
Everyday of Freedom is an Act of Faith
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Thursday, 31 March 2016
The European Union Times |
- Russia vows totally asymmetrical response to major US troop build-up in Europe
- Depressing Survey Results Show How Extremely Stupid America Has Become
- Russian Army Rolls Out New Fully Robotic Tank Uran-9
- "Whites should await their death or suicide" - South African Department of Diversity
- US Media Says "Trump Violent" for Accidentally Knocking Phone Out of Journalist's Hand
- The Global Elite Hate Donald Trump And I Like It - Ted Nugent
- Europe will be Diverse in its remotest places, it's our "destiny", or war - EC Vice President
- National Border Patrol Council Endorses Trump for President
- UN ratchets up Falklands pressure, UK rejects Argentina's territorial claim
Posted: 31 Mar 2016 05:45 AM PDT
Russia’s envoy to NATO has vowed a “totally asymmetrical” response if the alliance stands by a plan to deploy new armored units to Eastern Europe. Citing Russian “aggression” as a pretext, the US has announced “continuous troop rotations” starting 2017. “We are not passive observers, we consistently take all the military measures we consider necessary in order to counterbalance this reinforced presence that is not justified by anything,” Moscow’s permanent representative at the alliance, Aleksandr Grushko, said in an interview with TV channel Russia-24 on Wednesday. “Certainly, we’ll respond totally asymmetrically.” Grushko did not elaborate on his statement, but said Russia’s actions would correspond to its “understanding of the extent of the military threat, would not be extremely expensive, but also highly effective.” “As of today, assessing as a whole what that the US and NATO are doing, the point at issue is a substantial change for the worse in the security situation,” he said. The comments from Russia’s NATO envoy came shortly after the Pentagon announced a plan to increase its troop presence in “the European theater” of up to three fully-manned Army brigades by the end of 2017, one armored, one airborne and one Stryker brigade. “This Army implementation plan continues to demonstrate our strong and balanced approach to reassuring our NATO allies and partners in the wake of an aggressive Russia in Eastern Europe and elsewhere,” Air Force Gen. Philip M. Breedlove of the US European Command said. “This means our allies and partners will see more capability – they will see a more frequent presence of an armored brigade with more modernized equipment in their countries.” The first such rotational armored brigade combat team would arrive in Europe in February next year. Each of the brigades will be on nine-month rotations and bring their own equipment to use for exercises across Europe. NATO also wants to enhance Europe’s current equipment and replace it with “the most modern the Army has to offer.” At the same time, the older gear would become the core of the previously unveiled “Army pre-positioned stocks,” which NATO would keep in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. “We see that the plan to increase readiness approved at the NATO summit in Wales is being consistently implemented, new and new measures aimed at ‘calming down’ US allies in Eastern Europe are announced,” Grushko said as he responded to the news from the Pentagon. The Russian envoy also addressed reports of Breedlove’s suggestion to resume surveillance flights of U-2 jets over Europe, presumably on the borders of the Baltic states. Speaking of “the strategic threat presented by Putin’s Russia,” Breedlove reportedly said that “EUCOM needs additional intelligence collection platforms, such as the U-2 or the RC-135, to assist the increased collection requirements in the theatre.” While Grushko has not ruled out such jets being used over regions bordering Russia, he sees undertones of propaganda in the reports rather than a real threat. “It seems to me that these [reports on potential resumption of flights by US reconnaissance planes] are nothing more than another propaganda volley, but made with an intent,” Grushko said. “Reconnaissance aircraft will not fly over Russia.” In this regard, he cited another example of the West’s purposeful anti-Russia rhetoric which has spread throughout the media. “Reading these materials makes your hair stand on end, because of how some experts discuss with aplomb that if NATO had not taken measures, our [Russia’s] tanks would already be in Tallinn and Riga,” Grushko said. At the same time, he said that bridges have not been burned between Russia and NATO, leaving the door open for restored cooperation – although he stressed that the alliance should end its policy of confrontation. “Cooperation will be possible only when NATO countries start realizing that the policy of confrontation contradicts their own national interests,” Grushko said. “There are no technological barriers to this cooperation. We hope that sooner or later all the ties which we used to have, and which used to be effective, will be re-established and our cooperation will continue.” Source |
Posted: 31 Mar 2016 05:19 AM PDT
If we continue to put garbage in, we are going to continue to get garbage out, and that is the cold, hard reality of the matter. Ten years ago, a major Hollywood film entitled “Idiocracy” was released, and it was an excellent metaphor for what would happen to America over the course of the next decade. In the movie, an “average American” wakes up 500 years in the future only to discover that he is the most intelligent person by far in the “dumbed down” society that he suddenly finds himself in. Sadly, I truly believe that if people of average intellect from the 1950s and 1960s were transported to 2016, they would likely be considered mental giants compared to the rest of us. We have a country where criminals are being paid $1000 a month not to shoot people, and the highest paid public employee in more than half the states is a football coach. Hardly anyone takes time to read a book anymore, and yet the average American spends 302 minutes a day watching television. 75 percent of our young adults cannot find Israel on a map of the Middle East, but they sure know how to find smut on the Internet. It may be hard to believe, but there are more than 4 million adult websites on the Internet today, and they get more traffic than Netflix, Amazon and Twitter combined. What in the world has happened to us? How is it possible that we have become so stupid? According to a brand new report that was recently released, almost 10 percent of our college graduates believe that Judge Judy is on the Supreme Court… Source |
Posted: 31 Mar 2016 04:48 AM PDT
State-of-the-art robotic systems have already become an essential part of the Russian Armed Forces, where they typically take on the most hazardous work, according to the Russian news network Zvezda. The past five years have seen an ever-increasing number of advanced combat robots enter service with the Russian Armed Forces, where they are tasked with implementing the most hazardous missions, the Russian news network Zvezda reported. In this vein, it is worth mentioning the Uran-9 robotic system, a tracked unmanned combat ground vehicle which is being developed and produced by the state-run Russian corporation Rostec for the international market. The Uran-9 is designed to provide remote reconnaissance and fire support for deployed units, with the goal of reducing troop casualties during counter-terror operations in urban environments. The system includes two recon and fire support robots, a mobile control post, and a tractor to provide transportation. Also of particular interest is the Uran-6, a multipurpose demining robot which is powerful enough to replace 20 sappers. It can be remotely operated from a safe distance of about one kilometer. During last year’s military expo in the town of Nizhny Tagil in Russia’s Ural Mountains, the organizers unveiled a wide array of futuristic robots, such as an unmanned reconnaissance helicopter and a tracked robotic system armed with missiles and machine guns. Source |
Posted: 31 Mar 2016 04:20 AM PDT
An “Afrikaner identity” conference was held at the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa, and was organized by the so-called “Department of Diversity Studies.” The conference featured several White Afrikaners ranting about how Whites are evil and should commit suicide. One of these anti-White preachers was Terblanche Delport, a White philosophy lecturer. He said: “The only purpose for Whites, specifically Afrikaners, is to await their death or to commit suicide, like the samurai falls on his short sword when he has fallen into disgrace.” According to him, “White supremacy could only be ended once Whites are dead,” “We should be prepared to die silently, without having children, so that white supremacy could come to an end at last.” Christi van der Westhuizen, a White journalist, also added to the anti-White conference, saying only Whites who “fought against apartheid had a place in South Africa.” Jaco Oelofse, a White member of the extremely anti-White Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) party, agreed with what was said. “The Afrikaner’s identity has become completely redundant,” he said. “It was the Afrikaner’s masculinity that created the Afrikaner identity.” The EFF’s leader, Julius Malema had to promise “there will never be a white genocide under our rule” after he was caught signing a song about shooting White South Africans. So what kind of death awaits White South Africans? It’s not a peaceful one. Like the elderly man who was beaten by a gang of Black men, tied up, and then thrown into a pit of crocodiles while still alive. Or perhaps they might be killed like the little White boy who was drowned in a bath of boiling hot water, after seeing his parents murdered. In South Africa the White genocide is very physical. Whites are being murdered at a much higher rate than other groups, and if it continues it will result in a shrinking White population. In majority White countries, there is another form of White genocide taking place. White areas are forced by law to become “diverse”, which means they can no longer be majority White. Millions of non-White immigrants are being brought in to achieve this “diversity” agenda on a nation-wide scale. This is intended to make White countries minority White. It’s as much genocide as is systematic killings of White people. |
Posted: 31 Mar 2016 03:34 AM PDT
The media attempted to equate a trivial accident to physical violence Tuesday after Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump accidentally knocked a phone out of a reporter’s hand. Footage of the “incident,” captured during a press conference on the GOP frontrunner’s private jet, shows Trump apologizing to a reporter whose phone inadvertently crossed paths with his hand. Fast forward to 24:53 “Whoops, sorry,” Trump tells the journalist. Despite its mundane nature, sites such as the Washington Examiner attempted to connect the encounter to recent news surrounding Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. “The seemingly innocuous smack comes after Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, was arrested Tuesday for a single count of misdemeanor battery for an incident earlier in the month involving ex-Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields.” Although evidence shows Fields grossly exaggerated the account, and that Lewandowski was incorrect when stating he had not touched the reporter, media outlets have ignored key facts regarding the episode in order to push an anti-Trump agenda. Meanwhile, a wave of death threats and actual violence against Trump and his supporters are all but ignored. Source |
Posted: 30 Mar 2016 02:55 PM PDT
Musician and political activist Ted Nugent says he’s impressed by both GOP candidates Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, but in a recent Facebook post the “Cat Scratch Fever” songwriter highlights why he thinks Trump is pissing off all the right people. At this time I do not endorse Donald Trump anymore than I endorse Ted Cruz as I admire both gentlemen. But these points are SO damn special! Obama is against Trump The Media is against Trump The establishment Democrats are against Trump The establishment Republicans are against Trump The Pope is against Trump The UN is against Trump The EU is against Trump China is against Trump Mexico is against Trump Soros is against Trump Black Lives Matter is against Trump MoveOn.Org is against Trump Koch Bro’s are against Trump Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump Bonus points Cher says she will leave the country Mylie Cyrus says she will leave the country Whoopi says she will leave the country Rosie says she will leave the country Al Sharpton says he will leave the country Gov. Brown says California will build a wall Sounds like the kinda president the US needs! |
Posted: 30 Mar 2016 02:43 PM PDT
Frans Timmermans, the Vice President of the European Commission, gave a speech saying that Europe is not allowed to remain majority European. “Diversity is now in some parts of Europe seen as a threat” he said. “Diversity comes with challenges. But diversity is humanity’s destiny.” “There is not going to be, even in the remotest places of this planet, a nation that will not see diversity in its future. That’s where humanity is heading.” “And those politicians trying to sell to their electorates a society that is exclusively composed of people from one culture, are trying to portray a future based on a past that never existed, therefore that future will never be.” “Europe will be diverse, like all other parts of the world will be diverse.” “The only question is, how do we deal with that diversity? And my answer to that is, by ensuring that our values determine how we deal with diversity and not giving up our values to refuse diversity. That will bring us down as a society.” “If we don’t get this right, I truly believe Europe will not remain the Europe we built. Europe will not remain a place of peace and freedom, for very long.” This speech is originally from October 2015, but there has been a complete media blackout, at least on the web. They talk about “mixing the world”, but it is only in European white areas where this “mixing” must be enforced by law, and those who oppose it are labelled with scary-sounding words. There is no international pressure on any Asian countries to destroy their Asian majority. There is no international pressure on any African countries to destroy their Black majority. |
Posted: 30 Mar 2016 02:19 PM PDT
In an official statement first obtained by Breitbart Texas, the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) endorsed Donald Trump for President of the United States. The unusually bold statement comes just days after a senior policy adviser for Trump made clear that future U.S. border security policy would be largely determined by the men and women of the U.S. Border Patrol who are actual agents protecting the border and not by politically-appointed bureaucrats in the Border Patrol or its parent agency, Customs and Border Protection (CBP), if Trump is elected. The endorsement is the first-ever in a presidential primary for the NBPC. The agents’ statement makes clear that Trump’s public pledge to secure the border by turning to the actual agents in the NBPC is revolutionary and an opportunity never-before-seen and one that may never be seen again. They wrote, “Mr. Trump will take on special interest and embrace the ideas of rank-and-file Border Patrol agents rather than listening to the management yes-men who say whatever they are programmed to say. This is a refreshing change that we have not seen before – and may never see again.” The NBPC has been the only voice for nearly 17,000 Border Patrol agents. The organization has served as the only advocacy and defense mechanism for the needs and interests of agents against overwhelming attacks from political groups and special interests opposing a secured border. Continue |
Posted: 30 Mar 2016 02:13 PM PDT
Britain has rejected Argentine claims to the waters surrounding the Falkland Islands following a UN commission ruling that extended the South American nation’s maritime territory by 35 percent. Downing Street dismissed the move as “not legally binding,” insisting the UN commission does not have jurisdiction over national sovereignty. The government of the Falklands has expressed concern over the decision, while, shares in Rockhopper Exploration – an oil firm drilling near the islands – slumped following the announcement. According to the UN, Argentine waters have expanded 1.7 million sq km to encompass the disputed Falklands, or, as they are known in Argentina, Islas Malvinas. The UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf essentially ratified Argentina’s 2009 petition to fix the limit of its territorial waters at 200 to 350 miles from its coast. However a spokesperson for Downing Street downplayed the ruling. “What’s important is what do the Falkland islanders themselves think? They’ve been clear that they want to remain an overseas territory of the UK and we will still support their right to determine their own future.” The British government says Falklands residents cannot be forced to accept Argentine sovereignty against their will. Mike Summers, chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Falkland’s Islands said: “Our understanding has always been that the UN would not make any determination on applications for continental shelf extension in areas where there are competing claims.” Shares in UK oil company Rockhopper Exploration PLC slumped 5.3 percent on Tuesday morning. The company, which has suffered major losses in recent years after failing to find oil around the Islands, merged with competitor Falklands Oil & Gas Limited (FOGL) last November in a £57-million deal. Announcing the UN’s decision on Tuesday, Argentine Foreign Minister Susana Malcorra said: “We’re reaffirming our sovereignty rights over the resources from our continental shelf, minerals, hydrocarbons and sedentary species.” In the long standing dispute, Buenos Aires claims it inherited the Falkland Islands from the Spanish crown in 1816, while London justifies its position saying it has continuously administered the territory since 1833, as well as the islands’ population, which is almost entirely of British descent. While the islands are self-governed, London provides for its defense and foreign affairs, and fought a war with Argentina to protect its claim in 1982. The British government also maintains that islanders cannot accept Argentinian sovereignty against their will. During the 2011 referendum 98 percent of residents favored the status quo. Source |
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