Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Saturday 7 November 2015

The European Union Times

Posted: 06 Nov 2015 08:15 AM PST

The Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) is reporting today that a raid to remove from Yemen thetwo captured Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) “assets” who are believed to have masterminded the downing of Flight 9268 over Egypt last Saturday, utilizing Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) terrorists, was “highly successful”, and once the Aerospace Forces “protected/guided” aircraft returned to Federation airspace, President Putin banned all aircraft flights to this region on the advice of Federal Security Services (FSB) Director Aleksandr Bortnikov.
As we had detailed in our previous two reports (Islamic State Shootdown Of Russian Plane “Will Be Avenged” Vows Russia and Russian Plane Shootdown Now Labeled “Political Event” As Putin Orders Nuclear War Readiness), the SVR’s working hypothesis of this tragedy, that has become the deadliest in Russian history, a fact ignored by Western journalists in their search to seemingly provoke outrage at every opportunity, is that Flight 9268 was shot down by a British made surface-to-air missile provided to Saudi Arabia and given to Islamic State terrorists who then used it, and claimed responsibility too, after this aircraft was “tricked/spoofed” into flying at a lower altitude by the two CIA “assets” captured by Spetsnaz troops (Special Forces) within hours of this attack and who were found operating in Yemen.

After the capture of these two CIA “assets” and their “highly sophisticated” equipment, this report continues, a Ministry of Emergencies (EMERCOM) “special flight” was dispatched to Yemen’s capitol of Sanaa where it landed successfully by using as cover one of the most powerful cyclones to hit this nation in its entire history.
Upon this EMERCOM “special flight” landing in Sanaa, this report says, the two CIA “assets” and their equipment, along with the Spetsnaz troops that captured them, then boarded the plane but were refused to be allowed to take off again by Saudi military aircraft who under Obama regime control are bombing this nation into utter and complete famine.
Within hours though, this report states, Aerospace Forces “countermeasures” employed against the Saudis was successful thus allowing this EMERCOM “special flight” to depart from Sanaa and return safely to Federation airspace.
This report further explains that President Putin’s banning of all flights to this region could not have been made prior to the successful removal of these CIA “assets” and their equipment from Yemen this morning, and whose “special flight” was further protected by an Iranian C-130 Hercules military transport aircraft flying into Syria that “confused/distorted” Western military radar systems.

Federation fears that the Obama regime would attempt to destroy this EMERCOM “special flight”, this report further explains, were raised when the US rushed to their base in Turkey a squadron of F-15 air-to-air fighter aircraft, and whose only mission in this region would be for the deliberate targeting of Russian aircraft attacking Islamic State terrorists.
Even more astounding, this report continues, within 72 hours of downing of Flight 9268 over Egypt, both the CIA and Saudis announced that they would be providing to the Islamic terrorists operating in Syria even more shoulder fired missiles capable of downing civilian aircraft.
With the British government “knowing full well” that their missile brought down Flight 9268, and the Obama regime knowing too the CIA’s complicity, this report concludes, it is no surprise that these Western allies have now been flooding their propaganda press outlets with “stories” of this catastrophe being caused by a bomb—a claim to which the SVR is not accepting and causing the Foreign Ministry to state it is “shocked” that these Western warmongers are using secret information which they won’t share.
Critical to note, though not contained in this report, is that by Russian now classifying the destruction of Flight 9268 as a “political event”, what are called “Cold War Rules” apply—which means that the entire truth of this catastrophe will only be known after the perpetrators are retaliated against by Russian forces.
Posted: 06 Nov 2015 04:09 AM PST

Metrojet Flight 9268 was most likely taken down by an ISIS bomb, according to an official quoted by CNN today.
“There is a definite feeling it was an explosive device planted in luggage or somewhere on the plane,” the official said.
He added that U.S. intelligence has yet to reach a formal conclusion on the crash.
Although the U.S. did not have credible or verified intelligence of a specific threat before the crash, the official said “there had been additional activity in Sinai that had caught our attention.”
The news on the intelligence analysis follows a statement by the office of British Prime Minister David Cameron saying a bomb may have caused the crash on Saturday that killed 224 people.
Posted: 06 Nov 2015 03:42 AM PST

British Prime Minister David Cameron has said that neither he, nor his experts can “be sure that it was a terrorist bomb that brought down that Russian plane” and the decision to suspend flights to and from Sharm el-Sheikh was made on a presumption that it was the “more likely than not outcome.”
The comments came during a joint news conference with President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi of Egypt following al-Sisi’s visit to Downing Street on Thursday.
The prime minister was asked by a journalist why UK intelligence is “so sure that there was an explosive device on board this plane, when even the Russians – whose plane this was – have not said that? Do we have some intelligence they do not have, or do you think the Russians are withholding some information?”
David Cameron backed out of answering the question directly, explaining that his role “is to act in the right way to keep British citizens safe and secure, and to put their security first.”
He said that his decision was based on intelligence reports and advice that he had received.
“Of course I cannot be sure, my experts cannot be sure that it was a terrorist bomb that brought down that Russian plane. But if the intelligence and the judgement are that that is a more likely than not outcome, then I think it’s right to act in the way that I did.”
“My job is to act on the basis of the intelligence, making the judgment that if it is the case – we can’t be sure, but if it is the case that it’s more likely than not a terrorist bomb on that plane, then my job is to take the right action,” he furthermore reiterated.
Neither did the British prime minister name any concrete reason for suspending flights from the UK to Egypt in a phone call with President Vladimir Putin on Thursday, according to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.
President Putin stressed that it was vital to rely solely on information provided by the official investigation.
Earlier in the day, the Kremlin’s spokesman said that Russia hopes the United Kingdom will provide data to back recent statements that the Russian airliner crash in Egypt was likely caused by a terrorist attack.
Posted: 06 Nov 2015 03:30 AM PST

German Chancellor Angela Merkel stated that the decisions of EU member states to close their borders for migrants could spark a war in the Balkans. “I do not want it to lead to military clashes,” said Merkel, speaking at a conference in Darmstadt. What contradictions was Merkel speaking about? Are there big problems in the Balkans that may start a war in the region? Pravda.Ru asked an expert opinion from Georgy Engelhardt, a researcher at the Institute of Slavic Studies.
According to him, the statement from the German Chancellor was addressed to German and European audiences. Europe needs to make specific decisions to extricate from the migration crisis.
“Merkel resorted to making a threat in her statement, to add weight to her words. Serbia has been trying to direct the flow of refugees to its neighbor Croatia, and Croatia closes its borders in response and shower Belgrade with various statements,” said Georgy Engelhardt, noting that this leads to a crisis in the relations between the two countries.
According to the expert, there are tensions in the Balkans. “However, it would be an exaggeration to say that the tensions have developed to the point when armed clashes could be possible. At the same time, if the flow of migrants does not stop, and if Europeans do not find a solution to the crisis, this may lead to very serious consequences,” the researcher told Pravda.Ru.
Meanwhile, protests against the policy of open doors has been gathering pace in Germany. The PEGIDA movement (“European Patriots against the Islamization of the Old World”) holds mass rallies in Dresden and other German cities. Government media accuse PEGIDA leaders of the revival of Hitlerism. Georgy Engelhardt noted that such a problem exists: European politicians are unable to handle the refugee crisis. Instead of looking for solutions, they put their energy in media propaganda.
“European officials want Europeans to take refugees. They urge European people to show their humanity and support. They want the people of Europe to accept the idea of refugees living next door to them. These ideas can be heard in absolutely all media channels. Yet, the discontent of the population is growing. Those who say no to such suggestions face accusations of neo-Nazism. This is a very serious accusation in Germany that makes it possible to remove a political rival. If a German political activist is called an admirer of Hitler, this person will not have career in politics,” the expert told Pravda.Ru.
Meanwhile, an official representative of the German Ministry for Internal Affairs told reporters on November 5 that over the last ten months of 2015, 758,000 refugees have entered Germany (181,000 of them came to Germany in October).
Posted: 06 Nov 2015 02:38 AM PST

Russia has deployed missile defense systems to Syria to protect its military forces and equipment stationed in the Arab country, the head of the Russian air force says.
Referring to the potential threats against Russian military forces and equipment in Syria, Colonel General Viktor Bondarev said fighter jets could be hijacked in countries neighboring Syria and used to attack the Russian forces.
“We have taken into account all possible threats. We have sent not only fighters, attack aircraft, bombers, and helicopters, but also missile defense systems because any sort of force majeure situation may occur,” Bondarev said in an interview with Russian newspaper Komsomolskaya.
“For example, the stealing of a warplane in a neighboring country with Syria or having to return fire. We need to be prepared for that,” he said.
‘Missile lock behind Turkish airspace violation’
Elsewhere in his remarks, the Russian air force commander commented on a Russian fighter jet’s violation of Turkey’s airspace in October. He said the Russian warplane had been forced to enter Turkish airspace while performing an evasive maneuver against “some kind of” a missile.
“Our fighter jet was on a combat mission in northern Syria in very dense cloud conditions. When the aircraft was passing along the Turkish border, the onboard equipment set off an alarm indicating the plane was being targeted by some kind of air defense system,” Bondarev told the Russian daily.
“The pilot had to take a split-second decision to perform an anti-missile maneuver. Well, [the plane] went a little bit into Turkish airspace. We acknowledged it frankly,” he added.
Bondarev did not explain to what country the surface-to-air missile locked on the Russian jet belonged.
The Russian Defense Ministry said on October 3 that a Sukhoi Su-30 fighter jet had violated Turkish airspace for several seconds because of unfavorable weather conditions.
Turkey said later that a Russian jet had again violated the country’s airspace. Moscow rejected the claim, saying no second airspace violation had occurred.
Russia began its own military campaign against terrorists in Syria on September 30 upon a request from the Damascus government, shortly after the upper house of the Russian parliament gave President Vladimir Putin the mandate to use military force in the Arab country.
The foreign-backed militancy in Syria, which flared in March 2011, has so far claimed the lives of over 250,000 people and displaced nearly half of the country’s population internally and externally.
Russia missiles ‘message to US’
Meanwhile, an American journalist and radio host tells Press TV’s Website that Russia’s missile defense systems in crisis-hit Syria are a message mainly directed at the United States.
In an interview with the website on Thursday, Don DeBar said that the Russian systems are neither directed at the Takfiri Daesh terrorist group nor the US-backed terrorist groups operating in the Middle Eastern country as neither are in possession of an air force.
However, he said, the purpose of the Russian systems inside Syria is to send a message “directed at the US.”
“Clearly, the only other players in the sky… who… admit to have force there are the US, Turkey, Israel and perhaps some other NATO players like the UK and France,” he said.
The presence of the Russian systems in Syria indicates “exactly how volatile the situation is in Syria in terms of the so-called big power relations and how close the US is to war with Russia.”
Posted: 06 Nov 2015 02:13 AM PST

Rioting illegal migrants housed at an army base on the island of Cyprus are demanding Britain take them in immediately.
Police were called in to quell the disturbance at the RAF Dhekelia base.
The migrants trashed taxpayer funded living quarters and burned tents.
Many say they are no different than detainees at Guantanamo Bay.
“Those staying there have access to three meals a day, shelter, privacy and communications, which United Nations staff have visited and say exceeds the standard of comparable set-ups,” a spokesman for the British military said.
The UK has not agreed to grant the migrants refugee status. The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, insists the ”vast majority of people who are setting off into the Mediterranean are not asylum seekers, but people seeking a better life.”
A House of Lords’ EU Home Affairs Sub-Committee report demands the government “refer to the present crisis as a refugee crisis” and allow the migrants into the country.
Steven Woolfe, the migration spokesman for the UK Independence Party, said allowing thousands of illegal immigrants into Britain will bankrupt the country.
“For the UK to reclassify all migrants as ‘refugees’ would be as big a mistake as Mrs Merkel’s summer declaration that Germany is open to all refugees. The cost in one year alone in giving all migrant arrivals asylum status would bankrupt Britain,” he said.