Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith
for my writings ============> http://robertoscaruffi.blogspot.com
for something on religions ===> http://scaruffi1.blogspot.com
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Nétanyahou multiplie les maroquins
Nétanyahou multiplie les maroquins pour ses alliés
Le nouveau chef du gouvernement a coupé en deux plusieurs ministères pour satisfaire tout le monde. Mais sa formation, le Likoud, devra se contenter de portefeuilles secondaires.
Le sommet arabe apporte son soutien
Les pays arabes, réunis au Qatar, rejettent le mandat d'arrêt lancé contre Omar el-Béchir pour crimes de guerre et crimes contre l'humanité au Darfour.
Review: Sony Bravia KDL46EX1

Vladimir Putin, Russia's Prime Minister, promised to pump £700 million ($1 billion) into the nation's car industry to avert heavy job losses
The OECD head predicted one in 10 workers in advanced economies would be without a job next year, "practically with no exceptions"
Nicolas Sarkozy, blaming "Anglo-Saxons" for the economic crisis, threatened to walk out of G20 summit if France's demands for tougher financial regula
World Depression: Regional Wars and the Decline of the US Empire
Part I by Prof. James Petras | |
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Global Research, March 30, 2009 |
Pakistani forces overwhelm gunmen after eight hour battle
China pone a disposición de la Argentina US$ 10.200 millones
The United States, Germany and Beyond
Ultimátum de Obama a las automotrices
Korean Launch Could Spur Arms Sales
Who Should Be in Charge of Cybersecurity?
![[Bruce Schneier]](http://s.wsj.net/public/resources/images/OB-CU246_renoco_NS_20081209092453.gif)
The Sycophantic Culture
Sri Lanka : situation dramatique pour les civils
Sri Lanka : situation dramatique pour les civils
« Le responsable du Programme d'aide humanitaire de l'Union européenne qualifie ces camps de catastrophiques : les gens qui se trouvent dans ces camps n'ont pas de nouvelles de leurs proches, n'ont pas de liberté de mouvement, ça ressemble plus à une détention qu'à une situation d'hébergement de déplacés. ».
Iran Critical of U.S. Troop Buildup in Afghanistan
Insurgent Threat Shifts in Pakistan
Israeli Military Closes Probe
Barone: Republicans: the Party of Normal America
Wide Cyber Attack Is Linked to China
China Slowdown Stunts Entrepreneurs
In Counterinsurgency, Army Makes 'Civil Control' a Priority
Monday, 30 March 2009
Betrayed in Iraq

Journalist Disappears After Asking Questions Journalist Disappears After Asking Questions

Geithner’s ‘Dirty Little Secret’: The Entire Global Financial System is at Risk
Une école de police attaquée au Pakistan: au moins 20 morts

Les États-Unis se préparent pour des troubles civils
par Michel Chossudovsky | |
Mondialisation.ca, Le 30 mars 2009 | |
Mexican Army soldiers on patrol in Reynosa, a border town
In Drug War, Mexico Fights Cartel and Itself
Tesco, the UK's largest supermarket, is to open bank branches in 30 of its stores by the end of this year
Descubrieron una gigantesca red de espionaje cibernético
En sólo dos años hackeó 1295 computadoras de ministerios y embajadas de 103 países
Link corto: http://www.lanacion.com.ar/1113451
Levantan muros en las favelas de Río para frenar su expansión
El gobierno construirá en total 11 kilómetros de paredes de unos tres metros de altura
Link corto: http://www.lanacion.com.ar/1113452
Delincuentes identificados gracias a las videocámaras
Inflation Is Tempting for Indebted Nations
Economic Meltdown: The "Dollar Glut" is What Finances America's Global Military Build-up
by Prof. Michael Hudson | |
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Global Research, March 29, 2009 |
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Longer schooling 'cuts dementia'
Major cyber spy network uncovered
Israel army punishes Gaza soldier
El "Mesías Caradura" que tiene 32 esposas y 180 hijos
Una potencia sexual descomunal
El "Mesías Caradura" que tiene 32 esposas y 180 hijos
Troops Arrest an Iraqi Ally in Baghdad
Saturday, 28 March 2009
Torino, l'orrore che nessuno ha visto
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À Kaboul, les Américains passent pour des occupants
Obama Outlines Afghan Strategy
Cae la actividad económica 9.5%

White House Debate Led to Plan to Widen Afghan Effort
China Launches New Holiday in Tibet
Los líderes talibanes cierran filas y preparan una nueva ofensiva
Friday, 27 March 2009
Affaire Hariri : coup de théâtre en vue à La Haye
Création d’une association de leaders politiques pour la vérité sur le 11-Septembre
Le 11 septembre 2001: une provocation mondiale
'Good Book'
What David Plotz learned when he read the Hebrew Bible all the way through.
'Intelligence and How to Get It'
A prominent cognitive psychologist stresses the nonhereditary factors in determining I.Q.
Pakistani and Afghan Taliban Unify in Face of U.S. Influx
Asia prepares for corporate restructuring
MI5 Guantánamo 'torture' inquiry
MI5 Guantánamo 'torture' inquiry
The Attorney-General asks police to investigate the agency's involvement with the alleged mistreatment of Binyam Mohamed
Britain Army poised for Afghanistan surge
Britain Army poised for Afghanistan surge
General Sir Richard Dannatt told The Times he is ready to send 2,000 more troops amid fears for the US-led mission
Call for higher circumcision rate

Record decline hits Irish economy

China fury at US military report
Police to probe UK torture claims

Police will investigate claims by ex-Guantanamo detainee Binyam Mohamed that an MI5 agent was complicit in his torture.