Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith
for my writings ============> http://robertoscaruffi.blogspot.com
for something on religions ===> http://scaruffi1.blogspot.com
Sunday, 30 November 2008
Tearing down the walls in Japan
India's 9/11. Who was Behind the Mumbai Attacks?
Là où la crise n'existe pas
Là où la crise n'existe pas
Jusqu'à dimanche, les ultras riches feront leurs emplettes au salon «Millionaire Fair» de Moscou. Un vrai pied de nez à la crise.
India Faces Reckoning as Terror Toll Eclipses 170
India: querían matar a 5000 personas
Riots 'kill hundreds in Nigeria'
Indian allegations alarm Pakistan
Saturday, 29 November 2008
La tension monte à Bangkok
La tension monte à Bangkok
Massacre in Mumbai
Ethiopia to Pull Its Troops From Somalia by End of the Year
Calderón Defends War on Cartels
China Abruptly Executes Convicted Spy
What They Hate About Mumbai
U.S. Intelligence Focuses on Pakistani Group
Armed Teams Sowed Chaos With Precision
Mumbai Terrorist Siege Over, India Says
Troops battle to end Mumbai siege
Ethiopian troops to leave Somalia
'Taiwan spy' executed by Beijing
Friday, 28 November 2008
China slashes interest rates as panic spreads
Obama's "New" National Security Team Is Not Very New
Kafka and Uighurs at Guantánamo
Iraqi Academics Assassinated During the US-Led Occupation
US is Funding Terrorism
Terror in India: Struggling for Control in the Mumbai War Zone
Since Wednesday evening, war has been raging in downtown Mumbai. Even as a number of hostages have been freed, ongoing violence has the population wary and afraid. And nobody knows how it will end.
Indian Commandos Storm Jewish Center
Terrorists Paralyze India's Business Capital
China fears unrest amid slowdown
Indian markets shut after attacks
Sharp drop in Afghan poppy crop
Jewish centre seized in Mumbai
Livni urges Olmert to step down
Medvedev in Cuba to improve ties
European nations urged to start spending
America's Most Wanted: 'The Most Dangerous Woman in the World'
Aafia Siddiqui was once considered a brilliant scientist. Then the US government called her the new face of al-Qaida -- a Pakistani woman who ranked among America's top terrorism suspects. Now the MIT-educated mother of three is in custody, claiming her long disappearance was a wrongful abduction by the CIA.
Terror in India: Obama's First Test
The series of terror attacks in Mumbai comes at a sensitive time for the US. President Bush is no longer in a position to lead, and President-elect Barack Obama has not yet been given the reins. Still, the attacks represent Obama's first foreign policy test.
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Israel Prepares to Indict Its Premier in Double-Billing
Indian Forces Race To Rescue Hostages
Indian Forces Race To Rescue Hostages
More Than 100 Killed, 300 Wounded In Organized Attacks On Mumbai; At Least 3 Americans Hurt
New York Times: The European Commission proposed a €200 billion (£168 billion, $258 billion) rescue package and China cut interest rates by 108 basis
Workplace Violence: Myths and Mitigation
Workplace Violence: Myths and Mitigation
Zolst zein vi a lomp-am tug sollst di hangen, in der nacht sollst di brennen
India: conmoción por múltiples atentados terroristas que provocaron al menos 18 muertos
Obama Confirms He Will Close Guantanamo Prison
La Chine annule un sommet pour dénoncer une rencontre Sarkozy - Dalaï lama
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Mandelson to force banks to open their coffers
Mandelson to force banks to open their coffers
Banks who fail to abide by a new code of practice on lending will face legal action in an attempt to end the credit squeeze
Financial Meltdown: You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet
"What Next? The Elections, the Economy, and the World"
'Worst Crisis since World War II': German Auto Industry Facing the Abyss
More than 1.5 million workers in Germany depend on the automobileindustry for their jobs. But that industry is now facing one of itsworst crises ever. Respected giants BMW and Mercedes are particularlyexposed as sales plummet.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
India’s Troubled Northeast Region: The Resurgence of Ethno-Islamist Terrorism
Going to “Plan B”: Negotiations with Taliban May Shape a New Afghanistan
Débâcle financière, crise systémique: réponses illusoires et réponses nécessaires
par Samir Amin | |
Mondialisation.ca, Le 24 novembre 2008 |
Russia's Medvedev's Tough Guy Act
Russia's Medvedev's Tough Guy Act
CBS News: New Russian President Seems To Be Reviving Adversarial Relations With The U.S.
Colossal Financial Collapse: The Truth behind the Citigroup Bank "Nationalization"
Barack Obama: Une victoire programmée par le Nouvel Ordre Mondial?
Iran's Power Structure
Iran's Power Structure
November 13 -- A prominent dissident and journalist tells Radio Farda that, because Iran's Supreme Leader ultimately controls the judiciary and police, even a reform-minded President would be unable to establish democracy in Iran. He also calls for a boycott of the upcoming presidential elections. [Read more in Persian]
Iran's Economic Crisis and Nuclear Policy
Iran's Economic Crisis and Nuclear Policy
November 13 -- An expert on Iran's nuclear program tells Radio Farda that Iran's leaders may be willing to strike a deal with the U.S. and international community over the nuclear issue in order to get some economic relief. [Read more in Persian]
Iran's Housing Crisis
Iran's Housing Crisis
November 18 -- In a special report on Iran's housing crisis, one Radio Farda listener asks, "How can one buy a house in Iran with skyrocketing prices and meager incomes?" Ahmad Alavi, a professor of economics, adds that the situation will likely get worse: "Plummeting oil revenues are likely to drive up housing prices," he says. [Read more in Persian]
Obama presentó su gabinete económico y pidió al Congreso que apruebe las medidas anticrisis
America's Hidden War in Somalia
'Year of Bad News': Economic Doom and Gloom from Berlin
'Year of Bad News': Economic Doom and Gloom from Berlin Whither the German economy? Nobody really knows. That, at least, seems to be the message from Chancellor Angela Merkel's government this week. Next year, she said, will be full of bad news. Still, not all indicators are bleak. http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,592295,00.html
Duel at the Suez Canal: World Scrambles to Deal with Pirate Threat
Duel at the Suez Canal: World Scrambles to Deal with Pirate Threat In their inflatable speedboats and armed with bazookas, Somalia's barefoot pirates are posing a threat to world trade. Now that they have hijacked a supertanker, Europe is deploying warships in the region, while private security firms are offering their services to shipping companies. http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,592433,00.html
SPIEGEL Interview with George Soros: 'The Economy Fell off the Cliff'
George Soros, 78, has made billions as a hedge-fund manager and investor. SPIEGEL spoke with him about the current financial crisis, how he expects President-elect Barack Obama to respond to the economic disaster and the responsibilities borne by speculators.
Monday, 24 November 2008
Job Centers See Crush of People in Need
Sunday, 23 November 2008
"We killed her... that will be with me the rest of my life"
La cúpula militar israelí aboga por prepararse para atacar Irán
Kurds in N. Iraq Receive Arms From Bulgaria
Obama Vows Swift Action on Vast Economic Stimulus Plan
Saturday, 22 November 2008
Muslim Religious Leaders in Australia Blamed for Not Protecting Women Audio Clip Available
Protests in Baghdad on U.S. Pact
Flux in Latin America Affects Russia’s Diplomacy
Tibetan Exiles Agree to Pursue Compromise with China
Russian, Chinese Workers Feel Pain of Global Crisis
Friday, 21 November 2008
Jobless claims hit highest level since 1992
Chinese equity in Kazakh uranium mines confirmed
Le procès Politkovskaïa tourne
Le procès Politkovskaïa tourne à la farce
Au moment où le congrès de Russie unie, le parti de Medvedev et Poutine, s'ouvre, le jury du procès de la journaliste assassinée se rebelle et dénonce un mensonge du tribunal qui lui attribuait le souhait du huis clos.
Fewer Mexicans leaving homeland
Mexican emigration has dropped 42 percent over the last two years, the government said Thursday. America has become less appealing amid a sour economy and tougher action against illegal migrants.
Putin Vows to Fight Economic Collapse in Russia
Thousands of Iraqis protest U.S. pact
Thousands of followers of Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr converged on a central Baghdad square Friday for a mass prayer to protest a proposed U.S.-Iraqi security pact.
Attorney General Mukasey collapses
U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey, the no-nonsense ally in President George W. Bush's war on terror, was hospitalized Thursday after he collapsed during a late-night speech and lost consciousness.