FACT: Modern Cars CAN Be Hacked Remotely From Any Where On Earth — Senator Markey On CBS This Morning
CONTRIBUTOR: SGTreport. [Ed. Note: Rest in peace Michael Hastings. We know they murdered you.] from Senator Markey:...
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Doug Hagmann: “The End of the Alternative Media and Internet Free Speech Is Here”
CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. Doug Hagmann appeared on The Common Sense Show and discussed how Obama’s FCC is poised to take price the alternative media out of the Internet through taxes and regulatory fees. Further, Internet free speech will be controlled through “hate speech” regulation. This is end of uncensored news and information....
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Oscars 2015 Illuminati Hellywood Award Show Exposed!!! (Eye-Opening Videos)
CURATOR: Lisa Haven. By Lisa Haven Year after year the Oscars have been used as an Illuminati platform praising those actors who have best brainwashed society. This year even before the Oscars began their mind control agenda was made obvious. In the video below youtube sensation Vigilant Christian dives into the latest...
Click here to read, "Oscars 2015 Illuminati Hellywood Award Show Exposed!!! (Eye-Opening Videos)"...
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Warning Christians: Anti-Christ Surrounds Jerusalem - Armageddon - Final Hour!
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The Psychological Reasons Why Americans Have Embraced Their Enslavement
CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. Knowledge is a precursor to action and self-empowerment. Subsequently, how and where we get our news is critically important. This article explores how America sits upon the abyss of total brainwashing and how the last vestige of unbiased truth is about to disappear. The Digital Age of News Just...
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What Is Going On In Canada? (Videos)
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UFOs, Aliens, And Proof Of Government Conspiracy Cover Ups By Stan Romanek
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Anonymous Leaks Satanic Cult Member Names, Places, and Phone Numbers! US Congress Next!

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Marijuana Prohibition To End In U.S
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Russians Training in Colorado to Man the FEMA Camps
CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. Paul Martin joined Dave Hodges in the second hour to discuss the plethora of sighting of Russian troops in Colorado as well as across America. Also discussed was the Agenda 21 implementation in Colorado which is serving as a blueprint for the rest of the nation. And finally, Paul...
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CURATOR: Lisa Haven
CONTRIBUTOR: AlignShineProsper
CONTRIBUTOR: Michael Moore
CURATOR: Lisa Haven
Are The Chinese Clearing The West Coast Ports In Anticipation Of Their Invasion Of America? (Videos)
CURATOR: John Rolls
CONTRIBUTOR: The Vatic Project