Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Friday 6 November 2015

Turkey Goes to War
By Mike Whitney
Putin will have to move fast if he wants to seal the border and derail Erdogan's plan. -
US in Syria: Stopping the "Arsonist-Firefighter"
By Tony Cartalucci
Syria and Russia must attempt to expand their operations across all of Syria faster than the US can spread chaos. -
U.S. Brings Dogfighters to Counter Russians Over Syria
By David Axe
The Pentagon is sending F-15Cs-supposedly to fight the ISIS war. But the jets only have air-to-air weapons, and ISIS has no planes. Which means the real adversary is Russia. -
Who Downed Metrojet Flight 9268?
By Justin Raimondo
Isn't it entirely possible that Metrojet Flight 9268 was downed by US-aided -and-supported "moderates,"  -
Dear Fellow Americans
Do You Have Any Idea What's Being Done In Your Name In Syria?

By WashingtonsBlog
Americans don't know the history of American regime change in Syria.  -
No Moderate Syrian Rebels Exist
By Stephen Lendman
All anti-Assad forces are US-trained, armed, funded, and directed terrorists, taught the fine art of killing.  -
Why British Haste on Plane Bomb Theory?
By Finian Cunningham
They reveal the lengths to which the group has gone in order to placate AIPAC and long-time Clinton operative and Israel activist Ann Lewis - including censoring its own writers on the topic of Israel. -
Doctors Without Borders Staff Shot While Fleeing Kunduz Hospital, Report Finds
By Alana Horowitz Satlin, Willa Frej and Marina Fang
"MSF doctors and other medical staff were shot while running to reach safety in a different part of the compound."  -
'Drone Papers' Revelations Are a Cry for Ending the Slaughter
By Marjorie Cohn
The U.S. is violating the right to life enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. -
The "War On Terror" Is The Hoax Foundation Of The Police/Spy State
By Paul Craig Roberts
Millions of peoples have been murdered by Washington's pursuit of hegemony, and millions have been turned into refugees. -
Why do War Veterans Commit Suicide or Murder?
By David Swanson
Americans don't know the history of American regime change in Syria.  -
Another Phony Payroll Jobs Number
By Paul Craig Roberts
What is wrong with these numbers? Just about everything.  -

Hard News    

Russian air strikes kill 42 in ISIS-held Raqqa: Pro-rebel monitor:
Air strikes by Russian warplanes on the Syrian city of Raqqa, which is controlled by the Islamic state of Iraq and Syria militant group, killed 42 people earlier this week, including 27 civilians, monitoring group the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Friday.
UN watchdog confirms rebels in Syria used mustard gas:
The UN chemical weapons watchdog Friday confirmed with "utmost confidence" that mustard gas was used in Syria in August during fighting between rebels and jihadists and "likely" killed a child.
Pentagon's failed Syria program cost $2 million per trainee:
When the Pentagon pulled the plug last month on its plan to train and field a force of moderate Syrians to combat the Islamic State, it had spent $384 million, or $2 million per fighter, for a program that produced dismal results, according to interviews and spending figures obtained by USA TODAY.
US deploys 6 F-15 jets to Turkish air base:
The deployment of the air-to-air combat planes comes after two Russian warplanes, active in Syria, strayed into Turkish airspace last month, triggering strong condemnations from Turkey and its NATO allies. The deployment sends a message of NATO's resolve to protect its members.
Russian plane crash shows US/UK losing their grip along with their terrorist narrative:
UK Defence Secretary, Mike Fallon tells the BBC the fact a Russian plane has crashed in Egypt makes it "morally indefensible" for Britain not to send troops to Syria.
Two Turkish troops killed by PKK fighters in Diyarbakir:
At least two Turkish security forces have been killed in two separate attacks reportedly carried out by members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in the country's troubled southeastern province of Diyarbakir.
Kurdish PKK militants end unilateral ceasefire in Turkey: agency:
 Kurdish militants scrapped a month-old ceasefire in Turkey on Thursday, a day after President Tayyip Erdogan vowed to "liquidate" them, dashing hopes of any let-up in violence in the wake of a national election.
Iraqi Forces Kill Dozens of ISIL Terrorists in Anbar, Salahuddin Provinces:
Iraqi Joint Operations Command announced that 80 terrorists have been killed and wounded in Samarra in Salahuddin Governorate, including a senior ISIL leader, al-Sumaria TV reported on Friday.
Bomb attack kills 7 volunteer Iraqi fighters, injures 20 others:
At least seven Iraqi fighters from the pro-government Popular Mobilization Units have lost their lives when unidentified terrorists launched a surprise attack against their contingent in the country's northern province of Tikrit.
Yemen- 11 civilians killed as Houthis bomb Taez Join our daily free Newsletter:
At least 11 civilians have been killed in "indiscriminate bombing" by rebels of Yemen's third city Taez, as clashes with pro-government forces intensified, a military official said yesterday.
Israeli forces kill Palestinian woman, 72, after alleged car attack:
A spokesperson at the Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem told Ma'an that the woman, aged 72, was dead upon arrival at the hospital.
Palestinians bury teenage fisherman shot by Egypt navy:
Monitor says death of 18-year-old was unwarranted as Egypt intensifies military operations on Gaza's southern border.
Israeli settler stabbed, seriously injured near Ramallah: -
An Israeli settler was stabbed and seriously wounded near an illegal settlement in Ramallah on Friday. Israel's army said the stabbing took place near a Rami Levi supermarket in the Shaar Binyamin industrial zone, an illegal settlement north of Ramallah.
Portraits of Palestinian knife attackers:
It was not politics, but the pressures of a life under occupation that drove Palestinian attackers, families say.
Ted Cruz says PLO a 'terrorist organization':
In an unusual and harsh statement issued Thursday, the PLO said the Judiciary subcommittee hearing provided no Palestinian viewpoint and conflated all Palestinians with terrorists. The PLO expressed alarm at what it said was a growing trend in the United States to dehumanize Palestinians.
AIPAC Pressured Democratic Think Tank to Host Netanyahu, Leaked Emails Reveal:
 Emails obtained by The Intercept reveal major efforts were made to placate pro-Israel lobby and quash anti-Israel sentiment within pro-Clinton organization
4 dead as Burundi killings continue; US 'alarmed':
 Some residents fled their neighborhood in Burundi's capital on Thursday after they found four bodies on the streets, part of a wave of killings associated with President Pierre Nkurunziza's re-election for a third term.
Egypt: Three people killed in car bomb:,.
Three people have been reported killed after a car rigged with an explosive device exploded in Abu Kebir township in Egypt's Delta Province on Friday. A security source told APA that those killed include two suspected members of the banned Muslim Brotherhood.
30 IS militants killed in Afghanistan:
At least 30 militants owing allegiance to the Islamic State (IS) were killed in eastern Nangarhar province of Afghanistan, a local official said on Friday.
U.S. Plane Shot Victims Fleeing Doctors Without Borders Hospital: Charity:
"Thirty of our patients and medical staff died [in the bombing]," Doctors Without Borders said in unveiling a report on the incident. "Some of them lost their limbs and were decapitated in the explosions. Others were shot by the circling gunship while fleeing the burning building."
Russian plane crash: Explosion heard on black boxes :
According to the investigator, the explosion was not consistent with an engine failure, French TV station France 2 reported.
Crashed Russian plane black box points to 'violent, sudden' end: Sources:
The flight data and voice recorders showed "everything was normal" until both failed at 24 minutes after take off, pointing to "a very sudden explosive decompression," one source said. The data "strongly favours" the theory a bomb on board had brought down the plane, he added.
Britain, U.S. intercepted 'chatter' supporting theory bomb took down Russian jet - officials:
British and U.S. spies intercepted "chatter" from suspected militants and at least one other government suggesting that a bomb, possibly hidden in luggage in the hold, downed a Russian airliner on Saturday, killing all 224 people on board, Western intelligence sources said.
Russia complains about lack of Egypt crash information from Britain:
The Russian foreign ministry complained about Britain's failure to hand over information about Saturday's deadly plane crash in Egypt, after London said there was a significant possibility that Islamists had planted a bomb onboard.
Russia suspends Egypt flights, U.S. boosts security as intelligence points to bomb:
Moscow suspended passenger flights to Egypt and Washington imposed new air travel security requirements in the wake of the crash of a Russian jet in Egypt, as Western officials pointed on Friday to the conclusion it was brought down by a bomb.
Around 45,000 Russians currently on holiday in Egypt - Tass :
Around 45,000 Russians are currently on holiday in Egypt, Oleg Safonov, the head of Russia's state tourism agency, Rostourism, said on Friday, the Tass news agency reported.
Russians outraged after Charlie Hebdo cartoons 'ridicule' Sinai plane crash:
Russians have reacted with anger after the French satirical magazine published caricatures of the Russian passenger aircraft crashing in Egypt. Social media in Russia has erupted in fury at the portrayal, with users condemning its publication by Charlie Hebdo.
Top diplomats welcome calm in Ukraine conflict:
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who hosted the meeting with his counterparts from Ukraine, Russia and France, told reporters the two hours of discussions had focused on "how to further shore up the ceasefire" agreed in September between Kiev and pro-Russian forces.
Bank Of Ireland Bans "Small" Cash Withdrawals At Branches:
Under new rules, designed to streamline in-branch services, Bank of Ireland said withdrawals of less than €700 will no longer be facilitated with the assistance of tellers.
Shock Video: Cop Executes Man as He is Lying Face Down and Complying:
Officer Lisa Mearkle of the Hummelstown Borough Police Department was found not guilty of criminal homicide for the shooting death of 59-year-old David Kassick on February 2. Video has just been released from the Taser camera which was deployed before she fired two bullets into the man's back, as he lay face down on the ground in full compliance with her orders.
Watch: College Student Tackled in Her Desk By Cops Because She Smoked a Cigarette Outside:
Slammed to the ground and manhandled on video, a former student filed a civil rights lawsuit in federal court Thursday against two campus police officers for using excessive force and threatening to fire a Taser at another student recording the arrest.
How Law Enforcement Can Use Google Timeline To Track Your Every Move:
THE RECENT EXPANSION of Google's Timeline feature can provide investigators unprecedented access to users' location history data, allowing them in many cases to track a person's every move over the course of years, according to a report recently circulated to law enforcement.
Killing Keystone XL, Obama says pipeline not in US interests:
President Barack Obama killed a Canadian energy giant's application to build the Keystone XL pipeline on Friday, declaring the proposed project wouldn't serve U.S. national interests and would have undercut America's global leadership on climate change
Republican US presidential hopefuls bash Keystone rejection:
Republican White House hopefuls on Friday slammed the Obama administration's rejection of the Keystone XL oil pipeline project, saying the decision would hurt the U.S. economy.
Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship:
Ben Carson's campaign on Friday admitted, in a response to an inquiry from POLITICO, that a central point in his inspirational personal story was fabricated: his application and acceptance into the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.
Carson hits 'secular progressives' over pyramid theory:
Ben Carson is going after "secular progressives" in response to mocking by Donald Trump and others of his theory that the ancient Egyptian pyramids were meant to store grain instead of serve as tombs for the pharaohs. "Some people believe in the Bible, like I do, and don't find that to be silly at all,"