Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Humans Are Free-Blog

Posted: 22 Sep 2015 10:00 PM PDT
This may sound bizarre to some. But now that the recent Virginia TV Reporter shooting false flag has been blown wide open by the independent media, has anyone taken into consideration that the general public is being played in more ways than we are considering on the surface? 

by Bernie Suarez, truthandarttv

Up to now, the general narrative throughout independent media is that the main purpose behind the staged shootings of the last several years likely involves a focused agenda on gun control and I agree that may very well be the primary reason.

That is often evidenced by statements put out by politicians and crisis actor family members. Also, the timing of these shootings often coincide with U.N. Arms Trade Treaty talks and events. But has anyone considered that the obvious discrepancies in this latest shooting false flag are there on purpose?

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Posted: 22 Sep 2015 09:00 PM PDT
China has been producing fake rice for at least four years, and it is still on the market. 

by Yelena Sukhoterina, AltHealth Works

Singapore media reported that this “rice” is produced with potatoes, sweet potatoes and – believe it or not – poisonous plastic. It is shaped like regular rice grains but remains hard after cooking and can cause serious health issues.

The rice in question China’s Wuchang rice. The rice is very popular because the real Wuchang rice is famous for its smell, and it costs more for its quality (almost double the price), according to Blue Ocean Network (BON) TV report, a popular English Channel in China.

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Posted: 22 Sep 2015 08:00 PM PDT
The world is enslaved to an economic system designed to create tremendous power and wealth for those who own the system, while forcing the rest of us into mathematically insurmountable debt and the stagnation, austerity and poverty that comes with it.

Corrupt and patently unsustainable, the world’s currencies and financial markets are rigged, and an economic collapse is inevitable at some point.

Sad but true, and the ongoing dramatic narrative of the interplay between engineered boom and engineered bust is a chief psychological tool in sustaining the popular belief that this monetary reality as the only monetary reality possible.

The truth, however, is that as long as this economic reality is the reality then we will be slaves to debt economics, and the pursuit of endless growth is certain to consume everything on the planet.

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Posted: 22 Sep 2015 07:00 PM PDT
By Rusticus

With Q3 of the 2015 fiscal year just around the corner, one cannot help but notice unprecedented unease in both financial and social spheres, and perhaps with good reason; with alternative media forecasters, national banks, and supranational institutions alike heralding the coming of “global depression” by the end of 2016, this consensus of seemingly strange bedfellows almost universally agree that something wicked this way comes.

These dire economic prognostications exist simultaneously in a world in which energy and development prospects, both nationally and transnationally, are being reworked – with equally profound implications as the aforementioned financial trend analysis.

Be it the Obama Administration’s “Clean Power Plan” or the EU and China’s planned Neomalthusian 2030 carbon emission cutbacks, national entities the world over are positioning themselves for profound shifts in energy, development, trade, and even currency ahead of COP21 in Paris this December, or as some have deemed it, “Agenda 2030.”

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