Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Wednesday 11 November 2015

The 11/11/2015 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:

UK: Muslim teachers at state-funded school led students in anti-Christian chants
By Robert Spencer on Nov 10, 2015 03:36 pm

UK: Muslim teachers at state-funded school led students in anti-Christian chants
A glimpse into Britain’s future. “Hearing: Children told to chant: ‘Do we send Christmas cards? No!’ and ‘Do we celebrate Christmas? No!,'” by Harvey Day, Birmingham Mail, November 9, 2015: Pupils at Oldknow Academy, a school implicated in the Trojan horse scandal, were led in anti-Christian chants in assemblies, it has been alleged. Teacher Asif […]

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23-27 documented honor killings every year in the U.S., many more go unreported
By Robert Spencer on Nov 10, 2015 03:25 pm

23-27 documented honor killings every year in the U.S., many more go unreported
“Even cases that appear to be honor killings, such as the Jan. 1, 2008 murder of two Irving, Texas, sisters that landed their father on the FBI’s most wanted list, cannot always be conclusively linked to a religious motivation. Without hard evidence, critics say, ascribing a religious motivation to crimes committed by Muslims demeans Islam.” […]

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Robert Spencer in PJ Media: Hamtramck, MI, Becomes First U.S. City with Muslim-Majority Council, Hilarity Ensues
By Robert Spencer on Nov 10, 2015 02:53 pm

Robert Spencer in PJ Media: Hamtramck, MI, Becomes First U.S. City with Muslim-Majority Council, Hilarity Ensues
In PJ Media today, I show how there was almost immediately trouble in the multiculturalist paradise: The nation’s first, but certainly not last, majority-Muslim city council has just been elected in Hamtramck, Michigan, a historically Polish city. But before anyone could break out the sparkling grape juice and toast our new diversity, Ibrahim Algahim — […]

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Lunch between French and Iranian presidents canceled: France refused request to serve halal food and no wine
By Robert Spencer on Nov 10, 2015 01:59 pm

Lunch between French and Iranian presidents canceled: France refused request to serve halal food and no wine
The request for halal food is perfectly reasonable: if Hollande is going to invite Rouhani to lunch, he shouldn’t serve him food that his guest cannot eat for religious reasons. But the request that there be no wine on the table is inherently supremacist and absolutely unjustifiable. Rouhani would not be forced to drink wine, […]

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Knife-wielding “Palestinian” boys attack guard in Jerusalem
By Robert Spencer on Nov 10, 2015 12:44 pm

Knife-wielding “Palestinian” boys attack guard in Jerusalem
This is the sort of behavior that is encouraged daily on “Palestinian” TV and by Muslim clerics in the “Palestinian” territories. Yet the world has nothing to say about this genocidal incitement. “Knife-wielding Palestinian boys attack guard in Jerusalem,” by Yaron Steinbuch, New York Post, November 10, 2015: Two knife-wielding Palestinian boys — ages 12 […]

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Another “Palestinian” Muslim woman attempts to stab Israeli security guard
By Robert Spencer on Nov 10, 2015 12:35 pm

Another “Palestinian” Muslim woman attempts to stab Israeli security guard
This incident is almost identical to one from the previous day. This savage behavior was directly incited by Muslim clerics such as Sheikh Muhammad Sallah “Abu Rajab” and Abu Hamza ‘Ashur. “Chilling suicide note found on the body of Palestinian woman intent on stabbing Israeli security guard when she was gunned down just hours after […]

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Tennessee: Muslim City of Oak Ridge employee kept wife virtual prisoner under Sharia law
By Robert Spencer on Nov 10, 2015 11:04 am

Tennessee: Muslim City of Oak Ridge employee kept wife virtual prisoner under Sharia law
UPDATE: Madina Sall is also apparently the victim of a forced marriage: “Ba is the city of Oak Ridge electric project manager and has been employed by the city since May 2009. He is also a reserve officer with the Knox County Sheriff’s Office. Court records state he is also in the Army Reserve. Documents […]

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U.S. embassy in Afghanistan says Pentagon spokesman “misspoke,” Taliban not a “partner”
By Robert Spencer on Nov 10, 2015 07:36 am

U.S. embassy in Afghanistan says Pentagon spokesman “misspoke,” Taliban not a “partner”
Several days ago I reported that a Pentagon spokesman called the Taliban an “important partner” in the Afghanistan “reconciliation process.” Now the U.S. embassy in Kabul is denying that. Can you imagine this confusion arising at any other point in American history? Can you imagine the Pentagon calling the Nazis an “important partner” in the […]

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New Glazov Gang: Stephen Coughlin on “Muslim Brotherhood: Above the Law in America.”
By Jamie Glazov on Nov 10, 2015 07:23 am

New Glazov Gang: Stephen Coughlin on “Muslim Brotherhood: Above the Law in America.”
In this special edition of The Glazov Gang, I was joined by Stephen Coughlin, the co-founder of and the author of the new book, Catastrophic Failure. He came on the show to discuss Muslim Brotherhood: Above the Law in America, unveiling how stealth Jihadists are now out of reach of investigators, national security analysts […]

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Raymond Ibrahim: Prisons – Microcosms of Islamic Supremacy and Western Idiocy
By Raymond Ibrahim on Nov 10, 2015 07:19 am

Raymond Ibrahim: Prisons – Microcosms of Islamic Supremacy and Western Idiocy
Islam’s Rule of Numbers holds that, wherever and whenever Muslims grow in numbers, the same acts of “anti-infidel” violence that are endemic to the Islamic world grow with them. This has become especially evident in one Western institution that has a disproportionately large number of Muslims: prisons.  Several anecdotes just surfaced last month alone. Whitemoor prison […]

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