Faith in G-d |
The statement, "I believe there is a G-d," is meaningless.
Faith is not the ability to imagine that which does not exist. Faith is
finding relevance in that which is transcendent.
By Manis Friedman
Our source of sustenance is neither regular nor predictable.
Our eyes are forever trained upward, in hope and in faith . . .
By Yanki Tauber
A Pillar of Strength and Faith After the Holocaust
Rachel was a Holocaust survivor who lived a life of tragedies
and great challenges. Yet she often said, in a voice choked with
emotion, "G-d is so good to me."
By Dina Hendel
The trees remind me of growing. Each one is a masterpiece, and I
am awed. I am also a "masterpiece," and I am also unfinished . . .
By Varda Branfman
Faith in Humanity |
What does G-d want with sinners like me? Does He appreciate all the effort I put into trying not to be what I am?
By Tzvi Freeman
The ego employs a more innocuous method of thwarting our
connection to G-d. It allows us to seek spirituality, but inserts the
condition, "Only do not go far off-pray for me!"
By Rabbi Ben A.
It happens all too often. People become so set in their
mediocrity that they give up hope of ever achieving a breakthrough.
By Yossy Goldman
No person is "broken" or ready to be discarded. Each of us is
valuable, and has a valuable contribution to make to our world.
By Chana Weisberg
The meaning of Yisrael, the name of all Jews.
By Chaim Mentz
My children specifically enjoy hearing my most vivid image of a
late March Canadian blizzard, the night of my Bat Mitzvah . . .
By Batya (Schochet) Lisker
When Rabbi Hillel finally finished, his companion was quite
upset. "I don't understand," he complained. "I thought you wanted to
spend Shabbat with the Rebbe . . ."
By Yanki Tauber
Jewish History |
The most renowned of the Jewish medieval scholars, Maimonides
indelibly changed the face of Judaism. Read about his scholarship and
achievements, and the modern-day global campaign to incorporate his
teachings into every Jew's daily study schedule.
A survey of the life, work and legacy of one of the most
influential figures in Jewish history, Rabbi Moses Maimonides
By J. Immanuel Schochet
Founder of Chabad
A short biography of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, founder of
Chabad Chassidism, with links leading to many of his teachings.
This is what man is all about; this is the purpose of his
creation—to make for G-d a dwelling in the physical world . . .
The Rebbe said with great feeling: "You speak of all that you
need. But you say nothing of what you are are needed for."
From the writings of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak of Lubavitch
Video Class |
Reincarnation: Part 3
Reasons why souls may need to endure the challenge of embodiment more than once.
By Yisroel Levine
Judaism 101 |
Which crime is worse, financial exploitation or verbal abuse?
"Money can be reimbursed," the Talmud notes, "but the hurt from words is
irreparable . . ."
Redeeming the Firstborn Son
Pidyon Haben: We are commanded to "redeem" firstborn sons after
they reach 30 days of age. What is the significance of this rite, and
how is it done?
Relationships |
How couples can build the kind of life together where both will give and receive the maximum amount of love.
By Manis Friedman
When people marry, many feel as if they were given an imaginary
thermometer and now have the right to check their spouse's moods
whenever they feel like it.
By Miriam Adahan
Parenting |
Are you in a fight with the other guy, or are you facing a
struggle between the good and the evil inside your own heart?
By Aron Moss
She used to be a sweet girl, but for the past year or two, things have been getting more and more out of hand.
By Beryl Tritel
Kids |
Va'eira Parshah Report
Senior Weather/Catastrophe Correspondent Jono gives us a meteorological look at the Ten Plagues.
Dovid Taub & Jonathan Goorvich