Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Wednesday, 8 August 2012


The Peoples Press - Powered By People - For People
Not For Profit - For Global Justice
"It's very odd how for some progressives and liberals in this country wars, secret detentions and bailouts and violations of habeas corpus, that were heinous and terrible and hideous when an inarticulate white Republican from West Texas does it, becomes curiously okay when a sophisticated black lawyer does it." - Paul Street, a journalist and author

"Nothing appears more surprising to those who consider human affairs with a philosophical eye than the easiness with which the many are governed by the few, and the implicit submission with which men resign their own sentiments and passions to those of their rulers. When we inquire by what means this wonder is effected, we shall find that, as force is always on the side of the governed, the governors have nothing to support them but opinion. It is, therefore, on opinion only that government is founded, and this maxim extends to the most despotic and most military governments as well as to the most free and most popular."-- David Hume, Scottish philosopher and historian, "Of the First Principles of Government" 1758  

August 07/08, 2012
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Moving Toward War in Syria

By Rep. Ron Paul

In truth sanctions lead to war more than they prevent war.

Turkey Attacks Kurds, Threatens Military Action Against Syria

By Chris Marsden

On the eve of an expected major offensive in Aleppo by the Syrian regime, Turkey has threatened to invade Syria, using the pretext of Kurdish groups seizing control of northern border areas.

Perfecting The Method of "Color Revolutions"
Western leaders slip back into childhood

By Thierry Meyssan

A genuine revolution entails an upheaval in social structures that takes place over several years, while a "color revolution" is a regime change that occurs within weeks.

The Natural Map of the Middle East
Making Israel a Winner

By Patrick J. Buchanan

If a U.S. war on Iran is good for al-Qaida, how can it be good or us?

USA Holds Its Breath
Saudi Arabia's uprising surmounts the regime's impregnable shield

By Zayd Alisa

The USA needs to stand on the right side of the present and future of Saudi Arabia, by extending the oil-for-protection deal to an (oil and concrete democratic reforms-for-protection deal).

Iran and Everything Else

By Michael Parenti

For 25 years the Shah of Iran tortured and murdered many thousands of dissident workers, students, peasants and intellectuals. For the most part, the U.S. press ignored these dreadful happenings and portrayed the Shah as a citadel of stability and an enlightened modernizer.


Unrestrained Savagery
How can Terrorist monsters do this?

By Glenn Greenwald

Holding a protest outside of a funeral is a moral atrocity, but bombing a funeral and killing the mourners in attendance is a noble act in defending freedom.

Obama Won't Call It "Terrorism"

By Ali Abunimah

Obama More Sympathetic to Israelis Killed in Bulgaria than to Sikh Americans Murdered in Wisconsin.


"Mitt Romney Catastrophe: Barack Obama Disaster"

Video - Cornel West and Paul Street

"It's very odd how for some progressives and liberals in this country wars, secret detentions and bailouts and violations of habeas corpus, that were heinous and terrible and hideous when an inarticulate white

Republican from West Texas does it, becomes curiously okay when a sophisticated black lawyer does it."

On Drugs and Democracy

By Inge Fryklund

If opium and heroin (as well as marijuana) were legalized, what would happen?

George Carlin: Execute the Bankers


Death penalty doesn't mean anything unless you use it on people who are afraid to die. Like... the bankers who launder the drug money.

This Is The USA?
Alex Schaefer's Chalking Protest


Artist Alex Schaefer chalking as his act of civil disobedience against the collusion between banks and state.

Hard News  
16 killed in deadly church attack in central Nigeria:  
Gunmen shoot dead at least 16 people, including the pastor, in church in town near city of Okene, an army official says. 

10 Taliban, one French occupation force soldier killed in Afghan firefight:  A French soldier and around 10 Taliban fighters were killed in an early morning ambush and subsequent firefight during a joint operation on Tuesday with the Afghan army in Kapisa province, officials said. 

9 Afghan civilians killed in Kabul blast :  A roadside bomb kills at least nine civilians and wounds three others travelling in a minibus in the Paghman district of Kabul on Tuesday. Travis Brecher reports 

NATO occupation force troops kill 4 Afghan civilians :  According to local authorities in western Nimroz province of Afghanistan, a number of Afghan civilians were killed following night time military operation by coalition security forces in this province 

U.S.occupation force service member killed by Afghan national army soldiers: defense minister quits :  Two gunmen wearing Afghan National Army uniforms turned their weapons on NATO troops Tuesday, killing an American service member and wounding two others, U.S. and coalition officials said. 

Eleven Afghan police defect to Taliban in Helmand province:  The men switched sides early on Monday in Musa Qala district, taking with them weapons and three motorcycles, a provincial spokesman told the BBC. 

None Dare Call It Murder:
US kills 10 "al Qaida militants" in Yemen -  US drones killed 10 al Qaida militants - one believed to be a top bomb-maker - in separate strikes targeting moving vehicles in Yemen, officials and the country's state-run agency said today. 

Iraq:Four policemen killed and two civilian wounded in Tikrit.  4 policemen were killed and two civilians were injured, when a roadside bomb went off east of Tikrit, late hour yesterday. 

Erdogan slams Iran for supporting Maliki government:  Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has criticized Iran's support of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's government, contrary to the aspirations of a large coalition comprising Kurdish, Turkmen and other Shiite groups in Iraq to unseat Maliki Today`s Zaman reported 

Three Russian Soldiers Killed In Chechnya Suicide Attack:  At least three Russian soldiers have been killed and three others injured in an apparent suicide attack on a military vehicle in the country's volatile North Caucasus region, media reports citing Russian officials said late on Monday 

Convoy of Turkish military forces briefly enters Syria:  Turkish military forces have briefly crossed the border with a Kurdish region in Syria with the backing of armored vehicles and helicopters. 

In Aleppo, Syrian rebels show signs of strain:  Some fighters hastily packed cars with rocket-propelled grenades and homemade bombs, wires poking out of them, apparently getting ready to move on. 

None of insurgents were Syrian: UK journalist:  Cantile said he was held in a camp by 30 foreign extremists including some from Britain and Pakistan. He also revealed that some of his captors were "young men with south London accents". 

Syrian rebels claim Qatar, Saudi Arabia provided light arms:  Qatar and Saudi Arabia are supplying light armaments to anti-Assad forces, Bassma Kodmani, a spokesperson for the opposition Syrian National Council (SNC) said on Monday. " 

Iran backs Assad in Syria crisis and blames 'warmongering' US:  Iran sending its top officials across the Middle East, blasting US "warmongering" and publicly backing a "defiant" Bashar al-Assad as the country sinks deeper into war. 

Democracy sole solution to resolve Syrian crisis: :  Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council : The SNSC chief expressed Iran's preparedness to provide humanitarian assistance to the distressed and persevering people of Syria. 

Engineering Consent For An Attack On Iran:
Netanyahu: If Iran goes nuclear, it may actually use bomb:  "This is a regime that has broken every rule," Netanyahu says. "They very likely could use weapons of mass death." 

Iran airs "confessions" in killings of nuclear scientists:  In a documentary aired on Sunday evening, called "Terror Club" and set to a dramatic score, a group of men and women sit against black backgrounds and confess to receiving weeks of training in Israel, then returning to Iran to carry out the killings of nuclear scientists. 

Egypt's Brotherhood says Mossad behind Sinai attack:  Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood said on its website that the attack on a police station in Sinai on Sunday in which 16 policemen were killed "can be attributed to Mossad" and was an attempt to thwart Islamist President Mohamed Mursi. 

International flotilla sets sail to break Gaza blockade:  Swedish based organisation begins voyage hoping to raise awareness for plight of Gazans 

Obama fights ban on indefinite detention of Americans:  The White House has filed an appeal in hopes of reversing a federal judge's ruling that bans the indefinite military detention of Americans because attorneys for the president say they are justified to imprison alleged terrorists without charge. 

Pro-Romney Donations Will Be 'Limitless,' Could Top $100M:  Billionaire Sheldon Adelson, along with his wife Miriam, has donated $10 million to the leading Super PAC supporting presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney-and that's just the tip of the iceberg. A well-placed source in the Adelson camp with direct knowledge of the casino billionaire's thinking says that further donations will be "limitless." 

Mosque in US burned to the ground:  A day after the tragic shooting incident at a gurdwara, a mosque in the US was burned to the ground in a suspected arson attack. This was the second attack on the mosque in Missouri in little more than a month. 

Texas set to execute 'mentally retarded' man:  "This is a miscarriage of justice, he [Wilson] would have the same reasoning powers of a five-year-old child, if a five-year-old child killed someone we would not execute them." 

In Police Pat-Downs, Many Women See Sexual Overtones :  Shari Archibald's black handbag sat at her feet on the sidewalk in front of her Bronx home on a recent summer night. The two male officers crouched over her leather bag and rooted around inside, elbow-deep. One officer fished out a tampon and then a sanitary napkin, crinkling the waxy orange wrapper between his fingers in search of drugs.  


"Let us be peace and joy"

Tom Feeley
Cost Of War
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged) In America's War On Iraq:  4,883

Number Of  International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 3,124
Cost of War in Iraq & Afghanistan
Total Cost of Wars Since 2001
