Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: Historically, in the USA, the Secret Police Department (the Death Squads) of the FBI creates and manages State Terrorism (massacres, assassinations etc). In cases as this one, they may use hetero-direction and similar manipulation techniques...

Monday 6 August 2012

Historically, in the USA, the Secret Police Department (the Death Squads) of the FBI creates and manages State Terrorism (massacres, assassinations etc). In cases as this one, they may use hetero-direction and similar manipulation techniques...

Monday, August 6, 2012
As a Sikh-American, I am absolutely heart-broken.
'Domestic Terrorist' Open Fires At Wisconsin Sikh Temple
5 Things To Know About Sikhism
Temple Shooting Spreads Fear Among U.S. Sikhs
Saudi Arabia's First Female Olympian Raises Scorn Of Kingdom's Clerics
I Don't Want To Go Back To Church And Why I Will
Deepak Sarma: Wisconsin Temple Fatalities: Targeted For Looking Different?
If the United States is supposed to be a melting pot, a place of tolerance, a country for the tired, the poor, and the huddled masses yearning to breathe free, then no one should stand out or be the target for looking different.
Simran Jeet Singh: Islamophobia, Sikhophobia and Media Profiling
The first casualty of a hate crime in post-9/11 America was a Sikh-American named Balbir Singh Sodhi. According to official reports, his murderer said he killed Sodhi because "he was dark-skinned, bearded, and wore a turban."
Imam Khalid Latif: Ramadan Reflection Day 16: How To Cope With Death of Loved Ones?
Moving on also does not entail completely forgetting. How we remember becomes key as does what we do through that remembrances. Our hearts will respond to things that remind them of what they hold as beloved.
Imam Khalid Latif: Ramadan Reflection Day 17: A Prayer For Syria
At the very least please keep the people of Syria in your prayers. That, at least, won't cost any of us anything.
Rev. Malcolm Boyd: No One Prays Better Than Anyone Else
Spirituality and religion are enmeshed in a global struggle that involves new definitions, fresh "Mission Statements," and taking an unabashed closer look at things like truth, worship, who's welcome, what's defined as sin -- and the very nature of prayer itself.