Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: A mafia-style German government fucked from a mafia-style Greek government. German mafiosi want to reward Greek mafiosi using YOUR MONEY! Greece MUST reimburse its external debt!

Monday, 29 June 2015

A mafia-style German government fucked from a mafia-style Greek government. German mafiosi want to reward Greek mafiosi using YOUR MONEY! Greece MUST reimburse its external debt!


We Are Living in the Anti-Europe

The Greek crisis has destroyed an old dream about the future of Europe. The only possibility for moving the EU in the direction we were promised is a radical solution -- either a Grexit or an expensive debt haircut.


The Price of Five Years of Cowardice

Much of Europe is outraged by Alexis Tsipras' decision to hold a referendum on reforms in Greece. But how did the euro zone allow an economically irrelevant country of 11 million to bring the common currency to the brink? Through cowardice.