Humans Are Free-Blog |
- Experiment Proves Why Staying In Tune With The Earth’s Pulse Is Key To Our Wellbeing
- 3 Popular Mainstream Media Journalists Come Together & Tell the Truth About Tell-Lie-Vision
- The Over-the-Counter Cancer Cure You’re Not Supposed to Know About
- 18 Human Qualities Most Needed to Advance the Global Awakening
Posted: 02 Jan 2016 10:00 PM PST
Have you ever felt disconnected from the earth? Interesting question to ponder, and while some of us feel that in some sense we become disconnected when we spend too much time indoors or on technological devices, the truth is, we don’t disconnect from the earth and its natural rhythms entirely, cause if we did, you would notice it big time.
That isn’t to say there isn’t huge benefit in being in nature, putting down your phone or even practicing some likeearthing, instead, I’m saying there is a deeper connection we all have to this planet that we may not be aware of. The law of biogenesis states that life cannot be created from nothing, it is always life that creates life. This profound statement can begin a series of questions into the scientific unknown relating to who or what created human life. Read Entire Article » |
Posted: 02 Jan 2016 09:00 PM PST
by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution
The world is changing so fast, and many people, at least in the developed world, are starting to see through corporately owned mainstream media. They’ve been caught red handed ‘faking’ and lying about major global events on multiple occasions, and now, some of their employees are leaving their jobs and telling the truth about something that dominates a large portion of mainstream media. That being said, it’s clear that not every single thing we see on mainstream western television is a lie, but it seems that much of it is or at least has corporate and political bias’ behind it, especially when it comes to major global events like war and terrorism. It’s unfortunate that our world has been plagued by political agendas, and that the infiltration of media has become out of control. Further, it’s disturbing to think that only a handful of corporations run and control mainstream media. Read Entire Article » |
Posted: 02 Jan 2016 08:00 PM PST
It’s no secret that cancer treatment has become its own thriving industry and the money to be made from prescribing cutting edge pharmaceuticals, chemotherapy and radiation "treatment" is immense.
Profit is the paradigm for modern medicine, but as our knowledge of cancer continues to grow we continue to be reminded that many verifiable effective and affordable treatments for cancer exist, but seems to be unwanted or outright prohibited by the medical establishment. Mebendazole (MBZ) is a commonly found, over-the-counter anti-parasite medication, used most often to rid the body of pinworms. It came into use in 1971, and now retails under a number of product names including Vermox, Ovex, Antiox, Combantrin and Pripsen. Found in most pharmacies and even available online, the drug is widely used, yet very few are aware of the effect it is seen to have in fighting cancerous tumors. Read Entire Article » |
Posted: 02 Jan 2016 07:00 PM PST
“All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts.” –Shakespeare
Reality is anything but fixed, it is created again and again, re-defined from moment to moment as a product of the behavior and choices of all sentient beings. For certain, we are more powerful than we yet know, and each one of us is indeed an actor on the same stage, all of us with the ability to impact and contribute to the story. Read Entire Article » |