| The Serial Swatter The New York Times: Internet trolls have learned to exploit our over-militarized police. It's a crime that's hard to stop — and hard to prosecute. One victim was Janet, a junior studying elementary education who had gone home for the weekend in a state of nervous collapse. For months, someone going by the name ‘‘Obnoxious’’ had been harassing her online. He had called her cellphone repeatedly and sent her thre ... Read More >> |
| Here's why the Alleged Planned Parenthood Killer Isn't called a Domestic Terrorist By earl ofari hutchinson The two words that were glaringly missing in the reams of news clips, press reports, and news features on alleged Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood Clinic killer, Robert Lewis Dear were "domestic" and "terrorist." His target, the clinic, and his victims were deliberately and calculatedly chosen. Attorney General Loretta Lynch promptly labeled the shooting a "crime against women receiving healthcare services at Planned Parent Read More >> |
 | 'We'll go back when war ends' -- refugee who feeds Berlin's homeless A Syrian refugee who caught public attention by virtue of his altruistic help to Berlin’s poorest has urged people not to fear asylum seekers coming from war zones. He told RT’s Ruptly that people just want to live in peace until war in Syria ends. Alex Assali, lives life ‘paying it forward’, and continues to cook meals for the homeless in Berlin. Spending a large share of his tiny government stipend is how he says ... Read More >> |
 | Capitalism At Work By Paul Craig Roberts In Greece the hardship is imposed from outside the country by the European Union, which Greece foolishly joined, giving away its sovereignty in exchange for austerity. The banksters and their agents in the EU and German governments claim that the Greek people benefitted from the loans and, therefore, are responsible for paying back the loans. But the loans were not made to the Greek people. Read More >> |
| This Is World War III By Timothy Gatto I first realized that World War III was about to take place just before the Olympic Games in Sochi. The coverage of the games hardly mentioned the sports and competitions, instead, it was a non-stop demonetization of Russia and Vladimir Putin. I heard diatribes about how unprepared the Russians were to host the games, how much money they spent on them and how the games were bound to fail. Read More >> |
 | Putin and Hollande go after Erdogan's racket By Pepe Escobar The main priority -- as reiterated by the declaration of war inbuilt in UNSC resolution 2249 -- is to smash ISIS/ISIL/Daesh. And then the clincher, as Putin and Hollande reached a consensus: there will be a barrage of air strikes against the fuel tanker truck convoys transporting stolen Syrian oil across Daesh-controlled territory on the way to Turkey. Read More >> |
 | Bernie Sanders' Refreshingly Sane Foreign Policy Bernie’s refreshing sanity on foreign policy gets overlooked far too often. This is especially problematic given the most recent Paris attacks and the renewed emphasis on national security. His remarks were what we’ve come to expect from Sanders: honest. Sanders makes clear that he understands both the crisis and the complicated political realities on the ground. “The United States must pursue policies to destroy the brutal and ... Read More >> |
 | Obama Administration Rejects New Settlement Recognition In a press conference this week, the Obama administration rejected Israel’s government request to recognize the construction of new [illegal] settlements in the occupied West Bank. During Kerry’s visit to Jerusalem, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly demanded US recognition of major Israeli illegal settlement blocs in the occupied West Bank in exchange for steps to ease tensions with the Palestinians. The US State D ... Read More >> |
 | "Things" heating up over Turkey's downing Russian jet fighter in Syria By Dave Lefcourt "Things" are heating up over Turkey's downing a Russian jet fighter last Tuesday in Syria. One "thing" seems clear, the attack was a pre-planned attack carried out by Turkey. Another "thing" it's hard to imagine Turkey acted w/out US foreknowledge. One other "thing" seems certain; Russia will take direct action against Turkey. Pres. Putin won't announce his action beforehand but Turkey's provocation won't go unpunished. Read More >> |
 | Planned Parenthood Shooting Suspect Robert Lewis Dear Has Unsettling Past The man who police say killed three people and wounded nine others during a shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic has a checkered past that includes allegations of domestic violence and animal cruelty. Robert Lewis Dear, 57, was arrested Friday after an hours-long standoff with police in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and is scheduled to appear in court Monday. James Russell, Dear’s former neighbor in a rural area near Black Mountain, North ... Read More >> |