Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Friday, 25 September 2015

Humans Are Free-Blog

Posted: 23 Sep 2015 10:00 PM PDT
This "Tesla baby" can produce enough power matching all power generation facilities in Russia when lightning is discharged onto a platform.

A team of Russian scientists are already working on the restoration of the "Tesla tower" for wireless power transmission, developed by Tesla in 1901-1902. The Wardenclyffe Tower, also known as the Tesla Tower, was built near the island of Manhattan (USA) at the beginning of the 1900's but was not completed for reasons unknown so far.

Some speculate that the original Tesla tower was closed due to the lack of funding. Tesla believed that this project was, if completed, one of the most effective electric systems in the world allowing him to produce and transmit electrical energy across great distances.

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Posted: 23 Sep 2015 09:00 PM PDT
The hijacked environmental movement is a symptom of the current general, collective state of humanity: good hearted but ignorant. Kind hearted but hoodwinked. 

Many people in the environmental movement are in it for the right reasons: they see the ongoing poisoning and destruction of the planet by corporations, and are determined to defend and speak out for the Earth.

Yet, in spite of their good intentions, they have unwittingly allowed themselves to be channeled in a direction that is not really going to help the Earth. They are unintentionally supporting the very forces that are responsible for the pillaging of it.

By continuing to push notions that carbon dioxide is a poison, that global warming exists and mankind is responsible for it, that we need a worldwide carbon tax and that we require Agenda 21-style global governance, these people are unknowingly promoting the New World Order program – and unwittingly placing elite controllers in power who don’t care about the environment and view it merely as a resource to be exploited.

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Posted: 23 Sep 2015 08:00 PM PDT
Have you ever heard of Muscadine grapes? They’re not exactly well known across most of the country, but science is confirming that these unique fruits are antioxidant superstars and have an abundance of a cancer-fighting compound called resveratrol.

by Yelena Sukhoterina

First discovered by the colonists about 400 years ago on Roanoke Island of North Carolina, Muscadine grapes became very popular to grow in that state and a few other southern states.

They are in peak season right now until mid-fall, and they can be found at a few supermarkets across the nation and were spotted at Whole Foods earlier this week. It’s the perfect time to try them and see for yourself why the Muscadine variety Scuppernong became the official state fruit of North Carolina in 2001.

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Posted: 23 Sep 2015 07:00 PM PDT
Gun control false flag crisis actors be warned: Facial recognition search software is going to bust you! Funny, the technology is easy enough to use on Facebook, one has to wonder why the mainstream media and police don’t use it for these alleged mass shooter events.

Actually, this is an even bigger warning to the billionaire “philanthropists” who back aggressive gun controlinitiatives and are likely backing these staged “events.”

You’ve hired horrible actors. You’re going to get busted unless you back off. But, alas, we know your allegiance to the UN Small Arms Treaty requires you to push forward despite a growing number who know your game.

The latest reporter shooting hoax in Virginia is getting so easily torn apart by the conspiracy research community that the media’s emotional staging of actors is becoming absurd.

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