screaming.

You fight, you kill, you watch friends die, and you notice a distinct lack of change. You kick in doors and tell terrified women to sit on the floor while you and your friends ransack their home, tearing the place apart, because they might be hiding weapons.

There is no reason to believe this house in particular is enemy, same for the next one, and the one after that, or the seven before; they just happened to be there, and maybe they had weapons. Probably not, they almost never did.’

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Posted: 06 Nov 2015 09:00 PM PST
We may brush our teeth, wash our hands, and bathe our bodies every day, but not many of us know how to keep energetically clean.

If we’re living a balanced lifestyle, this should happen naturally. When we’re overworked, malnourished, and sleep deprived, however, our energetic hygiene can get neglected.

Why is this important? Because when we look at our bodies under a strong enough microscope, we see that we’re essentially made up of atoms — which is energy.

An organism’s energy is not restricted to just its physical form but extends outward in an egg shape.

The egg shaped energy is what we call the aura and it can be witnessed using Kirlian photography. Just like the body, the aura needs to be taken care of to ensure optimum health.

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Posted: 06 Nov 2015 08:00 PM PST
According to a new study that was recently published by NASA, Antarctica is actually gaining more ice than it has lost.

NASA made the announcement after their satellites examined the heights of the region’s ice sheet, and the findings are contradicting the claim (with more than decades of research behind it) that Antarctica has been losing ice and that this loss is and has contributed to a rising global sea level.

The paper is titled “Mass gains of the Antarctic ice sheet exceed losses,” and was published in the Journal of Glaciology last Friday. (source)

The authors of the study, from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, the University of Maryland and Sigma Space Corporation, analyzed satellite data showing that Antarctica has actually gained 112 billion tons of ice annually from 1992 to 2001 and it’s been increasing ever since.

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Posted: 06 Nov 2015 07:00 PM PST
Physics needs some new running shoes, or at least an updated framework in which to understand itself so that it won’t be running in circles trying to get to Saturn or a distant star in a galaxy far, far away.

That’s the sentiment among those in elevated levels of government as well as individuals who understand higher consciousness. Why? There are places all over the Universe we can travel to in an instant, using energetic portals in space, and the use of our consciousness.

The proof is indeed mounting that there are portals to other worlds. Though the documentation is still ‘sketchy’ to describe how this is done in black and white, there is a trail there for those who want to follow it.

There are literary hints as well as soft evidence and testimony of numerous whistleblowers. Consider Alice’s rabbit hole. The tornado in the Wizard of Oz. Platform 9 ¾ in Harry Potter. The ‘Gate of Hell’ in Dante’s Inferno. These are just a few.

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