Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Thursday 12 February 2015

Humans Are Free-Blog

Posted: 11 Feb 2015 05:31 AM PST
Turmeric is a bright yellow root with a tan skin that is typically used in Middle Eastern, Northern African, and Southeast Asian cuisine.

Turmeric is one of the main ingredients in curry spice blends, and it makes a great addition to soups, meats, salads, stir-frys, and more. It's a very versatile herb that enhances the flavor of a great many dishes.

Curcuminoids are the beneficial compounds within turmeric. Specifically, curcumin, one of these specific compounds, is considered to be the most potent, medicinally powerful, cancer-killing component of turmeric.

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Posted: 11 Feb 2015 05:20 AM PST
A recent study carried out by Penn state food scientists has shed even more light on green tea’s anti-cancer effects, finding that a compound within the antioxidant-rich beverage may be capable of destroying oral cancer cells while leaving healthy cells completely unharmed.

The compound responsible for many of green tea’s benefits and one which is known to protect against cancer is known as epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG).

The compound has been studied extensively for its ability to not only prevent and beat cancer, but also increase metabolism, protect the brain, and slow the aging process.

Though while EGCG has been shown in previous studies to kill these cancer cells, scientists weren’t quite sure why or how. The recent study helped bring them closer to understanding, suggesting that EGCG may trigger a process in the mitochondria that leads to cell death.

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Posted: 11 Feb 2015 04:45 AM PST
“The focus on positive vs. negative thoughts is juvenile. It’s minor-league foolishness. And it leads people to obsess about their own minds. People aren’t passive magnets that attract and repel. That’s utter nonsense.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

The law of attraction is stated in two ways.

First, positive thoughts attract positive results in life, and negative thoughts attract negative results. This is mainly a descriptive overview. It doesn’t apply to people who consciously do something to change their own thoughts. It’s a “philosophic” basis for understanding why people get what they get in life.

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Posted: 11 Feb 2015 04:29 AM PST
by John R. Deahl, via In5D

You may want to bookmark this page for future reference. Included is a series of fascinating videos that you may consider listening to when you go to bed.

Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Try to learn the valuable lessons from these tablets so we can prevent this current paradigm from happening again.

Scroll down for the summary of each chapter. The below videos and the information contained within are very shocking. Just the opposite of what we have been taught.

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