Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Saturday 14 November 2015

The European Union Times

Posted: 13 Nov 2015 05:01 PM PST

Muslim terrorists opened fire in multiple Paris locations on Friday evening, resulting in several casualties. Explosions were also heard nearby. Over 150 people have been killed, according to French authorities.
Attacks occurred in at least seven locations, including the Les Halles shopping mall, the Louvre, the football stadium, and the Bataclan concert hall, where hostages were taken.
Two explosions were heard near a Paris stadium during the France-Germany football match which may have been caused by grenades. French President Francois Hollande was in the Stade de France at the time of the explosions and was rushed to a secure location.
City officials also shut down the city’s metro.
The explosion was loud enough to be heard over the cheers of the stadium crowd.
Initial reports indicated that at least four were dead when a man armed with a Kalashnikov entered a restaurant near Place de la Republique. The situation quicklky escalated from there.
A separate incident also occurred in a nearby bar known as the Bataclan, a theater where the band Eagles of Death Metal were scheduled to play. French authorities evacuated bars and restaurants in the area, where terrorist held roughly 100 people hostage inside the concert hall. After a standoff with police, authorities estimate that as many as 118 may be dead, as well three Middle Eastern terrorists.

Unconfirmed reports indicate that some hostages have escaped and described pools of blood as attackers used pump-action shotguns against the crowd. Witnesses say there are between 6 and 8 attackers inside Bataclan who are searching for anyone hiding inside the building. Attackers are also reportedly exchanging gunfire with police, opening fire as law enforcement tried to enter the theater.
Witnesses say that one of the gunman screamed “It’s for Syria” and “Allahu Akbar,” according to French media.
Supporters of the self-proclaimed Islamic State terrorist group have also begun a hashtag which translates to “Paris is burning” in Arabic.
Bataclan is mere blocks from the offices of Charlie Hebdo, which was attacked by Muslim gunmen in January.
“There were two really loud bangs and they were enormous,” one witness told the Telegraph. “I thought it was coming from inside the stadium but someone told me later that they were grenades thrown outside at a restaurant.”
President Hollande met with top officials in the Interior Ministry following the explosions.
The White House says that President Obama has been updated on the situation, and both British Prime Minister David Cameron and British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn have expressed their shock and concern. The NYPD has added extra security around the French consulate in New York.
The incident comes amid heightened security measures implemented by the French government in preparation of a major global climate conference to be held in the coming weeks.
Posted: 13 Nov 2015 04:53 AM PST

Two US B-52 strategic bombers have flown near Chinese artificial islands in the South China Sea, ignoring calls to “get away” from Beijing’s airspace, the Pentagon said, claiming the “routine mission” was in accordance with international treaties.
The Pentagon points out that it regards the flights near the Chinese manmade islands as fully legitimate because from a US point of view, the airspace over the islands is a part of international airspace. The US military spokesman added that the B-52s did not get within 12 miles of the islands.
“We conduct B-52 flights in international airspace in that part of the world all the time,” Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said at a news briefing. “There was one B-52 flight…there was an effort made by Chinese ground controllers to reach out to that aircraft and that aircraft continued its mission unabated. Nothing changed.”
The Chinese military contacted the bombers, urging them to “get away from our islands,” according to a US official who spoke to The Hill.
The overflight took place overnight on November 8-9, another Pentagon spokesman Bill Urban specified, saying there were two bombers conducting a “routine mission”.
The incident comes around two weeks after a serious incident involving the US destroyer USS Lassen, which sailed close to the artificial islands. China was extremely critical of the US Navy’s actions.
“These actions of the US warship are a threat to the sovereignty and security of China, and safety of people living on the islands; they damage peace and stability in the region. In this regard, the Chinese side expresses extreme dissatisfaction and strongly protests,” a statement posted on China’s Foreign Ministry website read.
Ashton Carter, the US Secretary of Defense, said the US will sail and fly wherever it is allowed within international law.
“We will continue to fly, sail and operate wherever international law allows,” he said on Saturday in California at the Reagan National Defense Forum, the Hill reports.
“It’s important to remember that America’s rebalance and this regional security architecture has never aimed to hold any nation back or push any country down,” he added.
The Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain called on Carter to clarify publicly the legal intent behind such operations.
“Given the sensitive political dynamics and detailed legal implications of our actions, it is vital that there be no misunderstanding about our objectives in either the Asia-Pacific region or within the international community,” McCain wrote.
China is building several artificial islands in the disputed area, which is a part of the Spratly archipelago in the South China Sea, to host radar stations, airstrips and other facilities. Beijing claims the military aspect of its reclamation program is minimal and that the islands’ purpose is mostly civilian.
China believes the islands to be its sovereign territory, and strictly considers the 12-mile zone around the islands to be exclusively its territorial waters.
Posted: 13 Nov 2015 04:20 AM PST

The Iranian news agency Sahar claims Syrian General Mohammad Issa has warned the French his country will target the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle if it approaches the Syrian coast.
On November 5 French President Francois Hollande said the aircraft carrier would be sent to Syria.
“The deployment of the battle group formed around the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle was decided to participate in operations against IS and its affiliates,” the French presidential office at the Élysée Palace announced.
On September 27 the French began airstrikes in Syria. On Tuesday Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said France began bombing “the Islamic State group’s oil infrastructure,” which is Syria’s oil infrastructure captured by ISIS. has detailed how the French effort is designed to cripple the Syrian economy and force Bashar al-Assad from power.
Issa claims the Western coalition has not targeted ISIS in Syria and striking the country’s oil wells is a violation of Syrian sovereignty.
Earlier this year it was reported most of the U.S. airstrikes concentrated on ISIS targets in and around Kurdish Kobani, a symbolic target. The area is about the size of Rhode Island and less than 2% of Syria.
Anthony Cordesman, military and national security expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, characterized the effort as a “sideshow.”
Taking out Syria’s oil infrastructure under the guise of fighting ISIS will sabotage Russian and China’s gas energy projects in the country.
“If Syria becomes stable, Russian companies that have frozen their activity will be ready to start again within a short period of time in realizing projects that were agreed before the crisis,” Gissa Guchetl, the executive director of the Russian Union of Gas and Oil Industrialists, said in July.
Posted: 13 Nov 2015 04:07 AM PST

France suspends the Schengen agreement and imposes border controls.
The move by the French government is temporary and the country will suspend its participation in the Schengen agreement for a month starting November 13.
During this period, foreign citizens, who have a Schengen visa, won’t be able to enter France without a French visa. This means if people have planned holidays in France, they should now apply for a French national visa in addition to a Schengen visa.
The precaution was taken to decrease the likelihood of a terrorist threat or public disorder (protests, resistance, opposition) prior to the UN Conference on Climate Change in Paris, French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said.
“It’s by no means a suspension of the Schengen,” Cazeneuve stated in an attempt to excuse the actions of his country.
The Schengen zone has currently 26 members, including most EU members and four non-EU members. The idea behind the agreement is that the citizens of Schengen countries can access any country without the need to go through border controls and visitors can travel across the Schengen zone with one common visa that applies throughout the entire Schengen zone.
Posted: 13 Nov 2015 03:31 AM PST

Islamic State has released a five-minute video threatening Russia with attacks in the near future and vowing to bring the Kremlin down. The video is awash with graphic images and clips from previously released execution footage.
The clip was released by Islamic State’s (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) foreign language media division, the Al-Hayat Media Center. According to the SITE monitoring group, threats of attacks on Russia are being made in revenge for Russia’s anti-IS ops in Syria. The jihadists claim they will bring down the Kremlin, create a caliphate in different parts of Russia such as Crimea, Caucasus, the Urals and the republic of Tatarstan, also adding that all non-Muslims will have to pay a special tax.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Russia’s security agencies will look into the video, which also promises attacks on Europe.
“I do not know the authenticity of this video or the authenticity of these sources, but in any case no doubt this will be material for review by our special [security] services,” Peskov told journalists on Thursday.
Islamic State has called for attacks on Russia since it began airstrikes against them in Syria on September 30th. The Syrian Army has made rapid advances against jihadist groups over the past six weeks following the start of Moscow’s air campaign. Russia has carried out over 1,600 sorties since establishing an airbase in northern Syria in September at the request of Syrian President Bashar Assad, who has been battling Islamic jihadists since 2011.
Another IS video, released last week, showed a Russian-speaking jihadist praising the Sinai terrorists, who claimed responsibility for downing a Russian passenger jet, which crashed in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula on October 31, killing all 224 passengers and crew on board. The jihadist threatened more attacks.
Islamic State first attempted to take credit for bringing down the Airbus 321 shortly after the plane crashed en route from Sharm El-Sheikh to St. Petersburg.
An investigation is underway and experts are looking into all possible causes, including a terror attack.
Posted: 13 Nov 2015 02:55 AM PST

Details have emerged of a shocking double rape suffered by a woman near a migrant center in Sweden, during which one of the attackers spat in her face.
The incident, which occurred at the end of August, serves as yet another reminder that Europe is importing huge numbers of people from a culture which treats women as second class citizens.
The attack began after 2pm on August 23 when the victim left a restaurant in Strängnäs situated near the Hotel Mälarblick, which is currently being used to house asylum seekers.
The woman was followed by a 39-year-old Algerian man who subsequently assaulted and raped her before fleeing.
As the woman attempts to walk towards the center of Strängnäs to get help, she is accosted yet again by two more Muslim men, one a 31-year-old Syrian migrant, who violently rapes her both vaginally and anally while spitting in her face, according to Deputy Chief Prosecutor Henrik Olin.
The Algerian and the Syrian later asserted they did not know each other, a claim Olin doubts.
“They deny that they know each other. But they have lived in the same housing, they have been at the pub that same night, and they carried out these crimes right after each other. I think that the only reasonable explanation is that the offender who is charged with event number two somehow was aware of event number one,” said Olin.
It subsequently emerged that the Syrian migrant also sexually assaulted another woman in the same restaurant earlier that day by pressing his crotch against her and trying to kiss her.
“When she goes home together with a friend, she is stalked by one of the accused men and goes out to the area where the actual rape later takes place. She and her friend run away from the scene,” said Olin.
DNA was subsequently taken from the woman and matched with DNA taken from the rape victim, allowing the Syrian to be caught. The Algerian was also caught after DNA swabs were taken from men at the migrant camp.
Olin is calling for the culprits to be deported from Sweden after serving their prison sentences.
Rapes in Sweden have skyrocketed by a shocking 1472% since the mid-70’s, with 6,620 sexual assaults being reported to police in 2014 compared to just 421 in 1975. The country is now known as the rape capital of the west.
“77.6 percent of the country’s rapists are identified as “foreigners” (and that’s significant because in Sweden, “foreigner” is generally synonymous with “immigrant from Muslim country”), writes Selwyn Duke. “And even this likely understates the issue, since the Swedish government — in an effort to obscure the problem — records second-generation Muslim perpetrators simply as “Swedes.”
Rapes occurring in and around migrant camps are now so prevalent, that authorities in Germany are covering up details of incidents so as not to “legitimize” critics of mass immigration.
Just like week we covered three more rape cases involving migrants, one in Norway, another in Sweden and one in the United Kingdom.
But don’t expect feminists to draw attention to an actual rape culture being imported into the west, they’re too busy obsessing about one that doesn’t exist – the college rape crisis hoax.
Ms Magazine jumped the shark earlier this week when it published a tweet comparing ISIS’ treatment of women to how college administrators “facilitate the rape of women on campuses.”
In reality, the entire issue is a complete fraud based on phony statistics and multiple high profile cases that turn out to be bogus.