Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: January 2011

Monday, 31 January 2011


Shevat 26, 5771 · January 31, 2011
This Week's Features
We must focus on appreciating ourselves as we are. If we see ourselves through the eyes of a person who does not like us, we will be devastated. Maturity means that we do not allow others to determine our sense of self-worth...

By Miriam Adahan
She looks at me with those large brown eyes. There's a hint of sadness, doubt, and even fear. She averts her gaze, trying to deny her act, as if she's trying to take it back.

By Chana Weisberg
Daily Life
My cholent is a concoction of: a bow to ancient tradition, a recognition of life's bitterness and sweetness, and deference to my pedigree as a fourth-generation American

By Deena Yellin
Making tuna sandwiches is a holy activity--one that dates back to the times of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem

By Aron Moss
Pictures with a Purpose
In Egypt, the Jewish women prepared tambourines with sheer faith, knowing that G-d would perform miracles...

By Michoel Ogince
Parshah Parenting
My daughter is always complaining that "all the other mothers" always do their children's projects and homework for them...

By Chana Weisberg

Center for American Progress

We Use Gas Pumps for That

With rising oil prices, Big Oil is awash in profits, but they are still mobilizing against President Obama’s proposal to close unneeded tax loopholes, writes Daniel J. Weiss
More: Big Oil's Lust for Tax Loopholes
today's cartoon From the Cartoonist Group.
View more cartoons in the archive.

Principais Notícias

Congo-Brazzaville encerra por horas fronteira com Cabinda

De acordo com o advogado Marcos Gomes apesar de o incidente ter durado poucas horas não deixa de ser preocupante.

Namibe: Esgotaram-se os medicamentos para doentes com vírus da SIDA

Pacientes precisam de se deslocar à Huíla, para tratamento, mas muitos não tem dinheiro para a viagem.
Viramune, um medicamento para seropositivos

Brasil quer ter voz mais forte na ONU

No início de um mandato rotativo de dois anos, Brasil faz campanha para a reforma do Conselho de Segurança e quer lugar permanente.
Capacete azul brasileiro na Missão da ONU no Haiti

Controvérsia rodeia novo presidente da União Africana

Teodoro Obiang acusado de corrupção e violação de direitos humanos.
Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo

Bruxelas adia sanções contra Bissau

Bissau reage mal a ameaça de sanções da União Europeia.

Eleições Cabo Verde: Necessário avançar com modernização da justiça

Criação do Tribunal da Relação liberta Supremo para matérias mais complexas.

Costa do Marfim: União Africana nomeia comité presidencial de crise

Um projecto de resolução será conhecido em menos de um mês

Angola: Educação e saúde monopolizam funcionários públicos

Mais de 85 por cento dos postos de formação profissional pertencem aos organismos públicos.

Egipto: Manifestantes aumentam pressão sobre o governo de Mubarak

Os manifestantes querem por termo a 30 anos do regime do presidente Hosni Mubarak.

Forte presença militar com aviões de combate a sobrevoarem a cidade do Cairo

Sobe a tensão no Egipto. ElBaradei junta-se aos manifestantes
Mais Noticias

Kosovo and Albania: Dirty Work in the Balkans: NATO’s KLA Frankenstein
Global Research, January 30, 2011
Antfascist Calling - 2011-01-28

Egypt & North Africa. Usual British destabilizations and coups d'État

The New Republic Daily Report

A Note of Warning and Encouragement for Egyptians, From an Iranian Writer Who Lived Through the 1979 Revolution  Abbas Milani Like on Facebook

After days of unrest, after declaring martial law in some of the country’s main cities, the authoritarian leader gave a much anticipated television speech. His tone was repentant. He promised change and reform. The people wanted democracy and he promised to bend to their wishes.

For a long time, the United States had been advising him to open his political system—but had been seen publicly as his chief supporter. The U.S. president had given lofty and elegant speeches defending democracy and human rights, assuring the people of the Middle East that the United States supported their democratic demands. But both the leader and his American supporters were caught off-guard by the size of the demonstrations. American officials began trying to walk a dangerous tight-rope: offering support for the beleaguered leader but also establishing ties and credibility with the opposition.

Continue reading "A Note of Warning and Encouragement for Egyptians..." 

American Liberals and the Streets of Cairo
Leon Wieseltier Like on Facebook