Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Friday, 26 June 2015


UN HRC: Civic Space Restrictions in Central Asia and Eastern Europe must be addressed

ARTICLE 19 made a statement to the United Nations Human Rights Council, calling for unequivocal condemnation of the crackdown on civic space in the region, and a demand that States suppressing fundamental freedoms repeal restrictive laws, and abstain from adopting further restrictive legislation.Read more >


Mexico: Congresswoman tries to ban memes 

On 15 June 2015, Mexican congresswoman Selma Guadalupe Gómez Cabrera, of the Green Party, submitted the legislative initiative on Civil Liability for the "Protection of Privacy, Honour and Self-Image to Sonora State Congress". The draft law would consider visual representations of people (such as memes) defamatory. The initiative contains various provisions which disproportionately restrict freedom of expression and information. Read more >

Morocco: Parliament must improve Draft Law on Access to Information

“The current draft law on access to information has numerous failings and does not meet international standards on protecting the right to access information and the right to freedom of expression” stated Nejib Mokni, MENA RTI expert from ARTICLE 19.  Parliament should uphold those rights. Read more in English | عربي


ECtHR: Right to Access Information is an essential part of Free Expression

A19 have submitted a third party intervention to the European Court of Human Rights regarding the case ofMAGYAR HELSINKI BIZOTTSÁG v HUNGARY. The core issue raised is the right of the public to obtain information held by public bodies. We argue that the right of access to information is a fundamental human right, and thus any restrictions on it must be necessary and proportionate. Read more >


UN HRC: Systematic Violation of Human Rights in Eritrea Demand Accountability

A19 called on the UN Human Rights Council to ensure accountability for violations of human rights, including freedom of expression, in Eritrea following a damning report by the Commission of Inquiry. Read more >


Kazakhstan: Forced closure of Newspaper constitutes Censorship

A19 submitted a complaint to the UN HRC on behalf of the Pravdivaya Gazeta, known for its outspoken criticism of the authorities, regarding its harassment and ultimately forced closure. Read more >