Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: Just dirty politics...YOU know that also the Israeli governmentis fully involved in this 'Palestinian' terrorism...Annex ALL the territories andstop the farce of occupation and PNA!

Sunday, 3 January 2016

Just dirty politics...
YOU know that also the Israeli government
is fully involved in this 'Palestinian' terrorism...
Annex ALL the territories and
stop the farce of occupation and PNA!

The Jerusalem Post Newsletter
January 3, 2016
Netanyahu said he appreciated those in the Israeli Arab public who spoke out against the attack, serve in the IDF.

MDA teams providing initial treatment to the approximately 20-year-old victim at the Cave of the Patriarchs.
"I felt that he is a person who has no answers, and instead of addressing the nation and telling them that, he lashes out at a different population," says Huldai.
The assailant acted calmly and fired indiscriminately in order to kill as many as possible, and managed to escape before security forces arrived on the scene.
The suspect, named on Saturday as Nashat Milhem, 31, is believed to still be armed with the submachine gun he used in the attack, and to pose a clear and present danger to the public.
The biggest story of 2015: The completion of a nuclear deal between the world powers and Iran and its effects on the US-Israel alliance.
Salafist militant organization lauds attempt to make "Jewish blood" flow after Friday night's projectile attack.
"I did not educate him in such a way," the suspect's father said, "and I am deeply sorry by what he has done."