Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith
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Friday, 31 October 2008
North Korea Feels Effects of the Crisis
In another sign of the scope of the global financial crisis, North Korea is being hurt by lower prices paid by its biggest trading partner, China.
Le cheval de Troie de Wall Street
par Michel Chossudovsky | |
Mondialisation.ca, Le 27 octobre 2008 |
Bombers kill 48 in wave of India blasts
At least 13 blasts ripped through cities across India's northeastern state of Assam on Thursday, killing at least 48 people and wounding more than 300 others, officials said.http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27450108
Japan's massive savings reserves were a major source of cheap credit, but even more damaging could be the unwinding of the yen carry trade
David Pilling in the Financial Times: Japan's massive savings reserves were a major source of cheap credit, but even more damaging could be the unwinding of the yen carry trade.
Thursday, 30 October 2008
Interview with Historian Eric Foner: 'Life Is Getting More Difficult for Americans'
As Americans prepare to vote, historian Eric Foner speaks to SPIEGELabout the current crisis of confidence in the United States, the rootsof US exceptionalism and the country's ever-changing concept of freedom.
Expanding War, Contracting Meaning
The Next President and the Global War on Terror
By Andrew J. Bacevich
Serial Bomb Blasts Rock India's Assam State
Government confirms at least 12 separate blasts, 50 people killed; ULFA militant separatist group denies involvement
Falling oil production 'is greater threat to Britain than terrorism'
The Peak Oil group has warned of a severe lack of oil within five years.
Hindu extremist attacks on Christians in India have entered third month
Hindu extremist attacks on Christians in India have entered third month
Indian authorities have failed to end violence. Some 50,000 have fled to forests. At least two dozen people have been killed in Kandhamal district alone.
N. Korean Defectors Describe Brutal Abuse
Prison Camp Executions Called "Worse Than The Way Animals Are Slaughtered"
La mort de l’Empire américain
Les États-Unis s’autodétruisent et entraînent le reste du monde avec eux.
par Tanya Cariina Hsu
Le 29 octobre 2008
Intelligence agencies spent $47.5 billion this year
Around 80 percent of the intelligence budget is consumed by Defense Department intelligence units, including the National Security Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency
U.S. wants more troops for Afghanistan
U.S. commanders in Afghanistan now believe they need about 20,000 additional troops to battle a growing Taliban insurgency, as demands mount for support forces.
Powerful Pakistan quake kills at least 150
A powerful earthquake struck southwestern Pakistan before dawn Wednesday, killing at least 150 people as they slept and obliterating hundreds of fragile mud-and-timber homes, officials said.
Crisis 'hurting migrant workers'
The world's 200 million migrant labourers are particularly vulnerable to the global economic crisis, warns the UN's chief.
In Southeast China, Skepticism on Land Reforms
(By Maureen Fan, The Washington Post)
Japan's Toyota, Hit Hard Now But Equipped to Steer Clear
TOKYO, Oct. 29 -- In Japan, the global financial crisis seems to have singled out some of the world's best-known and best-managed companies for an especially bloody thrashing.
(By Blaine Harden, The Washington Post)
Die tiefe Krise der Automobilindustrie
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Russia, China Reach Pipeline Deal
Russia and China reached agreement on an oil-pipeline deal under which Chinese firms will provide "considerable" loans to Russian firms.
Kremlin Bails Out Wealthy Russian
October 29, 2008 -- 2:13 a.m. EDT
Kremlin Bails Out Wealthy Russian The Kremlin allowed one of the country's richest men to tap its $50 billion rescue fund to pay back a $2 billion loan to Deutsche Bank. |
Meeting Myself in Bucks County
Pennsylvania in the Political (and Personal) Crucible
By Robert S. Eshelman
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
CHINA = Après le lait contaminé, les oeufs frelatés
Après le lait contaminé, les oeufs frelatés
L'organisation des Nations unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) a appelé la Chine à fournir toute information sur des traces éventuelles de mélamine dans la chaîne alimentaire. La découverte récente, à Hong Kong, de la substance chimique dans des oeufs produits en Chine fait craindre qu'elle ne soit présente dans de nombreux aliments.
EEUU estudia pactar con algunos talibanes para frenar la violencia en Afganistán
11:34 - martes, 28 de octubre de 2008
Israel’s Current Strategic Environment
The Contemporary Rivalry over the Chosen People:
The Contemporary Rivalry over the Chosen People:
Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Perspectives
Avi Beker
Thoreau Is Rediscovered as a Climatologist
Scientists are using notes from Henry David Thoreau to discern patterns of plant abundance in New England and to link those patterns to changing climate.
Fractures in Iraq City as Kurds and Baghdad Vie
American commanders are increasingly concerned that Mosul could degenerate into a larger battleground over the fragile Iraqi state itself.
Wall Street's Trojan Horse
by Michel Chossudovsky | |
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Global Research, October 27, 2008 |
Monday, 27 October 2008
It's Time to Teach the Truth About Slavery in New York
William Loren Katz
Interview with Neoconservative Scholar Robert Kagan: 'America Remains
Interview with Neoconservative Scholar Robert Kagan: 'America Remains Number One' In an interview with SPIEGEL, American neoconservative scholar and McCain adviser Robert Kagan speaks about the legacy of the Bush-Cheney years, America's future position atop a "League of Democracies" and how China and Russia will push Europe back into America's arms. http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,586770,00.html
Muslim Integration: Why No One Protested against Germany's Biggest
Muslim Integration: Why No One Protested against Germany's Biggest Mosque The biggest mosque in Germany opened in the city of Duisburg on Sunday and has already become a symbol of successful integration. Unlike other mosque projects in Germany, there was virtually no protest from the local community. http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,586759,00.html
New York Times : The financial crisis reached the Middle East; Kuwait halted trading in shares of a major bank and Saudi Arabia will help citizens get
New York Times : The financial crisis reached the Middle East; Kuwait halted trading in shares of a major bank and Saudi Arabia will help citizens get credit.
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Death toll mounts in Yemen tropical storm
Mohammed bin Gohar saw an old woman drowning in flood waters from a deadly tropical storm in southern Yemen, but couldn't save her. He was carrying his two kids and running with his wife to escape the deluge.
Christians face attacks in eastern India
Bloody anti-Christian riots broke out in a rem0te corner of eastern India in late August, with rampages by Hindu hard-liners that have left at least 38 people dead, as many as 30,000 homeless.
Israeli Party Leader Seeks Early Elections
Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni ran out of options in her efforts to form a government, party officials said.
Saturday, 25 October 2008
Israeli coalition bid 'defeated'
Tzipi Livni, the head of Israel's largest Kadima party, admits defeat in forming a coalition, reports from advisers say.
They Did It On Purpose: The Housing Bubble & Its Crash were Engineered by the US Government, the Fed & Wall Street
by Richard C. Cook | |
Global Research, October 23, 2008 |
Signs of slowdown spiral around the world
Pessimism about the global economy deepens as fresh evidence emerges of a worldwide slowdown.
Les marchés financiers perdent pied
Les marchés financiers perdent pied
Vendredi, le CAC 40 a encore perdu près de 3,5 %, alors que les autres places européennes chutaient de 5 % ou plus. La récession mondiale brouille toutes les cartes.
Friday, 24 October 2008
Photo Gallery: Silent Witnesses to Nazi Crimes http://www.spiegel.de/international/0,1518,586390,00.html Bones in the Backyard: German Archaeologists Uncover Long History of Executions http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,586405,00.html Photo Gallery: Unearthing Execution Sites http://www.spiegel.de/international/0,1518,586418,00.html
Russian Activist Predicts Mounting Crisis, Change
A founder of the Russian pro-democracy youth movement Oborona, Oleg Kozlovsky, says that so far, only Russia's oligarchs have been hit hard by the global financial crisis. But in an interview with RFE/RL correspondent Andrew F. Tully while in Washington to receive a human rights award from the advocacy group Human Rights Now, Kozlovsky warns that he expects the global financial crisis to grip his country more deeply than any Western country. He predicts that Russians might lose the sense of econ More
Pilgrimage to Roots of Faith and Strife
At Joseph’s Tomb, a site in a Palestinian city that is sacred to religious Jews, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is boiled down to its very essence.
Chinese Activist Wins Rights Prize
In a rebuke of China’s Communist Party, the European Parliament gave a prestigious human rights prize to Hu Jia, an imprisoned advocate for democracy in China.
Pakistan Uses Tribal Militias in Taliban War
The use of tribal militias is a new tool for the Pakistani Army, which has met resistance from militants.
Zagreb car bomb kills journalist
A car bomb in the Croatian capital Zagreb kills journalist and newspaper owner Ivo Pukanic, and a colleague.
South Korea tops Asian share fall
The South Korean and other Asian stock markets slide further as fears of a global recession continue to rattle investors.
Graines de destruction : Le projet secret de la manipulation génétique
par Arun Shrivastava | |
Mondialisation.ca, Le 21 octobre 2008 |
Death of the American Empire
America is self-destructing & bringing the rest of the world down with it
by Tanya Cariina Hsu
La surprise d’octobre : panique mondiale
par Stephen Lendman | |
Mondialisation.ca, Le 21 octobre 2008 |
The Muhammad Al-Dura Blood Libel: A Case Analysis
The Muhammad Al-Dura Blood Libel: A Case Analysis
Interview with Richard Landes
Thursday, 23 October 2008
L'avocate de Politkovskaïa
INFO FIGARO - L'ancien propriétaire de la voiture de Karina Moskalenko explique avoir cassé un baromètre à mercure dans le véhicule peu avant de le lui vendre.
China, an Engine of Growth, Faces a Global Slump
As demand for its exports weakens, China hopes to prevent the financial crisis from derailing its economic miracle.
Struggling to Keep Up as the Crisis Raced On
In an interview, Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. said Lehman Brothers could not have been rescued.
Rivals Split on U.S. Power, but Ideas Defy Easy Labels
Radically different experiences in different corners of Southeast Asia have shaped the candidates’ contrasting visions for American power, but both men have been forced into surprising detours.
Jihadist Ideology and the Targeting of Humanitarian Aid Workers
October 22, 2008
By Fred Burton and Scott Stewart
African free trade zone is agreed
African free trade zone is agreed
The leaders of three African trading blocs agree to create a free trade zone of 26 countries with a GDP of $624bn (£382.9bn).
The leaders of three African trading blocs agree to create a free trade zone of 26 countries with a GDP of $624bn (£382.9bn).
Derrière la panique, la guerre financière pour la future domination bancaire mondiale
par F. William Engdahl
«La Corée du Sud doit participer
«La Corée du Sud doit participer au nouveau Bretton Woods»
INTERVIEW - Le président de la Corée du Sud a reçu «Le Figaro» à la veille de sa rencontre avec le président Sarkozy lors du sommet de l'Asem (Dialogue Asie-Europe) vendredi à Pékin.
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Iraqi Cabinet Wants Security Agreement Altered
Iraqi Cabinet Wants Security Agreement Altered
Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff, issued a stark warning to the Iraqis to think hard before rejecting the agreement.
Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff, issued a stark warning to the Iraqis to think hard before rejecting the agreement.
Europe Tries to Blunt Likely Recession
European governments are coming out with new proposals to alleviate a looming recession, amid increasing fears that a dropoff in bank lending could further damage their economies.
US warning on Iraq deal failure
US Defence Secretary Robert Gates warns of "dramatic consequences" if a deal on US forces in Iraq is not agreed.
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Les frères ennemis palestiniens ont rendez-vous au Caire
Les frères ennemis palestiniens ont rendez-vous au Caire
L'Egypte tente de relancer le dialogue entre les deux factions palestiniennes, le Fatah et le Hamas. Elle a a fourni aux deux parties un projet d'accord qui servira de base aux discussions. Une rencontre est prévue le 9 novembre prochain dans la capitale égyptienne.
Magnet device aims to treat depression patients
The government has approved the first noninvasive brain stimulator to treat depression - a device that beams magnetic pulses through the skull.
China Muslims to stay in Guantanamo
A court on Monday refused to allow the immediate release into the U.S. of 17 Muslims from China being held at Guantanamo Bay agreeing to keep them in prison for at least several more weeks.
U.S.-backed sheiks reshaping Iraq
U.S.-backed sheiks are reshaping their own areas and, potentially, the future of Iraq. But their rise is already touching off conflicts that could deepen.
Decaux : «La crise va créer des opportunités»
Decaux : «La crise va créer des opportunités»
INTERVIEW - JCDecaux remporte la concession publicitaire de l'aéroport de Dubaï. Jean-Charles Decaux, son président du directoire, détaille la stratégie du groupe, qui a renoncé au rachat de l'afficheur russe News Outdoor Group.
La debacle mundial frena el impulso económico de China
Por primera vez en cinco años creció menos de dos dígitos
Prepara EE.UU. un plan de reactivación
Bernanke respaldó un paquete de 150.000 millones de dólares para estimular el consumo; Bush dijo que está abierto a la idea
Poll: Public anxiety on economy intensifies
With little relief in sight, people are getting more anxious about the slumping economy and how it affects them.
Russian Oligarchs Feel The Heat
Just months ago, Russian companies were buying up assets all over the world. Russian tycoons were boasting of vanity purchases like soccer clubs and racehorses. And President Dmitry Medvedev was talking about turning Moscow into a global financial center.
Experts Warn of China Health Time Bomb
Chronic diseases claimed 74 percent of all 2005 deaths, up from 47 percent in 1973
Monday, 20 October 2008
The Banking Crisis in Germany: Can the Bailout Prevent an Economic Meltdown?
The Banking Crisis in Germany: Can the Bailout Prevent an Economic Meltdown? Despite the historically unprecedented bailout package for Germany's banking sector there are growing concerns that a deep recession is on the way. Will the German government have to put together a rescue plan for the broader economy as well? http://www.spiegel.de/international/business/0,1518,585324,00.html
How Muslims Made Europe
By Kwame Anthony Appiah
On God's Crucible: Islam and the Making of Modern Europe, 570–1215 by David Levering Lewis.
Chinese economy growth rate slows
China's economic growth rate falls for a third quarter, amid fears that a major Asian economy could face a severe downturn.
Mexico blocks Cuban route to US
Mexico tightens its immigration rules and agrees to deport Cubans using the country as an entry point to the US.
Sunday, 19 October 2008
Asian airlines battle to survive
S. Korea to inject billions into markets
South Korea announced a package worth over $130 billion to rescue its markets amid the global financial crisis, offering a guarantee on foreign debt and promising to recapitalize financial firms.
Cubans dodge sea patrol via Mexico
Because it has become so hard to dodge the U.S. Coast Guard and reach Florida to qualify for U.S. residency, Cuban migrants in recent years have been heading for Mexico, then overland to Texas.
The Guys From ‘Government Sachs’
The Guys From ‘Government Sachs’
Alumni of the Treasury chief’s old firm, Goldman Sachs, are key to the federal response to the financial crisis.
Alumni of the Treasury chief’s old firm, Goldman Sachs, are key to the federal response to the financial crisis.
Leaders Move Toward Meetings on Economic Crisis
President Bush and European leaders agreed to take steps toward a series of international meetings to address the economic crisis, the White House said.
Wary of Islam, China Tightens a Vise of Rules
China places intricate restrictions on Muslims in a vast autonomous region in an effort to control Islam’s spread.
F.B.I. Struggles to Handle Wave of Financial Fraud Cases
A focus on terrorism and intelligence has limited the bureau’s ability to pursue criminal wrongdoing related to the economic crisis, officials said.
Saturday, 18 October 2008
Syria Created It's Own Terror Problem
Syria Created It's Own Terror Problem
Weekly Standard: Damascus Should Not Be Rewarded For Its 'Nuanced' Position On Islamist Terrorism
Weekly Standard: Damascus Should Not Be Rewarded For Its 'Nuanced' Position On Islamist Terrorism
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