Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Friday 21 June 2013

Latest NewsJun 21, 2013
US Scrambles to Salvage Afghan Peace Talks
The United States is working to defuse the latest dispute with its allies in Afghanistan over contacts with the Taliban office in Doha, the capital of Qatar. ...
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Afghan Taliban Ready For Prisoner Swap, Peace Talks Appear Delayed
Afghanistan's Taliban says it is ready to exchange a U.S. soldier held captive since 2009 for five senior Taliban members imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay. ...
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Afghanistan needs sustained international support for transition to succeed – UN envoy
Sustained international support is critical as Afghanistan proceeds with three complex and intertwined transition processes.
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Moscow Concerned by US Plans in Syria
Moscow has received no explanation from the United States over plans to establish a no-fly zone over Syria.
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Iran Gives Syria an Economic Boost
Iran is stepping in to help Syria stabilize the value of its currency, which has been dropping sharply.
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Netanyahu pushes EU to mount pressure on Iran
Israel is pressing the European Union to take a more aggressive stance on Iran’s nuclear energy program.
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Iran to launch new space center, more satellites soon
Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi says the Islamic Republic will soon inaugurate a new space launch center.
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Hagel Vows to Prioritize Cyber, Nuclear Capabilities
Malicious cyberattacks are quickly becoming a defining security challenge “for our time, for all our institutions,” Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said. ...
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