Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Humans Are Free-Blog

Posted: 28 Sep 2014 10:00 PM PDT
Are you ready for brain to brain communication? Well, it seems that science is one step ahead of you. Collective intelligence is already a fact, it is real. Yes, humans can speak to each other without pen, paper or even the Internet.

The interesting part about this idea is that we have been able to do this for the whole of our existence.

It is built into the wiring of our brains. It could even originate from that area of the brain that is fabled to be “the uncharted territory”, or maybe not.

In fact, there is now a consensus that this uncharted area doesn’t even exist. Many are with the belief that we have been misusing this area of our brain for centuries-going about mundane tasks and never taking advantage of our mind’s full potential.

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Posted: 28 Sep 2014 09:00 PM PDT
Belief in reincarnation is one of the oldest and most durable of human traits, so old and persistent, in fact, that the psychologist C. G. Jung went so far as to call it an archetype.

“Rebirth,” Jung wrote, “is an affirmation that must be counted among the primordial affirmations of mankind. These primordial affirmations are based on what I call archetypes.”1

This meant for Jung that regardless of its truth or falsity, the idea that we have lived previous lives and will, after our deaths, return in other lives, is somehow ingrained in our psyche.

We are, to use computer-speak, programmed to think it, and although not all of us accept the idea, it seems to share prominence with other fundamental ideas about the meaning of death and what, if anything, happens to us after it.

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Posted: 28 Sep 2014 08:00 PM PDT
Here’s some of the best news all year for non-GMO supporters. Frank Kutka is working to save our heirloom corn from cross-breeding with genetically modified corn.

He’s been diligently at work for over 15 years now developing what he calls “Organic Ready” corn varieties that have the ability to block cross-pollination, thus eliminating Monsanto’s prevalently grown GMO corn from infesting organic farmer’s crops.

Kutka says:

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Posted: 28 Sep 2014 07:00 PM PDT
Spending your life with someone is one of the most sought after dreams amongst us all.

We all want love and most are eager to show their love in many different ways. This doesn’t mean that things are always roses and butterflies, however.

1) You Don’t See Eye to Eye

The common argument or fight within a relationship is typically due to not seeing eye to eye with one another in some form. One partner in the relationship has one view, opinion or personal expectations while the other has their own.

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