Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Tevet 21, 5771 · December 28, 2010
This Week's Features
Days of Our Lives
All the time I thought I was bringing news to my father -- when he was actually giving me a hint about the happy news that awaited me at home.

By Ann Goldberg
Views on the News
It is amazing that so many base their self worth, and TIME Magazine apparently agrees, on their number of "friends" on a "pseudo social network" computer program.

By Nechemia Schusterman
In Touch Video
No person is "broken" or ready to be discarded. Each of us is valuable, and has a valuable contribution to make to our world.

By Chana Weisberg
Watch Watch (1:39)
My children specifically enjoy hearing my most vivid image of a late March Canadian blizzard, the night of my Bat Mitzvah . . .

By Batya (Schochet) Lisker
Pictures with a Purpose
Columbia, MD
Better to be on the outside looking in...

By Michoel Ogince
In addition to monitoring others' moods, many of us engage in obsessive self-monitoring...

By Miriam Adahan
I stood at the Western Wall just like any other tourist. Within moments of touching my fingertips to the stones, it reached me.

By Varda Branfman