Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Sunday, 3 January 2016

The 01/03/2016 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:

Islamic State jihad suicide bombers attack Iraqi troops near Ramadi
By Robert Spencer on Jan 02, 2016 08:06 pm

Islamic State jihad suicide bombers attack Iraqi troops near Ramadi
“Even though Iraqi forces have managed to drive ISIS jihadists out of the center of Ramadi, local tribal leaders said this week that ISIS still controls as much as 25% of the city, and significant pockets of ISIS resistance remain.” Control of Ramadi is key to control of Iraq. The outcome is not yet clear, […]

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Iran: Protestors firebomb, ransack Saudi Embassy after execution of Shia cleric
By Robert Spencer on Jan 02, 2016 07:54 pm

Iran: Protestors firebomb, ransack Saudi Embassy after execution of Shia cleric
The execution “means that Saudi Arabia will not hesitate to punish all terrorists.” The attack on the Embassy means that Iran will not hesitate to stand up for Shi’ites against Saudi Arabia. This could easily escalate much, much more. An update on this story. “Iranian Protesters Ransack Saudi Embassy After Execution of Shiite Cleric,” by […]

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Jihad video featuring Trump also includes Hillary
By Robert Spencer on Jan 02, 2016 07:34 pm

Jihad video featuring Trump also includes Hillary
This establishes once again that the jihad is not provoked by what we say and do — because if anyone has indefatigably pursued a course of not saying or doing anything that could possibly anger Islamic jihadis or Muslims in general, it’s Hillary Clinton. “Media gleefully reporting al-Shabab video with Trump, IGNORES Hillary and ‘Black […]

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Iran says Saudi Arabia will ‘pay a high price’ for execution of Shiite cleric Nimr al-Nimr
By Robert Spencer on Jan 02, 2016 01:05 pm

Iran says Saudi Arabia will ‘pay a high price’ for execution of Shiite cleric Nimr al-Nimr
“”I have no doubt that this pure blood will stain the collar of the House of Saud and wipe them from the pages of history.” The Sunni-Shi’ite jihad threatens a sharp escalation. “Iran says Saudi Arabia will ‘pay a high price’ for execution of Shiite cleric Nimr al-Nimr,”, January 2, 2016: Iran has warned […]

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Afghanistan: Taliban jihadis bomb Kabul restaurant, tweet “#Hello2016‪#GoodTimesAhead”
By Robert Spencer on Jan 02, 2016 11:27 am

Afghanistan: Taliban jihadis bomb Kabul restaurant, tweet “#Hello2016‪#GoodTimesAhead”
Twelve years of American involvement in Afghanistan. So many lives lost. So much money wasted. And the Taliban is more assertive and aggressive than ever. A war without a point, or a focus, or a goal, or a terminus, or an enemy. A drain on our economy and morale, and all for absolutely nothing. A […]

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Iran defies Obama, pledges to ramp up missile program
By Robert Spencer on Jan 02, 2016 11:15 am

Iran defies Obama, pledges to ramp up missile program
Peace in our time. “Defiant Iran pledges to ramp up missile program, in challenge for Obama,” by Bozorgmehr Sharafedin, Reuters, January 2, 2016: A series of Iranian officials vowed on Friday to expand Tehran’s missile capabilities, a challenge to the United States which has threatened to impose new sanctions even as the vast bulk of […]

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Jihad terror group uses Trump soundbite in propaganda video
By Robert Spencer on Jan 02, 2016 11:02 am

Jihad terror group uses Trump soundbite in propaganda video
The mainstream media is crowing over how this video apparently vindicates the earlier claim by their favored candidate, Hillary Clinton, that Trump’s words were fueling jihad terror recruitment. See, she was right all along! Or maybe al-Shabaab decided to try to overwhelm her massive negatives and get her elected. But none of that is really […]

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Iraqi Christian leader on Muslim persecution of Christians: “Is this not a crime against humanity?”
By Robert Spencer on Jan 02, 2016 05:24 am

Iraqi Christian leader on Muslim persecution of Christians: “Is this not a crime against humanity?”
Of course it is. And others have asked similar questions before: “Why, we ask the western world, why not raise one’s voice over so much ferocity and injustice?” asked Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, the head of the Italian Bishops Conference (CEI). The Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregory III has also said: “I do not understand why […]

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India: Islamic jihadists in Indian military uniforms attack air force base
By Robert Spencer on Jan 02, 2016 04:32 am

India: Islamic jihadists in Indian military uniforms attack air force base
This was not just the actions of a few “lone wolves,” but a major attack, with a gun battle that lasted several hours. “The BBC’s Sanjoy Majumder in Delhi says it is not yet clear who the attackers were but suspicion is already falling on Kashmiri militant groups based in Pakistan. Some Indian security officials […]

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Tel Aviv jihad murderer had a copy of the Qur’an in his backpack
By Robert Spencer on Jan 02, 2016 04:18 am

Tel Aviv jihad murderer had a copy of the Qur’an in his backpack
The Muslim who opened fire in Tel Aviv, murdering two people and injuring five more, was carrying a copy of the Qur’an. Now, the international media, or at least the BBC, was already baffled as to this man’s motive, and this news will mystify them still more: why on earth would a man intent on […]

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