Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: World terrorisms and mafias are invented, created and managed from the British SIS-Crown and its clients...

Monday, 28 September 2015

World terrorisms and mafias are invented, created and managed from the British SIS-Crown and its clients...

The 09/28/2015 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:

Relax: Australia and Indonesia to work together to rehabilitate jihadis
By Robert Spencer on Sep 27, 2015 11:01 pm

Relax: Australia and Indonesia to work together to rehabilitate jihadis
How they propose to do this is unclear. Probably they think they will rehabilitate these jihadis by showing them that the tragically misunderstood Qur’an is actually a Book of Peace. Perhaps they will be able to get John Kerry or Pope Francis or David Cameron or some other world-class authority on Islamic teaching to go […]

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Where the Islamic State has directed or inspired jihad attacks worldwide
By Robert Spencer on Sep 27, 2015 10:49 pm

Where the Islamic State has directed or inspired jihad attacks worldwide
A global reach. Map is larger size at the New York Times source.

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Now 30,000 foreign Muslims have joined ISIS; analyst says they’ve lost momentum
By Robert Spencer on Sep 27, 2015 08:54 pm

Now 30,000 foreign Muslims have joined ISIS; analyst says they’ve lost momentum
“Nearly 30,000 foreign recruits have now poured into Syria, many to join the Islamic State, a doubling of volunteers in just the past 12 months and stark evidence that an international effort to tighten borders, share intelligence and enforce antiterrorism laws is not diminishing the ranks of new militant fighters.” But don’t be concerned. The […]

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UK Muslims pelt soldier in uniform with eggs, excrement
By Robert Spencer on Sep 27, 2015 08:23 pm

UK Muslims pelt soldier in uniform with eggs, excrement
The soldier describes what happens in the audio here. When he is asked who attacked him with the eggs and excrement, he says very guardedly: “uh, certain religious side of our community.” And later he says that his attackers were “wearing pretty much similar clothing, they were all in sort of religious wear, like white […]

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ABC’s “Quantico” tackles terrorism, offends Mormons
By Robert Spencer on Sep 27, 2015 08:09 pm

ABC’s “Quantico” tackles terrorism, offends Mormons
It is a staple of the Muslim victimhood industry to complain that Hollywood frequently features Muslim terrorist villains, and seldom depicts Muslims as anything other than terrorists. In reality, can you think of even one major motion picture that featured Islamic terrorists as the villains? In Tom Clancy’s The Sum of All Fears, jihadis were […]

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French strikes against Islamic State unlikely to yield gains or stop jihadis
By Robert Spencer on Sep 27, 2015 07:39 pm

French strikes against Islamic State unlikely to yield gains or stop jihadis
All for show, like the American effort: “We can already see it in Iraq, where the majority of American planes return to base without having dropped their bombs. And we have just learned the result of these operations were manipulated to make us think they were working.” “French strikes in Syria to reap political, but […]

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Salon: “We are at war with an imaginary Islam”
By Robert Spencer on Sep 27, 2015 07:19 pm

Salon: “We are at war with an imaginary Islam”
From Salon comes this particularly lengthy and turgid exercise in Leftist denial of reality. “The United States is at war with a very different, mythic Islam of its own making that has nothing at all to do with this Islam of the Qur’an,” says Raymond William Baker, without bothering to examine the Qur’an at all […]

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US confirms: US-trained Syrian rebels gave their weapons to al-Qaeda
By Robert Spencer on Sep 27, 2015 06:54 pm

US confirms: US-trained Syrian rebels gave their weapons to al-Qaeda
I have taken a lot of heat for saying that there is no distinction in Muslim communities between “extremists” and “moderates” — that is, mosques haven’t generally expelled jihadis, have no programs to teach against the jihadist understanding of Islam that they ostensibly reject, etc. This incident shows that my statement is absolutely true: even […]

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Former Grand Mufti of Lebanon: No way except jihad to liberate “Palestine”
By Robert Spencer on Sep 27, 2015 06:39 pm

Former Grand Mufti of Lebanon: No way except jihad to liberate “Palestine”
What? Jihad? Not “dialogue”? Why doesn’t Pope Francis sit down with Sheikh Muhammad-Rashid al-Qabbani and explain to him how “authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Koran are opposed to every form of violence”? That will clear up the Grand Mufti’s misunderstanding of Islam in a trice. “Former Grand Mufti of Lebanon: No way […]

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UK hospital moved RAF sergeant over fears his uniform would offend Muslims
By Robert Spencer on Sep 27, 2015 06:44 am

UK hospital moved RAF sergeant over fears his uniform would offend Muslims
“His family was allegedly told by hospital workers that ‘they didn’t want to upset people’ and ‘have lots of different cultures coming in.'” Hmmm. People of which culture would be offended by the sight of an RAF uniform? And so Britain’s headlong rush toward capitulation and surrender continues apace. “Hospital moved RAF sergeant over fears […]

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