Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday 9 November 2015

The European Union Times

Posted: 08 Nov 2015 02:58 PM PST

Love him or hate him, businessman, TV personality and presidential candidate Donald Trump knows how to fill the seats, proving so once again on Saturday when he gave comedy program Saturday Night Live the much-needed ratings boost its been looking for.
NBC estimated its Nielsen rating score for Trump’s appearance at a 6.6, translating to as many as 10 million viewers nationwide. This handily beat the live comedy sketch program’s season premiere last month, hosted by Miley Cyrus and featuring a guest appearance by Hillary Clinton, by a whopping 47 percent.
This was Trump’s second time hosting, with the real estate mogul appearing on the show back in 2004 when he was still hosting NBC’s reality gameshow The Apprentice.
This time around, candidate Trump’s appearance was more controversial.
Hanging on as leader of the pack for the Republican nomination ahead of next year’s presidential election, Trump has been forced to repeatedly deny accusations of racism and bigotry, which arose following a speech in which he blamed illegal Mexican immigrants for “bringing crime” and being “rapists.”
About 200 protesters rallied outside Rockefeller Center on Saturday in protest of Trump’s appearance on the hit comedy program, shouting ‘Shut it Down’ and waving banners reading ‘Dump Trump’.
Ahead of the show, The Guardian reported that a PAC called offered a $5,000 cash bounty to any viewers who would disrupt the show and call Trump out for his alleged racism.
But inside the studio, the event seems to have gone off without a hitch, even though The New York Times and The Washington Post called Trump’s performance “stilted and sometimes unfunny” and “kind of lame.”
Ultimately, Trump did get called a racist and not surprising at all, it came from a sick comedian Jewish performer Larry David who a few years ago “accidentally” pissed on a Jesus Christ painting and then they further ridiculed the act during the Jerry Seinfeld by claiming that it was a miracle and the painting had tears because it was crying. Larry reprised his role as Bernie Sanders during the show’s cold open. Critics are still debating whether the outburst was scripted or not, but it seemed to have gone over well enough for Trump.
Explaining that his heckle was a response to’s cash offer, David noted that “I heard if I yelled that, they’d give me $5,000.” Trump smoothly replied that “as a businessman, I can fully respect that.”
Posted: 08 Nov 2015 02:44 PM PST

Germany has announced plans to give shorter residence permits to the Syrians arriving in the West European country as refugees, and deny them the right to be reunited with their families.
In a Friday interview with Deutschlandradio, the national German public radio broadcaster, Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said the new measure is in line with those of other European Union (EU) governments, which are limiting the influx of asylum seekers into their borders.
‘If others are doing it…’
“In this situation, other countries are only guaranteeing a limited stay,” De Maiziere said, adding, “We’ll now do the same with Syrians in the future. We’re telling them ‘you will get protection, but only so-called subsidiary protection that is limited to a period and without any family unification.’”
The remarks, which marked a surprise U-turn from what is said to be German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open-door policy on asylum seekers, has sparked controversy, prompting German government spokesman Steffen Seibert to say that “a change” to the country’s refugee policy for Syrians had “not yet taken place.”
De Maiziere’s comments came on the same day that the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper quoted an Interior Ministry spokesperson as saying that Germany’s Federal Office for Migration and Refugees is instructed to grant Syrian refugees “only subsidiary protection.”
The developments followed a Thursday crisis meeting between Merkel and the leaders of her two coalition partners, in which they agreed on a raft of measures to address the refugee crisis, among them the prompt deportation of refused asylum claimants.
Merkel, who is under pressure at home to curb the flow of refugees into Germany, recently demanded a fair way of distributing asylum seekers between EU member states.
Germany, Europe’s top destination for refugees, is expecting to receive between 800,000 and one million asylum seekers this year. Most of the refugees are fleeing conflict-hit zones in the Middle East and Africa.
According to the latest figures released by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), 773,244 refugees have reached Europe’s shores so far this year while a total of 3,423 people have either died or gone missing in their perilous journey to the continent.
Posted: 08 Nov 2015 02:15 PM PST

A 15-meter-wide sinkhole has recently opened up in a city in Mississippi and swallowed at least 15 vehicles, police said, adding that what caused the sinkhole is still unknown and is being investigated.
The sinkhole appeared in the parking lot of the new IHOP restaurant on Frontage Road in the city of Meridian. The customers at the restaurant told local WTOK-TV that they heard several booms that were quickly followed by the electricity loss.
At first the frightened customers thought that it was an earthquake, but when they went outside they saw their cars down in a 15-meter-wide, nearly 180-meter-long hole.
“We received a call earlier this evening of a sinkhole opening up at the new IHOP restaurant,” Meridian Fire Department Chief Battalion Wayne Cook said. “Upon arrival, we found multiple vehicles in the ditch. At this time, we are trying to stabilize this and keep everyone away.”
It is not clear what exactly caused the incident, but the city has seen at least 3 inches (7 cm) of rain this weekend and about 10 inches (25 cm) in the recent two weeks.
“As far as the investigation side of it, that’s going to be everybody who is involved with this,” Cook added.
Posted: 08 Nov 2015 01:55 PM PST

Social media pages across California exploded early Saturday evening after hundreds of witnesses reported seeing mysterious objects over the California sky.
The lights, somewhat resembling a meteor in the images that have been made available on social media, appeared simultaneously, yet over 500 miles apart in both Southern and Northern California.
It is not clear whether the lights were the same object or two separate incidents.
Mysterious light spotted over Southern California, social media explodes
LOS ANGELES — Multiple witnesses on Saturday evening reported seeing an unexplained light in the skies above Southern California. Residents reported seeing the bright phenomenon in Anaheim, Temecula, Rancho Palos Verdes and Santa Monica. Source: Fox 8

What was mystery object that flew across NorCal sky?
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KCRA) —A bright, unidentified flying object was spotted going over the Northern California region Saturday evening. At about 6 p.m., viewers first reported seeing a bright blue or green light with a tail-like object trailing behind it fly across the sky. Pictures and video have come into KCRA’s newsroom from across the region, including Davis, Lodi, Stockton and Roseville. The object was also reportedly seen in Southern California, Arizona and Nevada. Source: KCRA 3
Local authorities in Orange County, located in Southern California, say the lights were part of a Naval rocket test. “Light seen in OC sky was confirmed through JWA tower to be a Naval test fire off the coast,” they said on their Twitter page.
A report from KABC Los Angeles indicates the military is currently performing highly secretive exercises over the Pacific Ocean. All airspace over the Pacific has been closed to incoming flights, forcing Los Angeles international airport to re-route landings late at night.
Mysterious maneuvers over the Pacific are forcing a change in Los Angeles International Airport landings late at night, meaning noise for thousands of people in the flight path.
Instead of landing from the east over Inglewood, planes begin flying from the west and over the ocean to keep noise levels down, but due to secret military operations, the airspace over the Pacific is closed to incoming flights for the next week.

The military is not saying what exactly is causing the change, and LAX claims it’s also in the dark. Castles said all they know is planes can’t be flying at low altitudes to our west.
According to AccuWeather, the Taurid meteor shower was set to peak into next week. An earlier NASA statement suggested that we could expect fireballs in the night sky across the United States.
The following video was reportedly recorded somewhere in Southern California:

In this amazing video the object can be seen as a small light in the sky. At about 1:20 into the video the object seems to explode into a bright blue light:

The object as it appeared over Disneyland in Anaheim, California.
Though the military claims the object was part of a Naval missile test, it’s not the first time an unidentified flying object of this nature has been spotted.
In 2010 witnesses reported a similar sight over West Coast waters. Some reports suggest the incident may have been the result of a Chinese ballistic missile test launched from a secret nuclear submarine parked off the coast of California.
The Chinese aren’t the only ones making incursions into or near U.S. territorial borders. Russia has reportedly flown nuclear bombers and performed exercises all along the west coast. In May 2014, the Los Angeles air traffic control system was taken out of operation, leaving thousands of flights along the West Coast scrambling. The military claims a U-2 spyplane flying over head was to blame for jamming the signals, but other theories suggest Russia may have deployed a new scrambling or localized-EMP technology.
In 2009 videos of a spiral spotted over Norway went viral with analysts making theories about the incident that included a Russian missile test gone bad or a massive hologram from the government’s Project Blue Beam initiative.
Posted: 08 Nov 2015 04:53 AM PST

The High Command of the Aerospace Forces (HCAF) is reporting today that its Space Forces (SF) have detected a “hyper-dimensional” [of or pertaining to a system having more dimensions than naturally observed in our universe] “opening event” occurring over California after the firing of a US Navy Trident II missile.
According to this report, Space Forces experts who are charged with the monitoring of potential threats to the Federation in space and from space, and the prevention of attacks as needed, first notified the High Command on Friday (6 November) that a large US Navy flotilla operating off the Southern and Central coasts of California hadclosed the airspace over their operations area and notified their nations civilian authorities.
Even more concerning to these Space Forces experts, this report continues, was that at the same time this vast US Navy flotilla was preparing to fire a Trident II missile, Federation satellites operating over North American detected an enormous energy surge (plasma discharge) emanating from the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory located in Menlo Park, California.
At approximately 0200 GMT (6 p.m. local California time 7 November) this early morning, this report says, a “peak energy” event was detected at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory while at the same time a Trident II (D5) missile was fired from the USS Kentucky, an Ohio Class submarine, in the Pacific Test Range off the coast of Southern California.
Upon the “meeting/joining” of the Trident II missile and the “plasma discharge” fired from the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, this report explains, a “hyper-dimensional” “opening event” occurred in the skies over California and was witnessed by thousands of people who described what they saw as a UFO or meteor—but is more accurately described (as numerous videos show) as a “blue colored hyper-dimensional tear” following the instrument laden warhead used for measuring this event.

Critical to note, this report further states, is that this is was just the latest Western to attempt at a “hyper-dimensional” opening to our Earth, with the last one being tried on 8 December 2009 over the skies of Norway—where the US, operating in conjunction with the massive CERN accelerator in Switzerland, likewise, caused a “blue colored hyper-dimensional tear” to appear in the skies.

In our 10 December 2010 report (Attack On Gods ‘Heaven’ Lights Up Norwegian Sky) we described that previous event as follows:
“On Tuesday evening, 8 December, CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC), located in Switzerland, “smashed together subatomic particles at the highest energies ever reached by a human-made accelerator” which were then ‘quantumly’ transferred to the massive Partial Reflection Medium-Frequency (MF) Atmospheric Radar Facility located in Ramfjordmoen, Norway, operated by European Incoherent Scatter Facility (EISCAT) radar and ionospheric heating scientists who, in turn, work under the supervision of the American High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) that many call one the largest ‘weapons of mass destruction’ ever constructed.
Now upon this ‘quantumly’ transferred high-energy beam being received in Ramfjordmoen, it was then ‘pulsed’ vertically into the upper atmosphere above Norway at 2.43 MHz by their MF Radar antennas which resulted in a ‘spiral’ light display [photo top left] described by Britain’s Daily Mail News Service as:
“A blue light seemed to soar up from behind a mountain in the north of the country. It stopped mid-air, then began to move in circles. Within seconds a giant spiral had covered the entire sky. Then a green-blue beam of light shot out from its centre – lasting for ten to 12 minutes before disappearing completely. Onlookers describing it as ‘like a big fireball that went around, with a great light around it’ and ‘a shooting star that spun around and around’.
To the purpose of today’s “military-accelerator” “hyper-dimensional” test over California, like Norway in 2009, this report concludes, the West has made no secret of its goals either—and as best explained by CERN’s Director for Research and Scientific, Sergio Bertolucci, who in November, 2009 stated: “Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it.
As to whom, or what, the West wants to come through these “hyper-dimensional” rifts they’re creating this report doesn’t say—but it does cause one to pause when the main Western source behind these “hyper-dimensional” events in Norway and California is CERN—especially when this organization has embedded in its logo the “Mark of the Beast number 666” and has erected in front of its main administration building a statue dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva—Shiva the destroyer of worlds.
