Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

2015-07-27 | NO.19(30) epaper |
South China Sea Disputes
US Pacific Fleet Chief Joins Surveillance of S. China Sea (2015-07-20)
(AP) In a move likely to irk mainland China, the new U.S. commander of the Pacific Fleet joined a seven-hour surveillance flight over the disputed South China Sea over the weekend on board one of America's newest spy planes.

Chinese State Media to Pacific Fleet: We Won't Be Pushed Around in South China Sea (2015-07-20)
(Foreign Policy, By David Wertime) On July 20, the website of People’s Daily, which almost exclusively runs content given prior sanction within the government, ran an interview whose title said that other countries won’t be able to take advantage of China in the event of a conflict.

China Could Use Islands against Taiwan: CSIS Advisor (2015-07-24)
(Taipei Times, By William Lowther) The US is “quite concerned” the islands will increase China’s anti-access area-denial and general power-projection capabilities, said Bonnie Glaser, senior adviser for Asia at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
Diaoyutai Disputes Resurface and Japan Policy
Surprise: Japan Sees China As Its Main National Security Threat (2015-07-24)
(The Diplomat, By Franz-Stefan Gady) The cabinet of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe approved the 2015 defense white paper, and China’s naval ambitions and its overall maritime activities remain Japan’s top national security concern.

Japan-China Maritime Dispute Back in the Spotlight (2015-07-23)
(The Diplomat, By Shannon Tiezzi) In the recently-released “Defense of Japan” white paper, Japan’s Ministry of Defense had a lot to say about China as a security threat. In one of the more specific criticisms, the paper takes China to task for its “unilateral development” work in the East China Sea, where Japan and China have not yet delimited their exclusive economic zones.

China and Russia to Stage Amphibious Assault Attack in Sea of Japan (2015-07-20)
(The Diplomat, By Franz-Stefan Gady) Chinese and Russian naval officials have concluded planning a large joint Sino-Russian maritime exercise to be held in late August, according to the Russian TASS wire service.
India, Japan and US Plan Joint Indian Ocean Naval Drills (2015-07-24)
(Reuters) Japan is set to take part in joint naval exercises with India and the US in the Indian Ocean in October, military and diplomatic sources said, a drill that so riled China eight years ago that Delhi has not since hosted such a multilateral wargame.
U.S. “Pivot” to Asia and Sino-U.S. Engagement
A Grand Economic Strategy for Dealing with China (2015-07-23)
(Foreign Policy, By Jeffrey E. Garten) In the case of the RMB and the SDR, the box needs to be bigger than what might seem natural because the internationalization of China’s currency will overtime transform global finance, and global finance is the circulatory system of the world economy. I’d advise the United States not to fight the RMB/SDR issue. Let China in this year. But the issue could be used as a springboard for much bigger things.

Book Review: ‘The China Challenge’ by Thomas J. Christensen (2015-07-26)
(New York Times, By Jonathan Mirsky) Beijing should pay attention. It is lucky to have in Thomas Christensen someone who can be severely critical about what’s going on inside China, but who wants to deal.
DPP Searches for New China Stance; Cross-Strait Issues
Tsai Favored over Rivals to Carry out Cross-Strait Political Negotiations (2015-07-14)
(TISR) A plurality of Taiwanese think DPP presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen would do a better job at managing cross-Strait relations and safeguarding Taiwan’s sovereignty during political negotiations with Beijing than her KMT competitor Hung Hsiu-chu and potential candidate James Soong, according to the latest Taiwan Mood Barometer Survey (in Chinese).

Unification Support Dive: Poll
(Taipei Times) The latest poll by National Chengchi University’s Election Study Center showed a record-low 9.1 percent of respondents support unification with China, and a record-low 3.3 percent regard themselves as Chinese.

‘1992 Consensus’ Written into KMT's New Party Platform
(CNA) The ruling Kuomintang (KMT) has incorporated the "1992 consensus" into its party platform that was passed at the party's national congress.

Kinmen Water Deal Not a Security Risk: Official (2015-07-21)
(Taipei Times) A water deal signed with China will help stabilize water supply on Kinmen and does not pose a national security risk, Vice Minister of Economic Affairs Yang Wei-fu said.
PLA, Military Balance and Arms Sales
China Improving Anti-Submarine Program: Study (2015-07-24)
(Taipei Times, By William Lowther) As Taiwan struggles to enhance its submarine fleet, China is rapidly improving its anti-submarine warfare program, a study from Stratfor Global Intelligence said.

Ministry of National Defense Tops 70% of Recruitment Goal
(Taipei Times) The Ministry of National Defense released figures indicating it has reached 71 percent of this year’s recruitment target as it shifts to an all-volunteer force.

China Simulates Attack on Presidential Office (2015-07-23)
(Taipei Times) China’s CCTV released footage of the maneuvers, which the Ministry of National Defense said hurt cross-strait relations and were unacceptable.
Taiwan's Domestic Issues and Foreign Relations
KMT Makes Hung Nomination Official (2015-07-20)
(Taipei Times) The KMT's national congress officially endorsed Deputy Legislative Speaker Hung Hsiu-chu as its presidential candidate, putting an end to months of speculation about Hung’s candidacy, which until yesterday was rumored to be facing opposition within the party.
Tsai Would Enjoy Significant Margin against Hung: Poll (2015-07-20)
(Taipei Times) DPP presidential candidate Tsai Ing-wen would lead her KMT opponent, Deputy Legislative Speaker Hung Hsiu-chu, by nearly 30 percentage points if they are the only two participants in next year’s presidential election, according to a poll released by the Taiwan Thinktank.
Taiwan Chooses Vulnerability (2015-07-22)
(Wall Street Journal) Taiwan is debating big issues these days as it prepares to elect a new president in January. Yet it’s having all too little debate about the importance of domestic nuclear-energy production. Taiwanese leaders across the political spectrum are instead playing to popular but shortsighted anti-nuclear fervor.
Taiwan Has Its Own Textbook Controversy Brewing (2015-07-27)
(Foreign Policy, By Grace Tsoi) A new history curriculum for Taiwanese high school students, due to launch in August, is part of a larger forthcoming education reform. But critics argue that the new history guidelines are an attempt by the ruling Kuomintang, the island’s Chinese Nationalist political party, to sidle up to mainland China and win new voters over to the KMT side.
Taiwan Mood Barometer Survey, First Half of July 2015 (2015-07-14)
(TISR) President Ma Ying-jeou's approval rating dropped 4.2 percentage points over the first 10 days of July, according to the latest Taiwan Mood Barometer Survey (in Chinese).

Monterey Talks Held at Pentagon: Report
(China Post) A high-level annual Taiwan-U.S. security meeting, known as the "Monterey Talks" is currently being held at the Pentagon, the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, a local media source reported.

President Urges Speed on EU Trade Deal (2015-07-22)
(China Post) President Ma Ying-jeou called for the rapid conclusion of a trade agreement between the European Union and Taiwan during a meeting with a visiting European Parliament delegation.
State Visit Will Build Ties, Boost Trade: Honduras Leader (2015-07-25)
(China Post) The state visit to the R.O.C is meant to further solidify bilateral ties while promoting closer trade and investment, visiting Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez said.
China's Rise and Its Domestic Issues
Top Chinese Officials Is Ousted from Communist Party (2015-07-21)
(New York Times, By Dan Levin) A top aide to China’s former president Hu Jintao who will face prosecution on corruption charges has been expelled from the Communist Party and removed from public office, Chinese state news media reported.

New US$100 Billion BRICS Bank Opens in Shanghai (2015-07-22)
(AFP) The NDB’s Web site calls it an alternative to the US-led World Bank and IMF, although China’s finance minister downplayed that.
OBOR Should be Strongly Considered: TAIRTA Head (2015-07-24)
(China Post) Taiwan's economy relies heavily on exports, and the nation should actively participate in regional economic integration, including Beijing's "One Belt, One Road" (OBOR) initiative, said Francis Liang, chairman of the Taiwan External Trade Development Council.
China's Global Ambitions, with Loans and Strings Attached (2015-07-26)
(New York Times, By Clifford Krauss and Keith Bradsher) China has invested billions outward, using its economic clout to win diplomatic allies and secure natural resources around the world.
The World According to China (2015-07-24)
(New York Times, By Gregor Aisch, Josh Keller, and K.K. Rebecca Lai) China’s enormous overseas spending has helped it displace the United States and Europe as the leading financial power in large parts of the developing world.
Contact: Dalton Lin, Executive Editor