I will bless those who bless you, (Israel) And the one who curses you I will curse. Genesis 12:3 Zion's Commentary US secretary of state Con Rice cancelled trip to Australia over concerns she may need to attend his funeral of Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon. Israel telephone expanding their services, Jerusalem hotels have filled up with security personnel. More on this, see links at bottom of page. January 6 He's dead, news media is always behind bloggers. Yassir Arafat died 2 weeks before the official announcement. I believe the NWO determines his death date now, as they did Pope John Paul and probably plan President Bush's removal also. Prepare the way of the antichrist. Iran's mullahs told their blabbering fool president terrorist to shut up, even tho they agree with what he says. Israel Must Live without Ariel Sharon Jan 5 The first cabinet session called by PM Ehud Olmert. I heard Olmert in person in 2001 in Texas. He sounded very good, but he agrees with Sharon about giving away Israeli land to her sworn enemies. Jan 4 Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was rushed to the hospital in Jerusalem again. Within hours I began getting emails from people who had believed he would die very soon, prior to his first stroke. Barry Chamish believes Shimon Peres killed PM Yitzak Rabin years ago, and also had a hand in the 'medical assassination' of Ariel Sharon. Lashes of fire curse brought down Sharon Jan 5 Baruch Ben-Yosef took credit for Ariel Sharon's health, claiming that a pulsa denura - Aramaic for "lashes of fire" - death curse they instigated against the prime minister in July was the real catalyst behind his current state of health. "I take full responsibility for what happened. Our pulsa denura kicked in. Nothing could kill Sharon and he said his ancestors lived until they over 100 years old but we got him with the pulsa denura." Upon hearing the news of Sharon's stroke, Ben-Yosef's group broke out in song and dance and celebrated the prime minister's fall throughout the night. They said it was not a coincidence that Sharon fell gravely ill the same day as Kahane's murder. Prime minister Yitzhak Rabin was killed on the fifth anniversary of Meir Kahane's murder and Sharon fell ill on the anniversary of Binyamin Kahane's murder." Jerusalem Post, Y.Katz Israeli government in panic and keeping it secret ISRAEL is INTENTIONALLY LYING to the WORLD Jan 15, 2006 Highly placed Israeli government sources say that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is in fact dead. The Israeli government is in a panic, because they have no one to replace him. The rule of succession is not clear. All Sharon was accomplishing in the past few months may fall apart with his passing. So his body is plugged into a respirator, access to him is restricted, and the news of his death is being covered up until the Israeli government can work out its problems. ZionsCRY reported he is DEAD January 6th, 2006. June 2007 his corpse is STILL plugged in! Ariel Sharon is DEAD, Israeli govt in panic: Ariel Sharon Dead at 77: GODs Finger is on Many Triggers: Ariel Sharon died Jan 5, LauraMansfield.com: Palestinian Threat Sharon is "clinically dead." From WND in JERUSALEM Terrorists promise rocket barrage if Sharon dies. Of course, they also promise rockets if he lives. DUH. Celebrations already underway in the Gaza Strip, with families distributing sweets and gunmen shooting into the air. Palestinians are watching the news regarding Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's health crisis, and will celebrate with Qassam rocket firings at Jewish towns if Sharon dies, said terror leaders. Abu Abir threatened the life of Olmert, Sharon's replacement, saying "I am ready with my candies and my rockets and praying to Allah that Sharon dies. We have prepared a celebratory barrage of rockets ready to fire into Israel on the occasion of the death of our enemy. I personally am waiting to celebrate. I have my fingers crossed. Sharon was one of our biggest enemies." WND told that Sharon's condition is life threatening, and that he might not survive. Palestinian rocket threat, WND: King Sharon is dead. Israel still refuses to report Sharon's death. Saudi king was kept 'alive' for several years, tho he was dead. Doctors will start bringing Ariel Sharon out of his medically-induced coma Monday. TV wants Olmert to win elections, but GOD FORBID. Bibi is better! How to Rightly Discern the Illness of Ariel Sharon January 6, 2006 by David Dreiling David's view is only one view among many. It is G-d, who tears down one and raises up another. I believe the events of the past few days regarding Sharon's health prophetically reflect G-d's purposes, the enemy is also involved. History of tribal thinking in the mideast Historically, the MidEast has been divided into tribes that have been at war with each other. These tribes are very paternalistic, and fierce loyalty is an attribute that is greatly rewarded. It is common when one dynasty is replaced by another that the new leader murders all of the close associates of the original leader who might challenge his authority. Kings or warlords in the mideast control whole countries as families. Examples of this would be the Saudis, the Hashemites in Jordan, and the ruling house of Syria. The people often desire a king, an autocratic ruler, whom they can look up to. The root of this goes back to Abraham, Ishmael, and Hager. Even before that is the story of the descendants of Cain, who were banished from Adam's presence, yet they also helped populate this region. FATHERLESSNESS in the middle east These stories are stories of fatherlessness, our need as people to have a father to look up to. People from ancient times have desired a king or leader to admire and sometimes even worship. They have at times disregarded even the most blatant corruption in authority figures, such as Yasser Arafat. That is why most of the leaders in this region, upon obtaining power, are in power for life. (In corresponding with other Jewish Believers in Israel, I have also heard this 'father' line of thinking. Abraham did father both Jews and Arabs. ZC) GOD's PEOPLE WANTED a KING The Children of Israel were no different in ancient times when they asked for a king to rule over them so that they could also be like the other nations. So Samuel gave them a king, even though the L-rd was disappointed in the request. The L-rd has always been jealous of His people and has always desired to be their King, rather than a man over them. And so it is today. Although Israel is a democracy, the events of the past few months have served to establish Sharon as a virtual "king" in Israel. ![]()
Some say Ariel Sharon was terminated because he refused to attack IRAN. DEATH of ISRAEL Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
January 2006 ISRAEL's Government in a PANIC As of March, 2010 they still have his corpse plugged in. Such SHAME! Lashes of fire curse brought down Sharon Israel is keeping him artificially 'alive.' Jerry Golden says NO one in Israel is happy about Ehud Olmert being in charge Barry Chamish said he was assassinated by Shimon Perez (barrychamish.com) Pat Robertson only said what the prophet Joel (3:2) said - that God will judge those who divide His land. I agree with him! Ariel Sharon arrogantly challenged GOD - and lost.USA PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Sharon was elected as a champion of fighting for the Land. However, he reversed his stand, yet was able to persuade the majority of Israelis that this change was justified. After unilaterally withdrawing from Gaza, he drew the anger of his own Likus party, and formed a new party, Kadima, which become the dominant voice in Israeli politics. This popularity reflects Sharon's immense standing with the Israeli public. Most Americans and Christians simply don't understand the complex and emotional issues concerning the Gaza withdrawal and why they still supported Sharon after it only continued nightly shelling of Israeli towns. G-d is jealous over Israel, and His desire is to be their only King. Sharon has lifted himself up as a king, he has come under the scrutiny and the Hand of G-d. It appears Sharon could have single-handedly decide who to choose as Knesset members. Israeli politics seems a game of who has favor with Sharon and who does not. I believe G-d has been offended by this political atmosphere. We have ample testimony in the Bible of people who have exalted themselves in place of G-d, and it is usually at this point that G-d strikes them. Nebuchadnezzar is the obvious example. When Sharon took to himself the leadership of the nation that is the apple of G-d's eye, he stood in contention against the L-rd, and the Angel of the L-rd has dealt with him. The political atmosphere that offends GOD Today, Israelis are saying on the streets, "If Sharon is gone, who will lead us?" There is an enormous vacuum of leadership in Israel today. However, this vacuum is G-d's doing because HE is still sitting enthroned in Heaven. PRAY the heart of Israelis be turned again to the very Words of G-d. As they fear terror from without and disunity and confusion within, let the hearts and eyes of G-d's people look up, and let the L-rd be magnified and praised in Israel. Finally, I say let us all fear, lest we become wise in our own understanding and exalt ourselves because we think we know the will of the L-rd and what is right for Him to do in other nations and with other peoples. Let us fear lest we find ourselves poking our finger into the apple of G-d's eye and opposing the L-rd. Let every man who thinks he knows and understands consider that he does not know the mind of the L-rd. It is at least possible that Sharon became wise in his own understanding and too powerful in Israel for his own good. CAUTION, you are entering dangerous territory When President Bush was elected in 2004, a British newspaper ran the headline, "How can 57 million Americans be so stupid?" To an Israeli, statements saying that Sharon was killed by their G-d for abandoning Gaza are just as demeaning as that headline above. It makes the Christian's G-d appear vindictive. Just as the writer of the British headline assumed that Kerry was clearly the better candidate in the USA and ought to have been elected by the "stupid" Americans, so statements regarding Sharon's demise as a judgment for his Gaza policies seem very offensive to many rank and file Jews. How Christians should appeal to the heart of the Jews Christians should be trying to appeal to the heart of Jewish people concerning the goodness and mercy of God! Rather, they appear to be politicized as right-wing supporters of things that they may not fully understand. If a person dies of lung cancer because he smoked 3 packs a day, one doesn't say at his funeral that he was a fool to smoke. Sharon was a great leader in Israel and should not be demeaned for a policy that it is believed unscriptural because some make assessments as to the content and timing of G-d's promise to Israel concerning the Land. That Sharon devoted his life to service to his country is fact. David Dreiling, (edited) Email: daviddreiling@comcast.net SHARON ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT On December 18, Ariel Sharon and Shimon Peres raised wineglasses together in the Knesset. Half an hour later, Sharon suffered a stroke. He was brought into hospital by Yoram Rubin, the bodyguard who murdered Yitzhak Rabin. On Jan. 4, Sharon returned to hospital with a massive cerebral hemorrhage and within a few hours I published my suspicions that Sharon was the victim of a second assassination attempt by the same Peres/Rubin team which had finished off Yitzhak Rabin. www.barrychamish.com 6.9 magnitude earthquake rattles Athens, Greece Jan 8 2006 The quake was also felt on the island of Crete. Depth 23 miles. It was felt as far away as in Cairo, Egypt, and in Amman, Jordan. The earthquake was felt across southern Italy. Stavrakakis said, "It was a very powerful quake which shook all of Greece. There have been dozens of aftershocks . The quake occurred deep undersea and that's what saved us." 6.4 magnitude earthquake rattles Athens, Greece, FOX:
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