| Latest News | Sep 27, 2012 |  |
Full text of President Ahmadinejad’s UNGA addressIRI President said on 2nd day of 86th UNGA here in New York listed documents for discriminatory nature of current world order, emphasizing the need for active participation of etire world nations in management of world affairs. ...
Morsi: Egypt faces Challenges and OpportunitiesEgyptian President Mohammed Morsi Tuesday addressed the closing session of the Clinton Global Initiative's annual meeting. He spoke of the challenges facing his government and the region. ...

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Twin Explosions Target Syrian Military BuildingSyrian officials say four security guards died when a pair of explosions hit a military building in central Damascus Wednesday, leaving part of the building in flames. It was the third time in weeks that military headquarters have come under attack. ...

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Taiwan rejects Japan's protest over fishing boat action Foreign Minister Timothy Yang has rejected a protest by a Japanese envoy over Taiwanese fishing boats sailing near the Diaoyutai Islands and reasserted Taiwan's sovereignty over the East China Sea island chain, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) said Tuesday. ...
International aid sought in fight against terrorism, Yemen's President tells UN debate Addressing the United Nations General Assembly, Yemen's President Abdrabu Mansour Hadi today appealed to Heads of State and Government for more help in combating terrorism in his country where he said that Al-Qaida, although weaker, is still capable of desperate acts. ...