Ukrainian President should veto legislation that attacks fundamental rights
In an alarming start to 2014 Ukraine’s parliament has hastily adopted a bill that if passed by President Yanukovich, will drastically restrict the rights to freedom of expression, assembly and association. Read more>UPDATE
Media companies join us to caution Strasbourg about online user comments
ARTICLE 19, together with 69 other organisations, has written to the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights to urge that they accept the referral of the First Section decision in Delfi v Estonia, which threatens to seriously restrict freedom of expression online. The letter has been signed by a large number of international media companies including Google, Thomson Reuters, The New York Times, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, The Guardian and Forbes
Egypt: Draft Constitution December 2013
In January 2014, ARTICLE 19 analysed Draft Constitution of the Arab Republic of Egypt of 2 December 2013 (Draft Constitution) from the perspective of international human rights standards, in particular on freedom of expression and freedom of information.
The Gambia: Two journalists facing prosecution for conspiracy
Two Gambian journalists, Musa Sheriff, editor-in-chief and owner of The Voice, a tri-weekly private newspaper, and Sainey Marenah, a reporter, were arrested on Monday 13 by the Gambian security forces of the National Intelligence Agency and then released on bail on Thursday 16 by the courts.
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Kenya: Contempt of Court Bill 2013
In this legal analysis, ARTICLE 19 examines the Kenyan Contempt of Court Bill, 2013 from the perspective of international human rights law and standards on freedom of expression, as well as comparative approaches to contempt of court.
Tunisia: Independence of the judiciary must be protected in Constitution
ARTICLE 19 welcomes the agreement reached on the articles adopted in the new Tunisian Constitution, which are consistent with universal principles of human rights. ARTICLE 19 now calls on members of the National Constituent Assembly to continue this approach when adopting the remaining articles of the constitution, and stresses in particular, the need for guarantees for the independence of the judiciary through ensuring a system of appropriate checks and balances.
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What do toilet paper, bread and press freedom have in common in Venezuela?
Some of the most important newspapers in the country will halt their presses in the next 12 days or so, as a result of a shortage of newsprint since November last year. El Nacional, one of the largest newspapers, has enough paper to continue publishing for only a month; while El Universal, its main rival, will interrupt its printing in roughly six weeks if supplies are not delivered.
The Day I Became a Woman
In October 2010, Fateme Ekhtesari wrote an exclusive self-revelatory piece for ARTICLE 19 called ‘The Day I Became a Woman’. This piece received some of the best, often controversial, reviews any guest writer has had on our page. In the wake of her recent arrest, along with Mehdi Mousavi, I decided to re-publish her piece here today to remind our readers of her free soul and bold spirit.
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