Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Friday, 30 January 2015


Egypt: ARTICLE 19 condemn deaths after clashes between police and protesters 

ARTICLE 19 is shocked at reports that 23 people have died and 97 injured following clashes between police and protesters across Egypt in the run up to the fourth anniversary of Egypt's 2011 uprising.  It is reported that two of the dead were police officers and one of those killed was a child aged ten.
Thomas Hughes, Executive Director ARTICLE 19, said:
"Rather than declaring a week of mourning for the death of the Saudi king, Egypt would do well to focus on the deaths at the hands of its own state apparatus. 25 January was one of the bloodiest days in Egypt since security forces killed nearly 1000 people on a single day in August 2013. Read more >

Kenya: UPR highlights attacks on media and human rights defenders 

ARTICLE 19 welcomes the adoption of the Kenya’s report under the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) yesterday. Kenya was reviewed on 22nd January 2015 by the United Nations Human Rights Council for the second time. Read more >


Brazil: 6 months of The Civil Rights Framework

ARTICLE 19 BRAZIL launched the analysis "Civil Rights Framework for the Internet: six months later, where are we?" (“Marco Civil da Internet: seis meses depois, em que pé que estamos?”), a piece of work that offers an overview of the progress and challenges arising from the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet in its first 180-day period.  Read more >


Beyond Blasphemy: Why Two Iranian Newspapers Were Closed Down

In the past two years two newspapers, Bahar and Aseman, have been shut down for publishing articles that were deemed contrary to Islamic values. While closures of Iranian newspapers are often mentioned in the foreign media, the details are seldom reported in detail. But what did these newspapers actually print that made them targets of the authorities’ displeasure? Read more >
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