Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Sunday 15 November 2015

The horrific attacks in Paris on Friday took place after the latest issue of the The New York Review went to press. We present below some recent articles from our pages on the rise of ISIS, Islam in France, and reform movements within the Muslim world.

Max Rodenbeck
Ayaan Hirsi Ali bluntly declares her intention in the introduction to her new book: “To make many people—not only Muslims but also Western apologists for Islam—uncomfortable.” Discomfort, alas, comes easily when the subject happens to be the sorry state of Islam.
It is not clear whether our culture can ever develop sufficient knowledge, rigor, imagination, and humility to grasp the phenomenon of ISIS. But for now, we should admit that we are not only horrified but baffled.
(July 2015)
Mark Lilla
It is hard to escape the feeling that a major battle is beginning and that it will overshadow economic and other issues here for months and years to come. And the battleground, as is typical in France, will be the schools.
(February 2015)
Robert Hughes
There was no shortage of people who thought Whitman was a language-drunk blabbermouth with vulgarly epic pretensions. People hate Rauschenberg on the same grounds. But I love Whitman, or at least his work; and I love Rauschenberg too.