Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: Gang stalking case summary. Cliff Huylebroeck

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Gang stalking case summary. Cliff Huylebroeck

Gang stalking case summary

My name is Cliff Huylebroeck. I'm a targeted individual from Belgium. I was born in 1969.
The author is working on this website
I have 2 brothers, an older one who studied construction, and a younger one who studied Chinese and Japanese. My father's family are traditionally self-employed in carpenting and furnitures. My mother's family are traditionally employed in education, textile and farming. All men of the previous generations have served in the army. The previous generations of my father's family are very religious. All first born boys have the name Jozef. All first born girls have the name Maria. Some were Jehovah's witnesses. My mother's family is also very religious. My grandparents moved to a religious community.
The targeting started in 1980 for an unknown reason. The results of all boys in my class dropped with 20%. People were ganging up on me in public, shouting at me in groups of 30 and more. I had strange vivid dreams. When I complained about the dreams, my parents sent me to a shrink. The shrink saw no mental illness. We did an IQ test. (This is standard in mind control. They need to know how hard you can fight back.) He advised to send me to the academy of music. (This is standard in mind control. They give you a hobby that wastes your time or your health. Badminton for example is dangerous for your eyes.)
On the first day that I went to college, I started to hear music, always the same song played over and over again, so I couldn't concentrate. This continued for 6 years.
When I was 13 I noticed that they tried to cause deadly accidents.
My parents sent me to the academy of music. I had to follow more and more courses until my results in school dropped so badly that my parents had a reason to become angry.
When I was 17 I noticed that they searched my room every day.
When I was 18 the behaviour of my parents became so odd that I left home. As soon as I rented a student's room there were noise campaigns and I regularly got the 'flu' that is so typical for electronic harassment. There were repeated attempts to set the building on fire.
I became Bachelor of Informatics. I became conscientious objector. I refused to do military service.
From 1987 to 1994 I was harassed by Kris Daels, the undercover agent alpha 20. From 1992 to 1994 he was my landlord. Sometimes the voice to skull harassment was so bad that it looked like a helicopter was landing on my head.
In 1993 I noticed that they followed me on the street. In November 1993 it became clear to me that everyone was in on it. I noticed that my neighbours were replaced with agents. They 'worked' on the central heating system. I could hear things slide through the pipes. I thought that they were microphones. They consistently moved something on the floor above my head. I experienced a lot of tampering with my computer. Files were replaced with versions of several days ago. Documents were replaced with partly unreadable documents.
In 1995 I started to hear the 'tinnitus' that is so typical for voice to skull. I noticed illegal entry in my house. They threw things in my garden.
I have worked as a programmer for the Ministry of Housing.
In 1997 I moved to the house where I live now. Immediately they started to build a house at the other side of the street. Within 6 months it was finished. In the 9 following years, no one lived there. I think that it was used as a base for the perps.
You can see my house on Google maps. It's the last house but one in the row.
The house of the author as seen by the eye in the sky
You can see my house also on Google street view. It's the house with the yellow windows.
The house of the author
I experienced damage to the house and my property. Small items were stolen or replaced with inferior items. Documents were stolen. There was a lot of tampering and malfunction of water, electricity, cable TV, telephone, internet, computer. Clothes were replaced with damaged clothes. Leather clothes got scratched during my absence always to mark places where I have a scar. They cut the fringes from a leather jacket. A letter that I prepared on my computer was altered. My cats were illtreated, soaked in diesel, teeth broken, broken tail and so on. They damaged my lock so I couldn't get in. The screws and the key of my wardrobe were stolen. Books were stolen. A new bicycle was replaced with another one that had a severe construction flaw. The brakes of my bicycle were replaced with very simple brakes. They tried to cause an accident on every corner of every street. They meddled in everything, always and everywhere.
In 2008 I started to hear faint voices with 6 different short messages like "OK""Well done""He's got it".
On October 7, 2008 I was reading a discussion about 9/11: -> conspiracy Theories -> We are all prisoners now. Daniel J. from USA wrote on 06/01/2008 03:11:27 PM: Look up "gang stalking".
I was a victim for 28 years before I discovered that it had a name, and it was a very good name.
On October 8, 2008 I searched for gang stalking. For 6 months I read everything that I could find about gang stalking.
On January 13, 2009 I started to hear a voice that was nearly as loud as normal spoken words. I think that it was about 3 PM. This continued for exactly 10 weeks. As soon as I woke up, within 1 second I heared a message spoken by an angry male voice with aggressive intonation. This was repeated every few seconds the whole day long, until I fell asleep. Then I went to the public library. I asked to use a computer. I went to I typed hearing voices. As soon as I clicked the search button the voice disappeared. If I heared the message every 4 seconds during 15 hours a day, then I must have heard it 945,000 times.
On March 13, 2009 I outed myself as a targeted individual on the forum.
On March 14, 2009 Kris Daels appeared on the Belgian national TV to present his biography with his adventures as the undercover agent alpha 20. He had been in control of all Belgian informants for 25 years.
On March 17, 2009, my birthday, Kris Daels appeared on the Dutch national TV.
Kris Daels on the Dutch national TV
In the summer of 2011 I heared a voice say regularly "I have cancer." Then the voice disappeared. I think that the harasser is dead.
On January 10, 2012 I met another targeted individual. He had found my e-mail address on While we were in public we saw that we experienced the same harassments.
On June 19, 2012 I started to organize individual RF scans in Belgium.
You can read more about my activism.
T-shirt with the words gang stalking victim
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