Posted: 09 Aug 2012 09:18 PM PDT
possibility of an inexpensive, convenient test for Alzheimer’s disease
has been on the horizon for several years, but previous research leads
have been hard to duplicate. In a study to be published in the August 28
issue of the journal Neurology, scientists have taken a step toward
developing a blood test for Alzheimer’s, finding [...]
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 09:15 PM PDT
American freshwater fishes are going extinct at an alarming rate
compared with other species, according to an article in the September
issue of BioScience. The rate of extinctions increased noticeably after
1950, although it has leveled off in the past decade. The number of
extinct species has grown by 25 percent since 1989. The [...]
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 09:12 PM PDT
Einat Levi As a Jewish Israeli, I had assumed that the Holocaust
ceremonies that take place in Israel every year would have made me more
immune to grief than others. I was wrong – being present at a ceremony
commemorating the 8,000 Muslims killed in Srebrenica, Bosnia during the
wars in the former Yugoslavia [...]
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 09:09 PM PDT
Sadhavi Chauhan After seventeen months, the Syrian crisis continues and
threatens the dispute settlement mechanism of the United Nations. The
15-member United Nations Security Council (UNSC) remains divided on
Syria – Russia and China as its permanent members vetoed the sanctions
against the incumbent Bashar al-Assad regime, while Saudi Arabia and
Pakistan abstained, leaving [...]
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 09:07 PM PDT
United States will continue establishing a global missile defense
system and strengthening partnership with Persian Gulf countries, State
Department spokesman Patrick Ventrell said on Thursday. “The threat from
ballistic missiles to our deployed forces, allies, and partners in the
region is growing, and this threat is likely to increase in both volume
and complexity [...]
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 08:51 PM PDT
Abukar Arman If constitutions are supposed to make boundaries of the
government’s legitimate authority over its citizens and state or
regional administrations clear, Somalia’s new constitution oddly falls
short. While there are some bright provisions in the new constitution,
much of it can be aptly described as uncertain assurances and a ‘not
now’ legal [...]
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 08:24 PM PDT
Labs reports (and here) a new computer virus infection using some of
the same coding as Flame, an earlier major malware creation largely
attributed to Israel cyberwarfare experts (probably affiliated with the
IDF’s Unit 8200): A more in-depth analysis conducted in June 2012
resulted in the discovery of a new, previously unknown malware platform
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 08:20 PM PDT
Daniel Wagner President Assad’s inevitable fall from power, presumed to
be later this year, will be important for many reasons – among them, a
possible shift in the geo-strategic balance of the Middle East and how
today’s ‘great powers’ wield their batons and attempt to manipulate the
marionettes on the ground. China, Russia and [...]
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 08:07 PM PDT
Avinash Godbole The People’s Republic of China continues to give out
contradictory signals on the question of ethno-religious identity among
its minorities. While its desire for economic prosperity in Xinjiang may
be achievable, it has not seemingly found any solution to the sense of
alienation felt by the local Uighurs. In yet another instance [...]
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 08:03 PM PDT
Namrata Goswami After a brief lull last week, violence has returned to
the Bodo Territorial Areas Districts (BTAD) in Assam. On August 6 and 7,
four more people were found dead and two injured in Kokrajhar and
Chirang districts raising the figures of the number of people killed to
78. The BTAD districts, namely, [...]
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 07:59 PM PDT
Monia Ghanmi Tunisia’s economy is showing signs of recovery and may
reach a 6% growth rate by 2017, the International Monetary Fund said on
Friday (August 3rd). “Tunisia’s medium-term economic growth potential
remains favourable, but unleashing it requires a comprehensive package
of structural reforms to foster private investment,” the IMF said in its
annual [...]
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 07:57 PM PDT
Jemal Oumar Burkinabe Foreign Minister Djibrill Bassolé arrived in Gao
Tuesday (August 7th) to hold talks with Islamist militants on behalf of
the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). The regional
mediator was received by local dignitaries before touring a local
hospital, according to AFP. The Burkina Faso envoy later moved on to
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 07:54 PM PDT
Ajey Lele The US will undertake a manned mission to Mars to once again
demonstrate its supremacy as well as to demonstrate the limitations of
China’s rise. Mars is in the news. The much published successful landing
of NASA’s (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) Curiosity
rover on the surface of Mars on August 06, [...]
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 07:49 PM PDT
has happened to my country? I grew up in a Christian household — my
father was Church of England, my mother Methodist — and both believed in
Christian charity; in other words, the need for people of faith to look
after those less fortunate than themselves. In the case of my Methodist
heritage — [...]
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 07:44 PM PDT
Greek authorities’ ongoing sweeps targeting suspected migrants based on
little more than their physical appearance violate international
standards, Human Rights Watch said today. Since August 4, 2012, more
than 6,000 foreigners presumed to be undocumented migrants have been
taken into police stations for questioning, and more than 1,500 arrested
for illegal entry and residence [...]
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 07:43 PM PDT
only measure likely to halt violence in Indonesia’s Papua province in
the short term is a major overhaul of security policy. Indonesia:
Dynamics of Violence in Papua, the latest report from the International
Crisis Group, examines multiple sources of conflict in Papua, following
fifteen violent incidents in the provincial capital Jayapura in May and
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 07:41 PM PDT
Jaya Ramachandran A major overhaul of security alone is likely to halt
violence in Indonesia’s Papua province in the short term, says the
prestigious International Crisis Group in its latest report. Titled
Indonesia: Dynamics of Violence in Papua, the report scrutinizes
multiple sources of conflict in Papua, following fifteen violent
incidents in the provincial [...]
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 07:38 PM PDT
Debak Das The recently concluded third India-US Strategic Dialogue has
been a remarkable exhibition of the strengthening bilateral relationship
between the two states. The dialogue meanwhile has also delivered a
much needed fillip to the issue of the prospect of Indian membership to
the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG). While this road seems to be [...]
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 07:35 PM PDT
nurses from Karachi’s Civil Hospital who were found unconscious at a
hostel late last month are being threatened, says Father Abid Habib, a
local peace activist. The women were victims of a suspected poisoning on
July 29. A police investigation is ongoing, but no suspects have been
identified. “We are still convinced that they [...]
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 07:29 PM PDT
is the anniversary of Singapore’s independence, and they’re celebrating
by urging citizens to make a baby. With headlines like “Thursday’s the
Day to Go All the Way for Civic Duty in Singapore,” and a new commercial
rap video produced by Mentos to “Get Your National Night On,” Singapore
is fighting a battle with one [...]
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 07:26 PM PDT
Obama re-election campaign and the Democratic Party and their backers,
like the organization MoveOn, are bitterly decrying the flood of
corporate money going to his opponent, presumptive Republican
presidential nominee Mitt Romney, who is out-fund-raising the president
by an ever-increasing amount. But there is a hollow sound to the
president’s whining. Back in 2008, Obama, [...]
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 07:23 PM PDT
Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the rest of the Democratic Party, elected
officials, political operatives and labor’s leader Richard Trumka.
Thirty million American workers want and need a federal minimum wage of
$10 per hour which is slightly less than their predecessors got in 1968 –
yes 1968 – adjusted for inflation. What will it [...]
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 07:15 PM PDT
dismissal of two key security ministers in a critical time when the
country is going through the security transition could be considered a
serious blow to any government. It could also jeopardize the gains. Any
government’s stability is dependent on a triangle of security
organizations, the intelligence department, the army and the police.
They [...]
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 07:11 PM PDT
the world becomes increasingly urban, food demand will come mainly from
people living in cities while there will be fewer rural farmers
producing food on less land with less water. Cities can play a bigger
role in food security. But to accomplish this requires new thinking and
new policies by policy makers and politicians, [...]
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 07:06 PM PDT
week the House passed yet another bill placing sanctions on Iran and
Syria, bringing us closer to another war in the Middle East. We are told
that ever harsher sanctions finally will force the targeted nations to
bend to our will. Yet the ineffectiveness of previous sanctions teaches
us nothing; in truth sanctions lead [...]
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 07:04 PM PDT
from three weeks off grid, much of it hiking in Alaska and Australia.
When I left the U.S. economy was in a stall, Greece was on the brink of
defaulting, the euro-zone couldn’t get its act together, the Fed
couldn’t decide on another round of quantitative easing, congressional
Democrats and Republicans were in gridlock, [...]
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 07:02 PM PDT
battle between Syrian troops and rebels for the control of Aleppo,
Syria’s second city, c continued on Thursday amid contradictory
information circulating over the evolution of the fighting. The rebels
were completely removed Thursday from the emblematic Salaheddin district
after an unprecedented bombardment by the Syrian army. “The Free Syrian
Army (FSA) has made [...]
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 07:00 PM PDT
recent border deal with Vietnam will not result in any ceding of land
to its eastern neighbor, Cambodian Prime minister Hun Sen told lawmakers
Thursday in a rambling speech of more than five hours meant to address
concerns over the demarcation agreement. Hun Sen was summoned to the
lower house of Cambodia’s National Assembly, [...]
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 06:58 PM PDT
David Trilling Think Skype is a secure way to make a call? Think again.
That smartphone in your pocket? It could be a portable bug. And the
camera on your laptop screen? You might consider covering it with duct
tape. Disguised as regular software updates, sophisticated British-made
spyware – sometimes described as “malware” – [...]
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Posted: 09 Aug 2012 06:55 PM PDT
Aygul Hanova China’s energy demand from Central Asia is growing. While
China’s natural gas consumption was 131.7 billion cubic meters (bcm) in
2011, it is forecasted to increase to 375 bcm by 2020. This meant that
natural gas demand of China is an opportunity for Central Asian gas
suppliers to diversify their routes and [...]
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