The European Union Times |
- Ben Carson’s top aides, 20 staffers quit in latest campaign blow
- Danish PM Threatens Germany With Border Controls
- Hillary Says She Lied to Benghazi Families Due to “Fog of War”… Donald Trump Responds
- Israelis surprisingly vote for Putin as person of the 2015 year in poll
- Obama Reported In “Total Panic” After Turkish Leader Praises Hitler
- Alibaba's New Year's resolution, to change its cheap knock-off reputation
- Obama Caught Smuggling In Up To 100,000 Refugees Per Year on UPS Planes!
Posted: 02 Jan 2016 09:33 AM PST
Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson received another blow in his bid for the White House after two of his top aides resigned. Carson’s campaign manager Barry Bennett and communications director Doug Watts stepped down just five weeks before the first contest for the Republican nomination in Iowa on February 1. On top of that another 20 staff members quit amid infighting, falling poll numbers, and negative media coverage, according to Reuters. Both Bennett and Watts blamed their departures on another top advisor to Carson, Armstrong Williams. “It’s one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen a candidate do,” Bennett said. Things had “boiled over” with Williams, Bennett told Reuters. “For the past seven weeks, I’ve been doing nothing but putting out Armstrong Williams-started fires,” Bennett said. He also claimed Watts resigned due to differences with Williams and that a total of 20 staff had left, including deputy campaign manager Lisa Coen. Williams, a political commentator who holds no official role with the campaign, said he was “shocked” by Bennett’s criticism. “They’re giving me a lot more credit than I deserve,” he told Reuters. Carson’s staffing crisis comes as the retired neurosurgeon’s position slides in the polls. He now places fourth in many national opinion polls after being tied with front runner Donald Trump just a few weeks ago. Latest Reuters 5 day rolling poll held on Dec. 29 reveals Trump leads by far despite constant controlled media bashing him for whatever he says or does. The media is never satisfied with him, they always bash him like 24/24, yet Americans are no longer asleep and no longer listen to the media. The fact that Trump is leading in the polls reveals that the old controlled media id dying and alternative news like us for example are rising: 1-Trump 39.1% 2-Cruz 13.7% 3-Rubio 11.9% 4-Carson 11.7% 5-Bush 6.4% Despite these troubles, Carson was still able to raise almost $23 million in the final three months of 2015. His campaign announced Bob Dees, a retired Army major general, would be campaign chairman while Ed Brookover, formerly a senior strategist, would serve as campaign manager. Carson’s campaign has courted controversy due to a number of ill-informed statements made by the Republican candidate. In October he compared abortion to slavery. “I know that’s one of those words you’re not supposed to say, but I’m saying it,” Carson began. “During slavery, a lot of slave-owners thought they had the right to do whatever they wanted to that slave, anything that they chose. And what if the abolitionists had said, ‘I don’t believe in slavery, but you guys do whatever you want’? Where would we be?” Carson also came under criticism for remarks he made regarding the Holocaust and gun control. He told CNN “I think the likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed. I’m telling you there is a reason these dictatorial people take guns first.” Source |
Posted: 02 Jan 2016 09:15 AM PST
Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen told Danes that the government is weighing up the re-imposition of controls along the country’s border with Germany. Denmark is considering the re-institution of border controls with Germany, following Sweden’s decision to reinstate checks at its border with Denmark in November, Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said in his New Year’s speech to Danes on Friday. “Sweden is stepping up checks at its border with Denmark. It is happening very soon. For the first time since the 1950s one must now have an ID card to cross the Oresund (the Sound, the strait that separates the two countries).” “It shows what is at stake, and it creates a situation where we must introduce border controls with Germany, if we decide that that is best for Denmark.” “We don’t want to see migrants and asylum seekers on our highways again. We want to ensure calm and order,” said the Prime Minister. ‘Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen’s New Year Address 1 January 2016. Terror, refugees, integration and democracy were the main issues in the Prime Minister’s speech,’ reported the newspaper Jyllands-Posten. As of January 4, the Swedish authorities will require all passengers traveling from Denmark by train, bus or ferry to show photo identification. In November Sweden began carrying out random checks of people entering southern Sweden, initially for ten days. According to the rules of the Schengen Area of free movement, a country is allowed to temporarily reintroduce border controls between member states for ten days in case of “a serious threat to public policy or internal security.” The regulations state that after ten days, any prolongation of that period needs to be monitored at the EU level. On December 21, the number of migrants and refugees that had crossed into Europe by land and sea in 2015 passed the one million mark, according to the International Organization for Migration, four times as many people as in 2014. Denmark is estimated to have received around 20,000 asylum seekers in 2015, and registered around 15,000 in 2014. Sweden received more than 160,000 asylum applications in 2015, twice as many as in 2014, and the most per capita in the EU. Source |
Posted: 02 Jan 2016 09:05 AM PST
In early December Hillary Clinton told ABC liberal hack and friend George Stephanopoulos she didn’t lie when she told the Benghazi families that the attack was in response to the film. She told “This Week” viewers she suffered from a military phenomenon know as the ‘fog of war’ A majority of Americans question her honesty. On New Year’s Day Donald Trump let Hillary have it. Trump responded to Hitlary Clinton, Tweeting: Hillary said she was in a “Fog of War” as explanation for the lies about Benghazi. No fog allowed in WH. Vote Trump POTUS!” Source |
Posted: 02 Jan 2016 08:46 AM PST
An Israeli poll has named Russian President Vladimir Putin as their person of the year for 2015. Putin was the clear winner with almost 30 percent of the vote, ahead of German Chancellor Angela Merkel in second place. The survey was carried out by the Jerusalem Post and its sister Hebrew-language publication Ma’ariv Sof Hashavua. It polled a total of 527 Jewish adults on Tuesday, while there was an error margin of 4.3 percent. The results certainly showed that President Putin has made an impact on the people of Israel during 2015. He received 29 percent of the vote as the respondents were asked to choose their person of the year. Sixteen percent opted for Chancellor Merkel, who had been previously chosen as TIME magazine’s Person of the Year for 2015. Benjamin Netanyahu received 15 percent of the vote, while Islamic State’s leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi had 3 percent of voters thinking he was their person of the year. The survey also asked Israelis about their opinions regarding a number of different issues. A total of 45 percent of those asked say that terrorism was the biggest problem facing Israel, while just over two-thirds of Jewish adults do not believe that a diplomatic agreement can be reached with the Palestinians. There was not much hope amongst the public that Iran would stick to its side of the bargain regarding the nuclear deal signed with a number of global powers. Nearly 80 percent believe that Tehran will break its promises, with only 6 percent saying that Iran would keep to the deal. Source |
Posted: 02 Jan 2016 05:19 AM PST
A stunning report issued today by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) states that the Obama regime has “retreated into total panic” after one of its main Middle Eastern allies, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, openly praised the former Nazi Germany government of Adolph Hitler to the absolute horror and shock of the entire civilized world. According to this report, Erdogan, in defending before a group of international reporters his quest to create a “super-presidency” for himself within Turkey, stunningly stated that Hitler’s Nazi Germany wasthe type of governmental system he wished to emulate: “There is nothing to say that you can’t have a presidential system in a unitary state. There are already some examples in the world today, and also some from the past. You see it when you look at Hitler’s Germany. You also see the example again in various other counties.” Though the Obama regimes propaganda mainstream “presstitutes” quickly tried to provide cover for Erdogan by quoting the Turkish governments absurd claim that their President’s statement was “misconstrued”, this report continues, they, likewise, failed to inform the American people that within hours of Erdogan praising Hitler’s Nazi Germany, his Prime Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, also, further stated about Erdogan’s planned new government: “The correct one is the presidential system. An authoritarian structure could develop from the parliamentary system, as was the case with Hitler in Germany.” With Turkey’s top two leaders, President Erdogan and Prime Minister Davutoglu, now both openly advocating for a Nazi German type government for their nation, this report states, their Hitler supporting statements put into stark relief yesterday’s Ministry of Defense (MoD) report that, just like Nazi Germany did to the Jews, described Erdogan’s mass genocide of his own Kurdish population—which the Obama regime continues to ignore, but now may no longer be able to. Fueling the Obama regimes panic regarding the now self proclaimed Hitler loving Erdogan, this report notes, is the American people beginning to wake up to the reality and full horror of whom this man really is—and as evidenced by a recent White House Petition advocating that Turkey be listed as a state sponsor of terrorism and that the US alliance with Turkey, under NATO, should be voided too—that even though it failed to garner enough signatures, nevertheless proves that more of these peoples are beginning to break through the “propaganda wall” erected by Obama around this madman to protect him. Unlike Obama though, this report concludes, a “very furious” President Putin has never had any illusions about Erdogan and is why the Federation has enacted against the now proclaimed Nazi-Turkey regime some of the most far reaching sanctions Russia has ever imposed on any nation in its entire history. Source |
Posted: 01 Jan 2016 02:17 PM PST
Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba is starting 2016 with the goal of winning the trust of investors, sellers and buyers. The company plans to crack down on unauthorized merchandise sold on its platform. Alibaba is highly dependent on its home market which generates more than 80 percent of the company’s revenue. But with pressure from the slowing Chinese economy, the company set a strategy for international expansion in the coming years. CEO Jack Ma has ambitious plans, aimed at getting more than half of company revenue from overseas markets within a decade. “In the next 10 years, they’re not just satisfied with the China market. They want to attract foreign merchants to sell to China,” said Michelle Ma (no relation), an analyst with Bloomberg Intelligence. Alibaba had a challenging year with more than $50 billion wiped off its market value, mainly as a result of lawsuits and criticism from Chinese and US regulators. A developing confrontation with China’s powerful main corporate regulator over the sale of fake goods prompted concerns from investors. The State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) accused Alibaba’s platforms of violating online business laws and regulations. It claimed only 37 percent of the goods on Alibaba’s online shopping platforms Taobao and Aliexpress were genuine. The US Office of the Trade Representative warned the company to stay off the “Notorious Markets” blacklist it escaped in 2012. The regulator said rights holders had criticized Alibaba’s enforcement program for being too slow, difficult to use, and lacking transparency. It warned it would monitor Alibaba’s efforts to fight piracy and respond to complaints. In its December statement Alibaba said that it “is committed to the protection of intellectual property rights and the fight against counterfeiting.” “Counterfeiting is an issue all global e-commerce companies face, and we are doing all we can to address and fight it,” read the statement. The company appointed Matthew Bassiur, a former counterfeit-battling executive from Apple, to tackle the fake goods problem. Despite heated competition on the Chinese e-commerce market, Alibaba managed to stay the unparalleled leader with 58 percent control of the country’s online shopping business. Alibaba was one of the hottest public stock offerings of 2015. It made IPO history after raising $22.1 billion and valuing the company at over $200 billion. The firm posted strong results in the third quarter with net income reaching $3.6 billion. The company was founded by Jack Ma 16 years ago. Source |
Posted: 01 Jan 2016 01:52 PM PST
Many of you probably remember the following from an enormously successful post about 6 weeks ago when a brave individual caught and filmed what he believed was supposed to be a UPS cargo plane, but instead was filled with people, presumably Muslim refugees, who were then given escort by DHS buses to some unknown destination. Is history repeating itself? Is Obama circumventing the law once again to bring in refugees, just like he did with the “refugees” from South America who were actually given rides on D.H.S. buses for protection??? Without knowing precisely what is going on, there is no doubt something nefarious is afoot. There is no reason for 30 buses of people to be flying on a UPS flight designated for parcels, under the cover of night, filled with people, who are met on arrival with buses already waiting, and whisked away in secret. In the video, the person recording is in hot pursuit of up to 30 buses that he claims are filled with people he just watched land in Harrisburg International Airport on a UPS plane. Upon the plane’s arrival, which was alleged to be a “parcel flight,” there were 30 buses already lined up, and ready receive, what turned out not to be parcels, but dozens and dozens of people. According to whoever took the video, he watched as the planes occupants were quickly escorted onto the buses that were already waiting, and then he began filming as the buses departed with all the “mystery flyers.” Understandably, the person recording is very excited, and almost flipping out over what he is filming. You can bet there is no above the board answer to who or why there were that many people secretly being flown in on UPS planes. The video is shaky and tough to make out, but at one point one of the buses is identified as Bus #245 (a company name was not revealed), and what sounds like license plate number: J0191B. In the six weeks that have passed, much has been discovered, largely due to a gentleman named Bill Still. First, above all else, let me give my thanks to the video camera operator who started this whole investigation roughly six weeks ago. When you read what follows, you’ll realize the nation owes this man a great debt for catching Obama in more crimes…. by the looks of it… 100,000 of them! Second, Bill has done a tremendous job and we should thank him as well! I suppose that when Obama said he wanted there to be 100 Million Muslims in the US Before Leaving Office, He Wasn’t Kidding. To sum up what you are about to drive into: In the first 5 years of the Obama presidency, the U.S. gave out green cards to over 680,000 immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, in recent years, 100,000 new Muslim immigrants are brought into the United States each year, and it’s growing at a rate of about 10% per year. So this battle in the press about whether or not to reject the president’s plan to bring in 10,000 more is nothing but a distraction. The truth is that in the last 5 years, we have admitted more Muslims into the U.S. already than the entire Muslim population of Belgium – and that entire country is on lockdown from the Friday the 13th terrorist event in adjoining France. Not only is what you are about to learn worse than anything we could have imagined… We the People were chumped the whole time… In addition to the fantastic research provided by Bill Still, I have inserted many of the huge stories that I covered into this timeline, for one reason: So you can see the whole picture. It’s so you can see without question that this is no damn “conspiracy theory,” but rather the President of the United States is doing everything in his power to take down or severely weaken the United States, all while the media and liberals in Congress go right along with him… It’s time you decide where you stand on all this… Source |