Days of Our Lives |
All the time I thought I was bringing news to my father -- when
he was actually giving me a hint about the happy news that awaited me
at home.
By Ann Goldberg
Views on the News |
It is amazing that so many base their self worth, and TIME
Magazine apparently agrees, on their number of "friends" on a "pseudo
social network" computer program.
By Nechemia Schusterman
In Touch Video |
No person is "broken" or ready to be discarded. Each of us is
valuable, and has a valuable contribution to make to our world.
By Chana Weisberg
Story |
My children specifically enjoy hearing my most vivid image of a
late March Canadian blizzard, the night of my Bat Mitzvah . . .
By Batya (Schochet) Lisker
Pictures with a Purpose |
Columbia, MD
Better to be on the outside looking in...
By Michoel Ogince
Relationships |
In addition to monitoring others' moods, many of us engage in obsessive self-monitoring...
By Miriam Adahan
Voices |
I stood at the Western Wall just like any other tourist. Within
moments of touching my fingertips to the stones, it reached me.
By Varda Branfman