Taipei will let Chinese investors place funds in the island's stock and futures markets, in Taiwan's latest bid to expand mainland business ties.

Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith
for my writings ============>
for something on religions ===>
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Taiwan-China Ties Widen
Taipei will let Chinese investors place funds in the island's stock and futures markets, in Taiwan's latest bid to expand mainland business ties.
The Führer's Taste: Hitler's Private Collection Goes Virtual
Defiant China Says Internet Censorship To Remain During Olympics
Pentagon: Terrorism to be threat for decades
Olympia im Zeichen der Zensur
L’AKP, averti mais pas interdit
Turquie. La Cour constitutionnelle ne dissout pas le parti islamiste au pouvoir.
jeudi 31 juillet 2008 - 06:00
La Chine verrouille ses Jeux
Les autorités chinoises verrouillent l'accès à plusieurs sites de dissidents, consacrés au Tibet notamment, mais également des portails d'informations internationales.
Complex clock combines calendars
Antikythera Mechanism may have timetabled ancient Olympic Games.
Philip Ball
Descifran un antiguo dispositivo astronómico
Bloomberg: China will close a further 222 factories and ban more cars if pollution levels become extreme during next month's Olympic Games
The Laws Cops Can’t Enforce
Court Declares Turkey’s Ruling Party Constitutional but Limits Its Financing
China to Limit Web Access During Olympic Games
China to Limit Web Access During Olympic Games
The International Olympic Committee reportedly agreed to some limitations demanded by the Chinese government.
Strong Economy Propels Brazil to World Stage
Mugabe’s Biggest Sin
Anglo-American and Chinese interests clash over Zimbabwe’s strategic mineral wealth
by F. William Engdahl
Global Research, July 30, 2008
Wetenschappers van onder meer de Technische Universiteit Delft hebben onder het schilderij Grasgrond van Vincent van Gogh een portret van een vrouw on

Busting the Anthrax Myth
July 30, 2008 1902 GMT
Maoists asked to form government
Deadly attack on Lebanese troops
Deadly attack on Lebanese troops
Unknown assailants fire on a military post in eastern Lebanon, killing a soldier and wounding another, officials say.
Turkey's ruling party escapes ban
Chinese man held for quake photos
Russia Takes Control of Turkmen (World?) Gas
By M K Bhadrakumar
The United States has suffered a huge defeat in the race for Caspian gas. The question now is how much longer Washington could afford to keep Iran out of the energy market.
Bush Reveals True Reason for War in Push for Iraqi Agreement
By Bennet Kelley
The Iraqi's have rejected this invitation to be an American colony as "arrogant" and an affront to their sovereignty, but the White House is playing hardball and recently cost the Iraqi's $5 billion by blocking the transfer of certain Iraqi currency reserves out of the declining dollar.
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
Hamas Warns of Revolt against PA
by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
Children targets of $1.6 billion in food ads
Starbucks to cut 1,000 non-store jobs
Mexico's drug cartels target bystanders
'Dreamtowns' offer refuge from big cities
Montée de violences dans la vallée de Swat
Après avoir tué trois hommes des services de renseignement dans la vallée de Swat lundi, les talibans pakistanais ont enlevé trente membres des forces de sécurité mardi dans un poste de police de la même région.
Slavic Rivals Embroiled in Church Rift
C.I.A. Outlines Pakistan Links With Militants
Pékin rassure Paris au sujet des investissements français
Le Quai d'Orsay a indiqué mardi avoir obtenu des assurances de la part de la Chine que les investissements français n'étaient pas soumis à un gel.
«La société belge est aux antipodes du modèle français»
Pascal Delwit est spécialiste des questions européennes et professeur de sciences politiques à l'université libre de Bruxelles. Il répond aux questions du «Figaro».
Les Wallons tentésde rejoindre la France
En cas d'indépendance de la Flandre, un Belge francophone sur deux souhaiterait le rattachement à l'Hexagone.
Telegraph: The London Stock Exchange is on track to launch a junior market in Japan early next year after winning approval for regulatory changes
The Times: China faces its worst blackouts in four years as power stations run out of fuel because unsafe coal mines have been closed
The Times: British Airways began merger talks with Iberia, the Spanish national carrier, in a deal that will create Europe's largest airline
Neuroscience, National Security & the "War on Terror"
Neuroscience, National Security & the "War on Terror"
by Tom Burghardt
Global Research, July 29, 2008
Antifascist Calling...
Temen en Colombia una guerra entre jefes paramilitares
Berlusconi militariza las calles de Italia
German Inflation Remains High
German inflation pressures persist. The consumer-price index remained high in July, and negotiated wages in April rose at a fast pace.
Ciudad natural
China, the Olympics and the Visa Mystery
July 29, 2008 1858 GMT
By Rodger Baker
Bombs defused in Indian city
Indian interest rates rise to 9%
EU criticises Cambodia election
Australia abandons asylum policy
The Australian government abandons the country's controversial policy of jailing all asylum seekers.
Palestinians 'use torture regularly'
Torture is used regularly on Palestinians detained by the Fatah-dominated security forces in the West Bank and by their Hamas counterparts in Gaza, two human rights reports say.
Doubts Pakistan can assert control over spy agency
There is mounting apprehension that Pakistan's generals are becoming less cooperative because the country fears Washington has allowed rival India to extend influence in Afghanistan.
Plan Facts About Iran's Military
By Eric Margolis
Given these facts, we can see how false are claims trumpeted by the west that Iran is a dangerous military power that is about to eradicate Israel. The facts are quite the reverse.
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
The war between the United States and Iran is on
The war between the United States and Iran is on
By Scott Ritter
American taxpayer dollars are being used, with the permission of Congress, to fund activities which result in Iranians being killed and wounded, and Iranian property destroyed. This wanton violation of a nation's sovereignty would not be tolerated if the tables were turned and Americans were being subjected to Iranian-funded covert actions which took the lives of Americans, on American soil, and destroyed American property and livelihood.
Children targets of $1.6 billion in food ads
War Meets Values on Campaign Trail
New French oil and gas giant eyes nuclear
New French oil and gas giant eyes nuclear
Gaz de France (GdF) and Suez are to merge to create an oil and gas giant to be known as GdF Suez. Suez has previously said that it wants to own and operate nuclear power plants by 2015-20 and would decide on taking part in new nuclear projects "by the start of 2009 at the latest." Suez has already established specialist nuclear departments and has agreed with Areva and fellow oil company Total to work on a nuclear desalination project in the United Arab Emirates. Areva owns 1.2% of GdF Suez and its CEO, Anne Lauvergeon, sits on two GdF Suez board subcommittees. GdF Suez also owns a 5% equity stake in Areva's forthcoming Georges Besse II uranium enrichment facility. The French state remains the largest shareholder in GdF Suez, with a stake of 35.7%, while it owns 88% of Areva.
Russian Lawyers Claim Kremlin Abuses
Amnesty International Says China Broke Promises On Human Rights
Cocaine Finds Africa
The Hour of Europe
A Torture Paper Trail
Eugene Robinson
Perhaps above all, George Bush should be remembered as the president who embraced torture.
Merrill to sell troubled assets, raise capital
Oil prices edge higher after attacks in Nigeria
Les salaires chinois jugés trop élevés par Adidas
Le numéro deux mondial des équipements sportifs va progressivement retirer sa production de l'empire du Milieu
New York Times: As most airlines around the globe are shedding jobs and routes, Middle Eastern carriers are expanding as fast as they can.
Greece rebuked over migrant care
China rights 'worsen with Games'
Brit beer sales at lowest level since Depression
Monday, 28 July 2008
How Area 51 Works
Can China control the weather?
Is there really a face on Mars?
A Third of British Muslim Students Justify Killing for Religion
A Third of British Muslim Students Justify Killing for Religion
by Hana Levi Julian
Le PCC au pouvoir revendique une victoire écrasante
Le Parti du peuple cambodgien du Premier ministre Hun Sen estime avoir emporté deux tiers des sièges aux élections législatives de ce dimanche. Mais l'opposition dénonce des fraudes, et demande que le scrutin soit réorganisé dans la capitale Pnom Penh.
Tajikistan: Government Concerned By Increasing Growth Of Salafism
Missile Attack Kills 6 in Northwestern Pakistan
Intelligence officials say missiles struck house next to religious school in South Waziristan tribal region
E.M. Forster, Middle Manager
The Battle for a Country's Soul
The Democrats & National Security
The Devastation of Iraq's Past
The Devastation of Iraq's Past
By Hugh EakinSince the looting of the Iraq Museum in Baghdad in April 2003, the international press has accorded considerable space to the country's imperiled ancient heritage. Much of this coverage, however, has been devoted to the museum, the impressive campaign to recover its stolen works, and the continued struggle to reopen its galleries. Only occasional, anecdotal reports—mostly from the first year of the conflict—have borne witness to large-scale plunder of archaeological sites, to which the damage is irreversible.
Facing a Wave of Violence, India Is Rattled
Confirman que las nuevas neuronas procesan información
Bloomberg: India's central bank is expected to raise interest rates tomorrow - the third rise in less than two months as inflation nears 12 per cent
The Times: The privatization of Vietnam Airlines looks set to be delayed as the country's recent economic boom begins to fade
The Times: British MPs accused the six biggest energy companies of conspiring to keep prices artificially high
It's Déjà Vu for Malaysia's Opposition Leader
It's Déjà Vu for Malaysia's Opposition Leader
'If I have no courage, then what do you expect from the people?'
Economists Weigh Possibility of a Recession Amid Economic Growth
House prices are tumbling, the job market is faltering, and financial markets are struggling -- but the U.S. economy is expanding. Continued growth raises the prospect that this could be the first U.S. recession without a decline in economic output.
Reasons Not to Invest In Russia Are Growing
Reasons Not to Invest In Russia Are Growing
Russia's failure to control the battle for control over oil company TNK-BP, coupled with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's outburst toward miner Mechel, combined to roil local stocks.
Sunday, 27 July 2008
India on alert as bombers sought
Fourteen die in Istanbul blasts
Latest PA Libel Exposed: Israel Dispatches Anti-Arab Rats
by Hillel Fendel
Saturday, 26 July 2008
Cuba marks revolution anniversary
Deadly blasts strike Indian city
Dozens Killed, Wounded In India Blasts
Hamas Arrests Fatah Supporters After Deadly Gaza Bombing
Blast, one of three in less than 24 hours, killed six-year-old girl, five Hamas gunmen, including senior military commander
Vom Schlapphut-Amt zur modernen Behörde: Das FBI wird 100
'North Lebanon battle kills five, wounds 40
At least five people were killed on Friday in heavy clashes between rival sectarian factions in Lebanon's northern city of Tripoli, medical sources said.
Report: Ex-Mossad chief says strike on Iran could 'affect us for 100 years'
Halevy, who currently heads the Center for Strategic and Policy Studies at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, added that an Iranian attack on Israel would probably have little impact, because Iranian missiles would largely be intercepted by Israel's advanced anti-missile defense system.