Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Saturday 14 November 2015

The 11/14/2015 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:

Guardian: After Paris jihad, “far-right groups may well fuel more hatred”
By Robert Spencer on Nov 14, 2015 12:47 am

Guardian: After Paris jihad, “far-right groups may well fuel more hatred”
The Guardian doesn’t worry about the Islamic State presence in France. It isn’t concerned about how many Islamic State sympathizers are living in France now. It couldn’t care less how many more jihadis will enter France via the refugee crisis. No, the Guardian is only concerned about the sole matter that worries the Western intelligentsia: […]

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Salon: Paris jihad massacre shows that “right-wing” needs to “moderate their rhetoric”
By Robert Spencer on Nov 14, 2015 12:35 am

Salon: Paris jihad massacre shows that “right-wing” needs to “moderate their rhetoric”
The American Left is beyond parody. Apparently Salon would have us believe that the Paris jihad massacre happened because “the right wing media” criticized the Black Lives Matter movement. Islamic jihad? Warfare against unbelievers? The Islamic State’s stated imperative to murder French civilians? Only greasy Islamophobes take such things seriously: everyone knows Fox News and […]

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Paris jihad murderer: “I am from ISIS”
By Robert Spencer on Nov 14, 2015 12:16 am

Paris jihad murderer: “I am from ISIS”
Last February, the Islamic State (ISIS) declared that they would soon flood Europe with refugees. That means that there will be many more jihad attacks like those we are seeing in Paris. “Suspected Terrorist Arrested: ‘I Am From ISIS,’” by Michael Bastasch, Daily Caller, November 13, 2015: Fox News reported French police have arrested a […]

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Death toll in Paris jihad suicide bombings and massacres rises to 160
By Robert Spencer on Nov 13, 2015 11:08 pm

Death toll in Paris jihad suicide bombings and massacres rises to 160
Will this unimaginable savagery jolt the West into realism about the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat? Probably not. “‘I Saw Bodies’ in Paris’s Night of Terror,” by Dana Kennedy, Michael Weiss and Justin Miller, The Daily Beast, November 13, 2015: Suicide bombers and gunmen struck the capital of France in one of the […]

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Paris police launch assault on concert hall where Muslims are murdering hostages
By Robert Spencer on Nov 13, 2015 07:03 pm

Paris police launch assault on concert hall where Muslims are murdering hostages
This report says: “France 24 reports that gunmen at the heavy metal concert by Eagles of Death Metal at the Bataclan concert hall have opened fire on the audience. It says the hall holds some 1,500 people. Benjamin Cazenove, injured and trapped in the theater, says gunmen are killing people ‘one by one,’ France 24 […]

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France seals borders, declares emergency as Muslims murder at least 60
By Robert Spencer on Nov 13, 2015 06:36 pm

France seals borders, declares emergency as Muslims murder at least 60
This is an act of war. But the West won’t acknowledge who the perpetrators are, or what they’re trying to do. Note that part of this jihad attack was carried out by suicide bombers — a hallmark of Islamic jihad. “France seals borders, declares emergency as at least 40 killed in multiple attacks in Paris,” […]

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Death toll now 60 in Paris jihad massacre
By Robert Spencer on Nov 13, 2015 05:56 pm

Death toll now 60 in Paris jihad massacre
The gunmen were screaming “Allahu akbar.” “At least 60 reported dead in Paris attacks, 100 held hostage,” by Andrea Cavallier, PIX 11, November 13, 2015: PARIS — Officials say that at least 60 people have been killed in shootings and explosions around Paris — in what officials are calling the deadliest violence in France in […]

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Paris: Muslims screaming “Allahu akbar” murder at least 35 60, take 100 hostages
By Robert Spencer on Nov 13, 2015 05:48 pm

Paris: Muslims screaming “Allahu akbar” murder at least <strike>35</strike> 60, take 100 hostages
UPDATE: Death toll now 60. —– Islamic jihadis have long had France in their crosshairs. The Islamic State last year urged jihad attacks against the “spiteful and filthy French.” These attacks took place near the site of the Charlie Hebdo massacre. That massacre was an attempt to force the West to adopt Sharia blasphemy restrictions; […]

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Italy: Jewish man stabbed nine times by masked female Muslim
By Robert Spencer on Nov 13, 2015 04:28 pm

Italy: Jewish man stabbed nine times by masked female Muslim
This savage behavior is being directly incited in the “Palestinian” territories by Muslim clerics such as Sheikh Muhammad Sallah “Abu Rajab” and Abu Hamza ‘Ashur. Now it is spreading worldwide; we saw it recently in Paris, and now in Milan. “Jewish man stabbed in Milan,” by Ido Ben Porat, Israel National News, November 13, 2015 […]

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UK Muslims in international jihad plot fight extradition: have refugee status
By Robert Spencer on Nov 13, 2015 04:10 pm

UK Muslims in international jihad plot fight extradition: have refugee status
“Their lawyers indicated they may challenge the extradition request because they hold refugee status.” What were these grateful refugees up to? “European prosecutors said the arrests involved plots to recruit suicide bombers, target western diplomats and spread international terror inspired by the leader of Rawto Shax, Najmuddin Ahmad Faraj – also known as Mullah Krekar.” […]

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Islamic State to Russia: “We will make your wives concubines and make your children our slaves”
By Robert Spencer on Nov 13, 2015 03:53 pm

Islamic State to Russia: “We will make your wives concubines and make your children our slaves”
“We will take through battle the lands of yours we wish. Hellfire awaits you. Europe is shaking, Russia is dying.” In response, Europe is importing hundreds of thousands, and probably ultimately millions, more Muslims. What could possibly go wrong? “ISIS coming for the Kremlin, new video warns,” by Malia Zimmerman, Fox News, November 12, 2015: […]

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UK: Muslim gang raped 13-year-old non-Muslim girl at car park, church grounds
By Robert Spencer on Nov 13, 2015 03:39 pm

UK: Muslim gang raped 13-year-old non-Muslim girl at car park, church grounds
Let’s see. Yasser Kabir, Tauqeer Hussain, Nazir Khan, Israr Ali, Mohammed Sardar, Saqib Younis, Bilal Ziarab, Sufyan Ziarab, Zain Ali, Faisal Khan, Rohail Iqbal, Rohail Hussain, and Mohammed Akram. What could this diverse group possibly have in common? According to Islamic law, Muslim men can take “captives of the right hand” (Qur’an 4:3, 4:24, 33:50). […]

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Iran threatens to end nuclear deal, demands that US apologize
By Robert Spencer on Nov 13, 2015 03:20 pm

Iran threatens to end nuclear deal, demands that US apologize
“If they modify their policies, correct errors committed in these 37 years and apologize to the Iranian people, the situation will change and good things can happen.” Like maybe they’ll stop chanting “Death to America”? ” “Iran threatens to end nuclear deal,” by Ari Yashar, Israel National News, November 13, 2015 (thanks to The Religion […]

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“Palestinian” Muslims murder Israeli father and son in jihad shooting
By Robert Spencer on Nov 13, 2015 01:51 pm

“Palestinian” Muslims murder Israeli father and son in jihad shooting
“The TV report said security authorities were also investigating whether the first ambulance on the scene, from the Palestinian Red Crescent, slowed, saw that the victims were Jews, and sped away, failing to provide medical assistance.” But don’t call it savagery, you Islamophobe. “Israeli father and son shot dead in West Bank terror attack,” Times […]

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Muslim Student Association rejects moment of recognition resolution for 9/11
By Robert Spencer on Nov 13, 2015 01:40 pm

Muslim Student Association rejects moment of recognition resolution for 9/11
“The passing of this resolution might make a space that is unsafe for students on campus even more unsafe. Islamophobia and racism fueled through that are alive and well.” If the MSA, a Muslim Brotherhood organization, really wants to stamp out “Islamophobia,” it can work toward that by stopping endlessly claiming victimhood status, and showing […]

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“Jihadi John” believed killed in US drone strike
By Robert Spencer on Nov 13, 2015 01:29 pm

“Jihadi John” believed killed in US drone strike
He lived by the sword, he died by the sword. “‘Jihadi John’ Believed Killed in US Drone Strike, US Officials Say,” by Brian Ross, James Gordon Meek and Luis Martinez, ABC News, November 12, 2015: The ISIS terrorist dubbed “Jihadi John”, who oversaw the brutal executions of American and Western hostages, was hit by a […]

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Robert Spencer in FrontPage: Canadian Mag Maclean’s Glamorizes Evil
By Robert Spencer on Nov 13, 2015 08:22 am

Robert Spencer in FrontPage: Canadian Mag Maclean’s Glamorizes Evil
What could be more multicultural than featuring a jihad murderer posing with a jihad victim? My latest in FrontPage: The Canadian newsmagazine Maclean’s has made an all-out bid to get noticed this week by placing confessed jihad murderer on Omar Khadr on its cover. Khadr, a Canadian citizen, pleaded guilty to war crimes charges in […]

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Raymond Ibrahim: The Indonesian Jihad on Christian Churches
By Raymond Ibrahim on Nov 13, 2015 08:17 am

Raymond Ibrahim: The Indonesian Jihad on Christian Churches
In compliance with Islamic demands, Indonesian authorities in the Aceh region have started to tear down Christian churches. Their move comes after Muslim mobs rampaged and attacked churches. At least one person was killed; thousands of Christians were displaced. On Friday, October 9, after being fired up during mosque sermons, hundreds of Muslims marched to […]

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