Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Sunday 15 November 2015

The 11/15/2015 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:

Iceland paper: “The Attack in Paris: Racists more dangerous than Islamists”
By Robert Spencer on Nov 15, 2015 01:24 am

Iceland paper: “The Attack in Paris: Racists more dangerous than Islamists”
Racists are obnoxious fellows, to be sure, and not to be encouraged or supported in any way. Their global movement committing mass murder on all continents and boasting of the imminent conquest of non-racists, however, has somehow escaped notice. Even worse, this Icelandic paper and others in Europe and the U.S. of the same mind […]

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Raymond Ibrahim: The Grand Lesson of the Paris Jihad
By Raymond Ibrahim on Nov 15, 2015 01:08 am

Raymond Ibrahim: The Grand Lesson of the Paris Jihad
What is the grand, take away lesson from yesterday’s jihadi/terrorist attack in Paris, that left 129 dead and hundreds injured? Is it a result of the mass influx of Muslim migrants into Europe—including Islamic State operatives? Is it yet another reflection of Islam’s unwavering Rule of Numbers, which holds that, wherever and whenever Muslims grow in […]

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MSNBC frets “tsunami of hatred” will meet Muslims in France
By Robert Spencer on Nov 14, 2015 11:39 pm

MSNBC frets “tsunami of hatred” will meet Muslims in France
“Christopher Dickey of the Daily Beast worried that ‘the right wing politicians’ in France ‘are going to do their best to take advantage of it and probably successfully to further divide this country.'” How the Islamic jihadists have tried to divide the country is less a concern to Dickey and MSNBC than the depredations of […]

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Air France flight grounded at Amsterdam airport after jihad threat to blow up the plane
By Robert Spencer on Nov 14, 2015 09:26 pm

Air France flight grounded at Amsterdam airport after jihad threat to blow up the plane
“You will not live in peace,” said the Islamic State to the French. “Air France flight GROUNDED at Amsterdam airport after social media threat to blow up the plane,” by Kieran Corcoran, MailOnline, November 14, 2015: An Air France flight was grounded in Amsterdam after somebody made threats over Twitter to blow it up. All […]

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Poland’s new government rejects migrant quotas after Paris jihad attacks
By Robert Spencer on Nov 14, 2015 08:52 pm

Poland’s new government rejects migrant quotas after Paris jihad attacks
A dawning of common sense in besieged Europe? “Poland’s new government rejects migrant quotas after Paris attacks,” RT, November 14, 2015: Poland’s future minister for European affairs said his government will not accept EU-mandate quotas for refugees following the terrorist attacks in France. Konrad Szymanski, who will take the office on Monday as part of […]

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Robert Spencer in FrontPage: The Migrant Jihad Has Begun in Paris
By Robert Spencer on Nov 14, 2015 08:41 pm

Robert Spencer in FrontPage: The Migrant Jihad Has Begun in Paris
In FrontPage today I discuss how at least one jihad attacker was a “refugee.” Will European leaders reconsider their migrant policy? (No.) That didn’t take long: one of the Islamic State (ISIS) jihadis who murdered at least 160 people in Paris on Friday held a Syrian passport and passed through Greece in October. In October, […]

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Salon: “After Paris, let’s stop blaming Muslims and take a hard look at ourselves”
By Robert Spencer on Nov 14, 2015 01:15 pm

Salon: “After Paris, let’s stop blaming Muslims and take a hard look at ourselves”
Yeah. How dare those French get in the way of those jihad suicide bombers and gunmen? How dare 160 French get massacred by Islamic jihadists? Don’t they realize that makes Islam look bad? Also, when did Salon ever “blame Muslims”? How can they stop what they never started? The whole framing of this issue as […]

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Paris jihad murderer previously flagged by police for Islamic jihad links
By Robert Spencer on Nov 14, 2015 01:05 pm

Paris jihad murderer previously flagged by police for Islamic jihad links
“Flagged,” but not stopped. Just too many jihadis for French authorities to keep track of them all. “Paris attacks: Assailant previously flagged by police for Islamic extremist links,” Associated Press, November 14, 2015: One of the bombers in the wave of deadly Paris attacks that killed 127 people Friday night was a young Frenchman flagged […]

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Just released: full text of Islamic State statement on “Blessed Onslaught in Paris against the Crusader Nation of France”
By Robert Spencer on Nov 14, 2015 11:58 am

Just released: full text of Islamic State statement on “Blessed Onslaught in Paris against the Crusader Nation of France”
Note that the quotations at the beginning and the end of the statement are from the Qur’an (59:2 and 63:8). Note also that the entire document couches the Paris massacres in the framework of a supposed war by France and its allies against Islam and Muslims. Yet Western analysts and the mainstream media, in studying […]

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Migrant jihad: Paris jihad attacker with Syrian passport passed through Greece in October
By Robert Spencer on Nov 14, 2015 11:42 am

Migrant jihad: Paris jihad attacker with Syrian passport passed through Greece in October
It looks as at least one of the migrants has wasted no time in getting down to the jihad. How much more of this will we see? Plenty. “Holder of Syrian passport found in Paris passed through Greece,” Reuters, November 14, 2015: ATHENS, Nov 14 (Reuters) – The holder of a Syrian passport found near […]

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German interior minister: Don’t link Paris jihad attacks to migrant influx
By Robert Spencer on Nov 14, 2015 11:35 am

German interior minister: Don’t link Paris jihad attacks to migrant influx
Why not? The attackers had “French, Egyptian and Syrian passports.” Those who had Syrian passports could have come in with the migrant influx. If they didn’t, how are they different from jihadis who may be among the migrants? Thomas de Maiziere is just trying to shore up the sagging Eurabian narrative, and bamboozle the public […]

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Avenging the Defeated Caliphate: The Significance of November 13 in the Paris Attacks
By Ralph Sidway on Nov 14, 2015 11:18 am

Avenging the Defeated Caliphate: The Significance of November 13 in the Paris Attacks
Did the Muslim jihadists in Paris choose November 13 for its symbolic value in planning their attacks? Over at Terror Trends Bulletin, a brief but weighty post conveys what to most of us is a forgotten historical footnote (Thanks to Emanuel): The Historical Significance of November 13th in Islam: On November 13, 1918 the Allied troops […]

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German police arrest Muslim linked to Paris jihad attacks: had guns, explosives, hand grenades
By Robert Spencer on Nov 14, 2015 07:55 am

German police arrest Muslim linked to Paris jihad attacks: had guns, explosives, hand grenades
What will European authorities do when they are facing attacks on the scale of Paris every day, courtesy the migrants they were so eager to bring into their countries? “Paris terrorist shooting: Man arrested in Bavaria by German police ‘linked to French capital attacks,'” by Nigel Atkins, Mirror, November 14, 2015 (thanks to Steve): A […]

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London: Gatwick Airport terminal evacuated, police arrest man with grenade in his bag
By Robert Spencer on Nov 14, 2015 07:47 am

London: Gatwick Airport terminal evacuated, police arrest man with grenade in his bag
The Islamic State has vowed to strike in Britain as well as in France. “Breaking news: Gatwick North Terminal evacuated as bomb squad are called and police arrest man with a ‘grenade in his bag,'” by Ted Thornhill, MailOnline, November 14, 2015 (thanks to Lookmann): Gatwick North Terminal has been evacuated after a terror scare […]

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Video: Graphic footage of Paris jihad attacks
By Robert Spencer on Nov 14, 2015 06:54 am

Video: Graphic footage of Paris jihad attacks
Warning: the video is graphic. It depicts the new European reality, and Europe’s future. Video thanks to Pamela Geller.

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‘You will not live in peace’ – Islamic State warns France in new video
By Robert Spencer on Nov 14, 2015 06:47 am

‘You will not live in peace’ – Islamic State warns France in new video
“This is a message to all the enemies of Islam and specifically France.” Once again we see how the Islamic State couches all its rhetoric in Islamic terms — Islam is the central aspect of their worldview, and the one that Western authorities are determined to ignore. “‘You will not live in peace’ – Islamic […]

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New Jamie Glazov Moment: The Left’s “You Hate Muslims” Charade
By Jamie Glazov on Nov 14, 2015 06:36 am

New Jamie Glazov Moment: The Left’s “You Hate Muslims” Charade
In this new Jamie Glazov Moment, I focus on The Left’s “You Hate Muslims” Charade, unveiling the lies that leftists need to believe about Counter-Jihadists to serve their own narcissistic needs. Don’t miss it! The Glazov Gang is a fan-generated program. Please donate through our Pay Pal account, subscribe to our YouTube Channel and LIKE us […]

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