Roberto Abraham Scaruffi: Miserable lies... They track whoever they want using satellites and cerebral waves... ...They intercept ALL electronic communications... ...They have devices for watching people and objects through walls, and for sniffing explosives too...+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Coup d'État in Belgium. Intra-government clash in Belgium. Clash between the King's Secret Police Disservices-NATO and formal government. Has the King given the order of implementing massacres while the formal government is trying to avoid them?

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Miserable lies... They track whoever they want using satellites and cerebral waves... ...They intercept ALL electronic communications... ...They have devices for watching people and objects through walls, and for sniffing explosives too...
Coup d'État in Belgium. Intra-government clash in Belgium. Clash between the King's Secret Police Disservices-NATO and formal government. Has the King given the order of implementing massacres while the formal government is trying to avoid them?


Nel giorno in cui a Bruxelles cessa l’allerta 4, soldati armati continuano a pattugliare le strade. E le autorità belghe cercano dieci persone “che potrebbero possedere esplosivi, con l’intenzione di commettere un attentato analogo a quelli di Parigi” (leggi). Intanto Salah Abdeslam si sta facendo beffe delle polizie di tutta Europa: o è abilissimo. O dispone di una rete clandestina d’assistenza talmente efficace da mettere in crisi le intelligence più scafate. Oppure ci stanno raccontando balle (di Leonardo Coen)