Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Saturday 7 February 2015

Humans Are Free-Blog

Posted: 06 Feb 2015 05:16 AM PST
What will happen to the healers once everyone is healed?

In a time of great planetary transformation, great upheaval, great healing and ‘up-leveling’ we see more healers rising from their own ancestral memories,  own archaic soul memories as healers. I am seeing more and more healing modalities pouring through humanity all the time.

We are being given modalities for healing our DNA for integrating our higher expressions of self into the earth body, for healing past emotional trauma, healing and releasing past life trauma and karma, we are undergoing spiritual surgery, template level re-organization, we are witnessing the up-rising of the feminine, the healing of the collective feminine, and the shifting of culture.

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Posted: 06 Feb 2015 03:06 AM PST
National advocacy group calls on major children’s health organizations to promote safe technology in schools with the “Turn It Off 4 Kids” Initiative.

The National Association for Children and Safe Technology (NACST) is taking action after two recently published studies indicate there is sufficient evidence demonstrating exposure to wireless radiation, also known as RF-EMF, causes cancer. 

Wireless routers and devices such as tablets, laptops, baby monitors and cell phones all emit this type of radiation.

The State of the Science:  The Debate is Over

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Posted: 06 Feb 2015 02:30 AM PST
The news used to provide a positive function for society. Before the internet and smartphones, the nightly news provided the only connection that many people around the world could have on a consistent basis.

Today, we are much more connected, and the news is no longer necessary. Beyond that, the news has evolved over the years to become a medium that lowers the quality of our collective vibrational energy.

It is important that all people try to stay as positive and optimistic as possible. The Law of Attraction brings to us what we are thinking about, feeling about and acting on. 

Unfortunately, by plugging in each night to watch the news, many of us are unconsciously allowing the mainstream media to lower our vibrations. These lower vibrations bring us realities that are based on anger, anxiety and fear.

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Posted: 06 Feb 2015 01:23 AM PST
As a child who grew up in the seventies, I'm flabbergasted at the degree of generational differences in health, medicine, food, safety, and general well-being of children.

Don't get me wrong, I love technology and all the advancements we've made in several areas, but at the same time when you break it down to the simplest ways of managing human lives, we've taken one step forward and three steps back.

The level of fear we currently exhibit as parents and as a society towards children is at an unprecedented level.

When comparing the two time periods, an element of certainty exists where we have now immersed our most precious assets into an toxic, overly hygienic, medicalized, obsessive compulsive, paranoid, anxious and at the very least, a "cowardice culture" where children are being trained and almost indoctrinated into a world where "the norm" is to fear everything and everyone.

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