Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Saturday 7 November 2015

The 11/07/2015 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:

UC Merced stabber “devout Muslim,” manifesto included “praise Allah,” beheading plan
By Robert Spencer on Nov 06, 2015 10:55 pm

UC Merced stabber “devout Muslim,” manifesto included “praise Allah,” beheading plan
“The 18-year-old freshman wrote a numeric list outlining his plans of who he wanted to kill, and how, including beheading and shooting his victims, Merced County Sheriff Vern Warnke told…’No. 27 was to “make sure people are tied down,” No. 28 was “sit down and praise Allah.”‘” Then Warnke tells us this had nothing […]

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“Jihad” is “misunderstood” spiritual struggle, Muslim scholar tells Oprah
By Robert Spencer on Nov 06, 2015 04:10 pm

“Jihad” is “misunderstood” spiritual struggle, Muslim scholar tells Oprah
If jihad is simply a spiritual struggle, then why is there an entire chapter of the Qur’an entitled “Booty” or “The Spoils of War” (al-Anfal). What spoils ensue from a spiritual struggle? If jihad is simply a spiritual struggle, how is a Muslim supposed to make Jews and Christians “pay the jizya with willing submission […]

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Iran calls U.S. world’s top terrorism supporter, drug trafficker
By Robert Spencer on Nov 06, 2015 03:56 pm

Iran calls U.S. world’s top terrorism supporter, drug trafficker
Peace in our time. “Iran Calls U.S. World’s Top Terrorism Supporter, Drug Trafficker,” Washington Free Beacon, November 6, 2015: The head of Iran’s Justice Minister [sic] on Friday called the United States the world’s top supporter of terrorism and drug trafficker, according to regional reports. Mostafa Pour-Mohammadi, Iran’s Justice Minister, made the remarks while in Russia […]

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Canada: Teen Muslim convert charged with encouraging violence for Islamic State
By Robert Spencer on Nov 06, 2015 03:47 pm

Canada: Teen Muslim convert charged with encouraging violence for Islamic State
“The Crown attorney also confirmed a report that the boy had visited the Brandon Islamic Centre in an effort to convert to Islam.” Where did this lad get the Islamophobic idea that the Islamic State had something to do with Islam? John Kerry, call your office! “Youth charged with terrorism offence appears in Brandon court,” […]

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France: Muslim plotted to attack MP “to serve Islam”
By Robert Spencer on Nov 06, 2015 03:35 pm

France: Muslim plotted to attack MP “to serve Islam”
“Sources told French media that he told investigators that he wanted to serve Islam by attacking the Socialist MP for Paris.” This, of course, has nothing whatsoever to do with — you know the drill. “Islamist radical held for plot to attack French MP,” The Local, November 6, 2015 (thanks to The Religion of Peace): […]

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Islamic State praises Muslim who stabbed four at UC Merced
By Robert Spencer on Nov 06, 2015 02:31 pm

Islamic State praises Muslim who stabbed four at UC Merced
As always, the Islamic State glories in violence. This doesn’t mean, of course, that the Islamic State knew about the attack beforehand or coordinated it — but they love it, for they love bloodshed. “Calif. university stabber shot dead after lunging at officer, student says,”, November 6, 2015: …Warnke stressed Wednesday’s stabbings were not […]

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Islamic State plotting to infiltrate, destabilize Balkans
By Robert Spencer on Nov 06, 2015 02:21 pm

Islamic State plotting to infiltrate, destabilize Balkans
“A senior diplomatic official from the region tells The Washington Times that Croatian intelligence has identified a possible Islamic State leader who is setting up in Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina and beginning to organize scores of Islamist fighters who left the Balkans to join the Islamic State or al Qaeda’s Nusra Front in war-torn Syria and […]

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Pentagon: Taliban “important partner” in Afghan “reconciliation process”
By Robert Spencer on Nov 06, 2015 11:33 am

Pentagon: Taliban “important partner” in Afghan “reconciliation process”
Why, then, did U.S. forces go into Afghanistan at all? The whole operation has been a bloody, futile waste. And there is still no end in sight. “US sees Taliban as reconciliation partners: Pentagon,” Pakistan Today, November 5, 2015 (thanks to Lookmann): US is no longer conducting counter-terrorism operations against the Taliban in Afghanistan because […]

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UK: Judge frees Muslim honor attackers, says honor violence “against your religion”
By Robert Spencer on Nov 06, 2015 11:09 am

UK: Judge frees Muslim honor attackers, says honor violence “against your religion”
“Sentencing them at Preston Crown Court Sessions House, Recorder Julian Shaw told them: ‘There is no place for any religious or honour based violence. It’s abhorrent, it’s against your religion, it’s unlawful.” Did Julian Shaw study Islam? He seems to know all about it, but it is unlikely that he is aware of these facts: […]

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Robert Spencer in FrontPage: The Islamic State Attacks Russia
By Robert Spencer on Nov 06, 2015 10:46 am

Robert Spencer in FrontPage: The Islamic State Attacks Russia
In FrontPage today I discuss how the Islamic State is taking the jihad against the non-Muslim world to a new level: The likelihood that the Russian Metrojet Flight 7K9268 was downed by an Islamic State (ISIS) bomb planted on board demonstrates anew that the free world’s response to the self-styled caliphate so far remains woefully […]

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Iran: U.S. must pay reparations to the Islamic Republic
By Robert Spencer on Nov 06, 2015 09:22 am

Iran: U.S. must pay reparations to the Islamic Republic
The billions in sanctions relief weren’t enough. The Islamic Republic sees the weakness of the Obama Administration, and is pressing forward with more demands. “Iran: U.S. Must Pay Reparations to Islamic Republic,” by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, November 5, 2015: An Iranian military leader is demanding that the United States pay Tehran reparations for […]

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UC Merced stabbing attacker praised Allah, authorities search for motive
By Robert Spencer on Nov 05, 2015 10:35 pm

UC Merced stabbing attacker praised Allah, authorities search for motive
“The document also included several references to Allah, the sheriff said. Warnke, however, stressed that there was ‘still nothing to indicate’ Mohammad’s Muslim religion had anything to do with his motive. He compared the references made to Allah to a Christian making references to Jesus before carrying out a life-changing decision.” Some people will persist in denial […]

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Morocco: Muslims hack tourists with knives at holiday destination
By Robert Spencer on Nov 05, 2015 03:29 pm

Morocco: Muslims hack tourists with knives at holiday destination
The University of California Merced. Israel. Paris. And Morocco. All after jihadis called for stabbing jihad attacks. Seeing a pattern? “Tourists HACKED WITH KNIVES in gory attack at popular British holiday destination,” by Oli Smith, Express, November 5, 2015 (thanks to Pamela Geller): EUROPEAN tourists have been horrifically attacked in broad daylight on a holiday […]

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EU teaching migrants that “religion cannot supersede state laws”
By Robert Spencer on Nov 05, 2015 03:21 pm

EU teaching migrants that “religion cannot supersede state laws”
Do they really expect Muslims who have indoctrinated since birth with the idea that nothing supersedes Islam to accept this readily? “Migrants to receive guidelines for EU values,” The Local, November 3, 2015 (thanks to The Religion of Peace): Refugees and migrants arriving in Austria will soon be given a folder as they cross the […]

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Ohio: Four Muslims charged with supporting al-Qaeda
By Robert Spencer on Nov 05, 2015 03:08 pm

Ohio: Four Muslims charged with supporting al-Qaeda
“The men are charged with conspiring to travel to Yemen to provide thousands of dollars to support violent jihad against U.S. military personnel in Iraq, Afghanistan and throughout the world.” Where did they get the money? “4 men with Ohio ties charged with providing material support to Al Qaeda,” by Trevor Ault, WTOL, November 5, […]

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Muslim cleric: “Jihad against the Jews, fighting them” is “mandatory”
By Robert Spencer on Nov 05, 2015 02:57 pm

Muslim cleric: “Jihad against the Jews, fighting them” is “mandatory”
“The brothers of apes and pigs….” That’s from the Qur’an, as is the claim that the Jews murdered the prophets. “And when We took your covenant, and We raised over you the mount, ‘Take what We have given you with determination and remember what is in it that perhaps you may become righteous.’ Then you […]

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University of California Merced: Smiling Muslim stabs four people
By Robert Spencer on Nov 05, 2015 02:17 pm

University of California Merced: Smiling Muslim stabs four people
We have seen the stabbings in Israel, carried out in accord with the exhortations of Muslim clerics. We have seen the Islamic State calling for random attacks against innocent civilians in the U.S. And now this. “Faisal Mohammad: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know,” by Paul Farrell, Heavy, November 5, 2015: An 18-year-old named […]

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Georgetown’s John Esposito Shills for Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood
By Cinnamon Stillwell on Nov 05, 2015 01:17 pm

Georgetown’s John Esposito Shills for Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood
John Esposito, founding director of the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (ACMCU) at Georgetown University, has signed an open letter to British Prime Minister David Cameron opposing his invitation to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to Britain this week for talks. The letter stipulates that: While not necessarily supporting deposed President [Mohamed] […]

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Russian court reverses ruling recognizing parts of Qur’an as “extremist”
By Robert Spencer on Nov 05, 2015 10:11 am

Russian court reverses ruling recognizing parts of Qur’an as “extremist”
It’s unclear which portions of the Qur’an came under the ruling, although Said-Magomed Chapanov’s saying that “every Muslim says the words of a prayer at least 17 times” suggests that it was the Fatihah, the first sura of the Qur’an, which pious Muslims who pray the five daily prayers will repeat seventeen times daily. In […]

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Hindu human rights activist Narain Kataria dies at 85
By Robert Spencer on Nov 05, 2015 09:38 am

Hindu human rights activist Narain Kataria dies at 85
The great Hindu freedom fighter Narain Kataria has died. For years, wherever free people gathered to stand for freedom against tyranny and oppression, Narain and his friends and colleagues were there. He was tireless, persevering, and indomitably courageous. In the face of extraordinary resistance from the forces of darkness and hatred, he never quailed, never […]

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