Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: May 2009

Sunday, 31 May 2009


Un différend explicite entre Obama et Netanyahu

« Le gouvernement israélien actuel n'acceptera en aucune façon que la colonisation légale soit gelée en Judée-Samarie ». C'est un ministre de l'Etat hébreu qui l'affirme clairement ce matin en réponse aux appels de l'administration américaine.

France / Immigration

Centre de rétention : Besson devra revoir sa copie

Le ministre de l'Immigration, Eric Besson, a essuyé un revers suite à la décision de justice qui donne raison à la Cimade dans le bras de fer qui les opposait. Le ministère souhaitait en effet changer les règles de l'assistance juridique apportée aux étrangers placés en centre de rétention administrative.


Un référendum constitutionnel controversé

Les réactions réservées voire hostiles se multiplient après que le président Mamadou Tanja eut annoncé vendredi son intention d'organiser un référendum constitutionnel destiné à lui permette de briguer un nouveau mandat. Alors que les Etats-Unis ou encore au Canada expriment leur inquiétude, l'opposition nigérienne parle de passage en force voire de coup d'Etat.


La crise du delta s'éloigne de la solution

L'opération militaire contre les rebelles de la région du delta du Niger se poursuit avec une extension vers d'autres régions du Sud du pays. Face aux réactions et critiques, le gouvernement maintient sa proposition d'amnistie aux combattants qui déposeront les armes.

Election européenne

Tribune commune d'Angela Merkel et de Nicolas Sarkozy

A une semaine du scrutin européen, le chef de l'Etat français Nicolas Sarkozy et la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel publient une tribune commune, simultanément dans Le Journal du dimanche en France et Die Welt Am Sontag en Allemagne.


De nouveaux jalons pour une sortie de crise

Un épilogue, peut-être, dans la crise mauritanienne : le groupe international de contact sur la Mauritanie a repris ce samedi 30 mai, à Dakar, les négociations avec les différentes parties, pour améliorer un projet d'accord trouvé la veille. Il serait question d'un report de la présidentielle, initialement prévue le 6 juin, comme le réclament les opposants au coup d'Etat militaire d'août 2008.

Les invités :

Cap Océan Indien

Arnaud Lagesse, PDG du conglomérat mauricien "Mon Loisir" sur la santé des affaires à Maurice

« L'année 2009 restera en demi teinte pour l'activité touristique du groupe. Concernant les autres activités, nous avons une tenue correcte concernant les entreprises industrielles sur le marché local. On enregistre par contre un ralentissement sur les produits d'exportation notamment le textile. »

Les éditos et les chroniques à lire :

Lignes de Défense

Rencontre avec le pilote démonstrateur du Rafale

« A présent c'est un militaire qui est installé dans le cockpit de ce chasseur-bombardier ultra-moderne. Il s'appelle Cédric Ruet, il a 35 ans. Sa mission, être l'ambassadeur du savoir-faire de l'armée de l'air et de la technologie française. Ses collègues d'escadron l'appellent Ruth, c'est le Tator du Rafale cette saison, comme disent les militaires. Le Tator, c'est le présentateur officiel de l'avion de combat français. »

Les éditos et les chroniques à écouter :

Reportage international

La présidente chilienne, Michelle Bachelet de retour sur ses terres d'origine en Bourgogne

« Michelle Bachelet ne manque pas de cousins en France. Ils se pressent tous à Chassagne-Montrachet, le petit village de Bourgogne d'où le trisaïeul de la présidente émigra en 1859 pour gagner le lointain Chili. »

Reportage Afrique

Férid Boughedir, réalisateur tunisien du téléfilm « Villa Jasmin »

« Le sujet du film : le retour de Serge Moati fils en Tunisie pour essayer de retrouver, comme une mosaïque, des bris des gens qui ont connu son père afin de reconstruire l'image de celui-ci. »

Edito Alain Genestar

Etats des lieux au PS

« Selon un dernier sondage, le PS navigue entre 20 et 18 % : un naufrage annoncé. »

Devotion and Money Tie Iranians to Iraqi City

Iranian pilgrims present a small but important example of Iran’s rising soft power in Iraq. And it is something that makes Iraqis increasingly resentful. 

Pakistan Army Claims Control of Main Swat Town

A general says the public helped win a major victory in a three-week campaign against the Taliban.  

Can America be Fixed?

Global Research, May 29, 2009

8 Sivan

8 Sivan

In 1834, Druze rioters attacked and killed Jews in the northern Israeli town of Tzfat and in other communities throughout Israel. Only three years later, Tzfat was practically wiped out by an earthquake. After the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492, many prominent scholars settled in Tzfat, and the standard Code of Jewish Law ("Shulchan Aruch") was written there. Tzfat also became the center of Jewish mysticism, bolstered by the presence of the great Arizal. Tzfat is one of the four holy cities in Israel, and today remains a popular center of Jewish learning and mysticism. 

Israel Prepares for War: 5-Day 'Turning Point 3' Exercise Begins

by Yehudah Lev Kay

Ehud Barak (file) Israel Begins its Biggest Defense Drill
Amid growing tensions with Iran, Israel is training soldiers, emergency crews, and civilians for the possibility of all-out war

Palestinian security officers carry the two bodies of security officers killed during a shootout with members of Hamas in the West Bank city of Qalqilya, 31 May 2009 Six Palestinians Killed in Clash Between Rival Factions  Audio Clip Available
Gun battle erupted in the West Bank town of Qalqilya, when Palestinian police raided a hideout of the Islamic militant group Hamas

Pakistani displaced children wait their turn during food distribution at Jalozai refugee camp in Peshawar, 25 May 2009 Red Cross Alarmed by Situation in Pakistani War Zone
International Committee of the Red Cross stated Sunday that it is gravely concerned about the plight of civilians in Swat, where the Pakistani military is waging war against Taliban fighters

Cuban and American Flag US Official: Cuba Agrees to Resume Migration Talks
Senior US State Department official also says Washington and Havana plan to pursue negotiations on joint efforts to combat drug trafficking

A man smokes 'bidi', a small hand-rolled cigarette on 'No Tobacco Day' in Allahabad, India, 31 May 2009 Graphic Pictures Persuade People to Quit Smoking
WHO reports on this 'World No Tobacco Day' that more than five million people die every year from tobacco-related causes 

Xiong Yan, center, flashes a victory sign during a march to the government office in Hong Kong, 31 May 2009 Thousands Rally in Hong Kong to Mark Tiananmen Anniversary
Hong Kong demonstrators were joined by Tiananmen protest leader Xiong Yan, who lives in exile in US

Members of an African delegation demonstrate against the actions in Darfur outside the UN headquarters in Geneva (File Photo - 21 April 2009) Women Fleeing Darfur Reportedly Face Rape, Sexual Assault
Physicians for Human Rights says slightly more than half the rapes happened in Darfur, with the rest occurring in Chad

Rights activists hold portraits of Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi during a protest in front of Burmese embassy in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 27 May 2009 Burma Defends Trial Against Aung San Suu Kyi
Burma says it had no choice but to prosecute San Suu Kyi for sheltering an American man who made an uninvited visit to her lakeside home

Fingerprints are displayed on a security computer US Begins Collection of Biometric Information on Non-Citizens Departing Country  Video clip available
Government eventually to install identity verification at crossings to Mexico, Canada

150_sudan_eng_ Former Sudanese President Nimeri Dies
Jaafar Nimeiri came to power in 1969 coup before being ousted in 1985

Corée du Nord / Etats-Unis

Washington met en garde Pyongyang

La situation continue à se détériorer en Corée. Après la série de tirs de missiles qui a suivi l'essai atomique de lundi, des signes indiquent que la Corée du Nord aurait commencé les préparatifs en vue de procéder au tir d'un missile balistique intercontinental de longue portée.


Pendaison expéditive de trois hommes

L'Iran a exécuté samedi 30 mai, par pendaison et en public, trois hommes reconnus coupables d'être impliqués dans l'attentat qui a fait une vingtaine de morts ce jeudi 27 mai dans une mosquée de Zahedan dans le sud-est du pays.


Andry Rajoelina déroute un avion pour aller plus vite à Dakar

Andry Rajoelina, le président de la Haute Autorité de transition malgache, est toujours à la recherche de la reconnaissance internationale. Ce jeudi 28 mai, il était à Dakar, où il a rencontré le président sénégalais Abdulaye Wade.

République centrafricaine / UE

Le représentant de la Commission européenne déclaré persona non grata

Le représentant de la Commission européenne à Bangui, Jean-Claude Esmieu, est prié de quitter la Centrafrique prématurément, avant la fin de son mandat. Les autorités de Bangui lui reprochent d'avoir prononcé des discours « peu conformes » à l'exercice de la diplomatie.

Etats-Unis / Israël

Le bras de fer entre Barack Obama et Benyamin Netanyahu

Plus de 400 élus du Congrès demandent au président Obama d'intensifier ses efforts en faveur de la paix au Proche-Orient. A la Chambre des représentants, 330 membres ont signé une lettre à l'initiative des chefs de la majorité démocrate et de la minorité républicaine.


Un référendum pour une nouvelle Constitution

Le président du Niger a dévoilé, ce vendredi 29 mai, ses intentions dans un discours à la nation très attendu. Malgré l'opposition de la Cour constitutionnelle, des sages de la CEDEAO et les réserves des Etats-Unis, Mamadou Tandja a affirmé sa volonté de changer la Constitution.

Saturday, 30 May 2009

El regreso de Milan Kundera

Anticipo exclusivo de Un encuentro , flamante libro de ensayos donde el autor de La insoportable levedad del ser escribe acerca de la amistad, la política, el poder, los odios. Y también de sus grandes amores literarios, entre los que anota a Gabriel García Márquez y Philip Roth

 May 29, 2009 - Volume X, Issue 21
* Militants Reportedly Killed in Nalchik Shootout
* Kadyrov’s Income-and-Property Declaration Strains Credulity
* Dagestan Plagued by Shootings and Power Cuts
* Memorial: Kidnappings in North Caucasus Go Unsolved and Unpunished
* Photo Surfaces of Sulim Yamadaev, Purportedly Among the Living
* The Hunt for Rebels in Chechnya and Ingushetia Enters a Second Week
By Mairbek Vatchagaev
* Final Settlement of North Ossetian-Ingush Conflict is tied to Peace in Ingushetia
By Valery Dzutsev

RFE/RL Headlines

RFE/RL Headlines
RFE/RL Headlines
A daily digest of the English-language news and analysis written by the staff of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty


Iranians Allege U.S. 'Hands' Behind Mosque Bombing Iranians Allege U.S. 'Hands' Behind Mosque Bombing
The attack was one of the deadliest such incidents in decades in Iran, where local officials have occasionally accused Washington and its allies of operating through minorities to stir up trouble in remote border regions. More
Official Preparing Obama's France Trip Hit By H1N1
A U.S. official who is in France preparing President Barack Obama's visit next week has been admitted to hospital with H1N1 flu in the Normandy city of Caen, French officials said. More
Tajik Deputies Amend Law On National Bank Tajik Deputies Amend Law On National Bank
The measures are seen as a response to inspections of Tajikistan's central bank last year by an independent British auditor that revealed some $1 billion in irregularities between 2004 and 2008. More
Much Of Kyrgyz-Uzbek Border Still Shut In Wake Of Attacks Much Of Kyrgyz-Uzbek Border Still Shut In Wake Of Attacks
The border was closed after shootouts in the eastern Uzbek cities of Khanabad and Andijon near the Kyrgyz border on May 25. More
Obama Says Israel Must Halt Settlement Activity Obama Says Israel Must Halt Settlement Activity
U.S. President Barack Obama says Israel must halt its West Bank settlements as part of a broader deal toward Middle East peace. More
From Our Bureaus

Chechen Woman Sets Herself On Fire In Spain
A Chechen woman has set herself on fire in the Spanish town of Alicante, apparently protesting the expulsion of her family from a Red Cross apartment, RFE/RL's Russian Service reports. More
Minsk Group Meeting With Azerbaijani President  Minsk Group Meeting With Azerbaijani President
The U.S., Russian, and French diplomats cochairing the OSCE Minsk Group are in Baku on May 29 for talks with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev. More
Ukrainian Security Concerned Over Rusyn Movement Ukrainian Security Concerned Over Rusyn Movement
The chief of Ukraine's State Security Service (SBU), Valentin Nalivaychenko, says that the separatist movement of the Transcarpathian Rusyns has no chance of success in Ukraine. More
Belarusian Activist Expelled From University
An activist of the Youth Front in the Belarusian city of Baranavichi has been expelled from the local university for his political activities, RFE/RL's Belarusian Service reports. More

If You're In The Market For A Good Embalmer, Just Ask Russia... If You're In The Market For A Good Embalmer, Just Ask Russia...
Though they couldn't do the same for the Soviet economy, Russian scientists this week were given dozens of medals and other awards by Vietnam for their role in embalming and keeping Ho Chi Minh's earthly remains preserved for display in the 40 years since his death. More
Former Dutch UN Peacekeeper Moves To Srebrenica Former Dutch UN Peacekeeper Moves To Srebrenica
A former Dutch UN peacekeeper, who witnessed the 1995 Srebrenica massacre, is relocating with his family to live in the town. More
Russian Warship Attacks Russian Village Russian Warship Attacks Russian Village
Here's one from the "oops" department. More
Something For The Weekend
If you missed these stories from RFE/RL this week and are looking for something to read/watch over the weekend, try these: More
Plugging Our New Iran Coverage Plugging Our New Iran Coverage
Two new RFE/RL blogs to bring to your attention. More
The Power Vertical

Russian History In The Dock Russian History In The Dock
Caucasus Report

Georgian Patriarch Calls For Unity, Pre-Term Elections Georgian Patriarch Calls For Unity, Pre-Term Elections
Georgian Patriarch Ilia II, who on May 26 appealed to the Georgian opposition to reconsider their demand for President Mikheil Saakashvili's resignation, issued a written statement on May 28 calling on the Georgian authorities to undertake "real steps" to defuse tensions. More
Persian Letters

O, Iran! O, Iran!
Farhangvairan questions the appropriation by the Ahmadinejad campaign of an Iranian national anthem. More
Woe Are The Teens Woe Are The Teens
St-behesht questions the pledges of reformist candidate Musavi, as well as the principles of his sympathizers. More

Young And Homeless In Almaty Young And Homeless In Almaty
In Almaty, as in many cities, there are homeless children who have fled abusive families or other domestic problems to fend for themselves on the streets. On the eve of International Children's Day, Yermek Boltayev of RFE/RL's Kazakh Service got to know one such teenager, 16-year-old Sava. More
Photo Gallery

Slide Show: Moscow Children's Home No. 19 Slide Show: Moscow Children's Home No. 19
Millions of migrants from Central Asia and the Caucasus have sought work in Russia, but as jobs dry up, many are returning home. The wave of return migration has meant a rising number of children left behind. Ahead of International Children's Day, RFE/RL visited Moscow Children's Home #19, where many sons and daughters of migrant workers have been taken into care. More

New Power Line Lights Up Afghan Capital New Power Line Lights Up Afghan Capital
The lights are on again in Kabul. And that’s no small change. For years, residents of the Afghan capital endured shortages of electricity, with power sometimes rationed to only a couple of hours a day. But thanks to the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Afghanistan’s neighbor Uzbekistan, things are now looking a little brighter. More
Impetus For Fresh Historical Examination Impetus For Fresh Historical Examination
More than 40 years after a shooting that burned an indelible image on the German psyche, its people have reason to examine their postwar history once again. Researchers have discovered that the West German police officer who shot Benno Ohnesorg was in fact a paid agent for East Germany's Stasi secret police. More
As Economic Fortunes Dim, Migrants' Children Left Behind As Economic Fortunes Dim, Migrants' Children Left Behind
The post-Soviet period saw millions of people from Central Asia and the South Caucasus migrate to Russia in search of work. Now, with jobs dwindling as a result of the economic crisis, many labor migrants are returning home. One consequence has been a rise in Kazakh, Uzbek, and other children living in Russian orphanages after being abandoned or taken away from neglectful parents. More
The Wayward Son The Wayward Son
Rakhat Aliev, the former son-in-law of Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbaev, has recently published a scandalous tell-all book about the long-time Kazakh leader. In an interview with RFE/RL, Aliev accuses the Kazakh president of the murders of several opposition leaders. More

An Energy Opportunity The EU Seems Determined To Miss An Energy Opportunity The EU Seems Determined To Miss
The EU must seize the opportunity and set out an unashamedly political external energy strategy which puts its own interests first -- preeminent among them reducing dependence on Russia as a supplier or transit country. Such a strategy would also permit it to exponentially increase its leverage in the region for the long-term good of the other countries involved. More
Iran Election Diary

Khatami Says Ethnic Joke Video Is Fake Khatami Says Ethnic Joke Video Is Fake
Iran’s former President Mohammad Khatami has said that a video purportedly showing him telling a joke about Iran’s Azeri minority is a "montage" and fake. More