Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith
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Friday, 30 April 2010
ore 19:05
Cresce l’allarme per la marea nera nel Golfo del Messico che minaccia le coste degli Stati Uniti. Nella piattaforma della Bp affondata scoperta una terza falla sottomarina e ora la fuoriuscita di greggio è di 5mila barili al giorno. In America ispezioni su tutte le piattaforme. Tutte le specie a rischio
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Pubblicate le memorie di Laura Bush con i retroscena della presidenza.
L'ex capo della Casa Bianca si sentì male al vertice tedesco del 2007.
L'ex capo della Casa Bianca si sentì male al vertice tedesco del 2007.
One of the Genova's G8 butchers. Corruption.
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Perugia, svolta nell'inchiesta Grandi eventi. Spuntano soldi in nero
versati da Anemone. Di Pietro: si dimetta. Berlusconi lo sostiene.
versati da Anemone. Di Pietro: si dimetta. Berlusconi lo sostiene.
Carabinieri's Crimes
Ferrara, video girato in una caserma
«Pestaggio contro quattro immigrati»
22:33 CRONACHEArrestati per stato di ebbrezza, sarebbero stati colpiti con manganelli. Aperta un'inchiesta, c'è un indagato. Il legale di un militare: «Nessuna violenza»
La marea nera verso la costa
Obama mobilita il Pentagono

il disastro

Posted: 29 Apr 2010 11:42 AM PDT

Segundo ela, o município não tem condição de atender tamanho contingente de “flagelados” da crise paraguaia. São pessoas famintas e doentes, que recebem apoio apenas dos trabalhadores sem-terra, acampados nas proximidades das cidades de Naviraí e Itaquiraí, para armar barracas e se acomodarem. Ao longo dos anos, muitos brasileiros constituíram lavouras, rebanhos de gado bovinos e até criação de peixes do lado paraguaio, mas estão sendo expulsos por “bandos de homens armados”. “Quando eles chegam, não existe apelação. É sair da terra e ir embora”, explicou um dos acampados, pelo celular do acampamento.
O problema do fluxo de refugiados se agravou nos últimos dez dias em razão da pressão que os brasiguaios vêm sofrendo no Paraguai para desocuparem as lavouras. O aumento inesperado de pessoas acampadas tem causado sérios problemas para os moradores das cidades do lado brasileiro da fronteira. Os acampados também sofrem, principalmente por causa da segurança, já que a maioria vive à beira da estrada.
Fonte: O Estado de S.Paulo
Obit Page
In memory of B.C.
She wheeled into the coffee shop, pulled up next to me, and pushed a piece of paper my way. “Take a look,” she said.
It was a single typed page with her full name, Helena Bascomb Johnson, at the top which was not, of course, how any of us knew her.
You usually did what Nina wanted. So rather than greet her, I began to read.
Helena Bascomb Johnson, lead dancer and choreographer for the Danceteria Mobius ballet company, who first set foot on stage at age 37, died on September 22nd in her apartment in New York City.
The cause of death was a heart attack, her son Eric Johnson said.
After 20 years as a single mother and chef, Ms. Johnson, who had long choreographed dance routines in the privacy of her living room, convinced Ursula von Bethe, director of Danceteria Mobius, to watch her perform. “The rest,“ Ms. von Bethe later remarked, “is dance history.”
“I saw all my routines in a dream in 1982," Ms. Johnson said in a 1991 interview with Interview magazine. "It just took me another decade to bring them into this world.” Those routines became her Moodscapes, which she performed every spring on the Danceteria’s main stage on Prince Street.
Ms. Johnson was born Helena Bascomb in Claremont, California, on August 27, 1946. Her mother, Margaret Désiree Scott, an early female aviator, barnstormed the West in a biplane. Ms. Johnson directed her two sisters in neighborhood dance and tap performances during an otherwise uneventful childhood. She attended Pomona College where she won a women's junior tennis championship in 1965.
She married Charles Johnson, a trombonist, in 1979. The marriage lasted only two years. Ms. Johnson subsequently supported her son and herself as the sole proprietor and chef of The Cuban Missile Crisis, a Caribbean restaurant she opened on Lafayette Street. She shut the restaurant's doors when she began to dance. "From the age of three, all I ever dreamed of was being a dancer," she told the New York Times in 2005. "When it happened, nothing else mattered."
She is survived by a sister, Emma Bascomb Rodriguez of San Antonio, Texas, and by her son Eric.
I pushed it back to her.
Features ![]() As the United States lobbies for tougher sanctions against Iran to force it to halt its sensitive nuclear activities, there are doubts whether new sanctions can work -- and questions about what other options are open to Washington. More ![]() Lavish celebrations planned in Moscow marking the 65th anniversary of the end of World War II have been overshadowed by a controversy over whether to display posters of Soviet wartime leader Josef Stalin. More ![]() Viktor Yanukovych may have been in office only two months, but the Ukrainian president is already moving at breathtaking speed to realign his country with Russia. More ![]() A Russian defense manufacturer is marketing a highly mobile missile system that could be hidden in a standard cargo container, but has downplayed concerns that such an easily concealed weapon could become a tool of terrorists. More ![]() The Russian Interior Ministry's press service says two traffic police officers were killed and another seven were wounded today when a suicide bomber blew up his car in Daghestan. More A U.S. State Department delegation on adoptions was in Moscow today for talks with Russian authorities. More ![]() Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych today signed a long-awaited national budget bill, which plans for increased spending and a renewal of foreign credits. More ![]() British Prime Minister Gordon Brown heads into his last television debate today before next week's general election -- a debate now overshadowed by Brown's unguarded description of an elderly voter as "bigoted" after she challenged him on immigration from Eastern Europe More Animal protection groups say they plan to protest on April 30 against the Romanian government's proposal to euthanize thousands of stray dogs after 11,000 people were bitten in the capital last year. More ![]() A new report from the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom warns that religious freedom across the globe is increasingly being threatened and oppressed by governments in human rights "hot spots." More ![]() Greece's prime minister likens it to a small fire that could get out of control. The head of the OECD compares it to Ebola, one of deadliest viral diseases known to mankind. The message is the same -- action is needed now to stop Europe's debt crisis spreading. More ![]() Georgia has suspended the transit of Russian natural gas through Georgian territory today following landslides that reportedly damaged the pipeline carrying it to Armenia. More ![]() The Armenian Finance Ministry says government tax revenues jumped nearly 20 percent in the first quarter this year and have slashed the state budget deficit. More ![]() The leader of a group of militants suspected of carrying out two recent bomb attacks in the Russian North Caucasus republic of Ingushetia was arrested today. More ![]() The mayor of a town in eastern Russia was briefly taken hostage today by an armed man. More ![]() Russia's new top negotiator on issues surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh visited the capital of the self-proclaimed republic today, RFE/RL's Armenian Service reports. More ![]() Israel's parliament has agreed to again consider a draft resolution recognizing the World War I-era mass killings and deportations of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey as genocide. More Dozens of Kyrgyz activists have picketed the Kazakh Embassy in Bishkek to demand an apology from Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbaev for derisive comments he made about the uprising in Kyrgyzstan. More ![]() The trial began today of prominent Uzbek sports journalist Khairulla Khamidov and 14 others charged with activities associated with a banned Islamic group. More ![]() A group of women's rights activists in Iran and worldwide has written an open letter to the United Nations opposing the Iranian government's bid for membership on the UN's Commission on the Status of Women. More ![]() A group of Georgian deputies says it is ready for parliamentary discussion about the 19th-century massacres of Circassians by Tsarist Russian forces in the North Caucasus. More ![]() A Tbilisi official has announced that the city is renaming a street in honor of the late Polish President Lech Kaczynski. More ![]() A Moscow court has ordered the leader of the nationalist Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) to pay Mayor Yury Luzhkov and the city council some 1 million rubles ($34,000) for making slanderous statements about them on television. More ![]() A leading member of an opposition Armenian nationalist party today praised President Serzh Sarkisian's decision to suspend the normalization process with Turkey. More ![]() Tajik officials have asked Russia to detain and deport 41 people suspected of belonging to the banned Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), RFE/RL's Tajik Service reports. More ![]() I have two 61-year-old mothers. My Tajik mother is the woman who give birth to me. My American mother is the woman who hosted me when I lived in the United States. More ![]() Not only does this report have good footage of Russian Prime Minister VladimirPutin with a polar bear, but it is amazingly frank about the ways Russia has polluted the Arctic. More ![]() A review of news and opinion on RFE/RL's broadcast region. More ![]() Boris Ebzeyev dismissed the Karachayevo-Cherkessia Republic government on April 28 in line with a directive issued last week by North Caucasus Federal District head Aleksandr Khloponin. More ![]() While there is no serious challenge to incumbent North Caucasus President Taymuraz Mamsurov's authority, in light of prevailing political and economic trends across the North Caucasus his second term in office may prove more difficult than the first. More ![]() The websites of two Kazakh opposition newspapers became inaccessible to Internet users in Kazakhstan today. More |
Hamas Accuses Egypt of Using Lethal Gas on Smugglers
Palestinian smugglers in Gaza Strip face deadly crackdown from Egypt
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Spilled oil burned in gulf in hopes of saving coast
With a massive spill in the Gulf of Mexico pouring out vastly more crude oil than initially estimated and jeopardizing Louisiana's delicate coastline, the White House said Thursday that President Obama had directed his administration -- including the Pentagon -- to aggressively join in cleanup ef...
Ieri sera lo stop del premier ai ribelli: "Basta sputtanare il partito. Fini? Vediamo se sarà fedele in parlamento". E il vice presidente finiano ha scritto stamattina al presidente dei deputati Pdl Cicchitto confermando le proprie dimissioni. Salta l'assemblea per discutere del capogruppo: "Il Cavaliere ha chiesto la mia testa, questo partito non è democratico". Granata: "Non pensino di calare dall'alto un altro nome. Si vota"
un libro
su Gesù
un libro
su Gesù
di Matteo Sacchi

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