Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Thursday, 4 June 2015

BuzzFeed Today
What a nice table!
This teenager used her yearbook quote to call out her school's sexist dress code. And her message is powerful.
Women celebrities know just how tough being in the spotlight can be. And they sum it up perfectly.
It's not only celebs who get scrutinized, though: This woman was harassed by a man online about her weight. A reminder that messages like this are damaging.
Some people really need to stop and think about their life decisions. And these individuals clearly never took that step.
Your favorite season says a lot about you, but now it's time to find out: What season actually suits your personality? 
This little boy was on his way to school, but his pet duck got very upset when he left. Who knew ducks were so affectionate?
Everyone has secrets. These guys revealed what they'll never, ever tell their girlfriends — and things got pretty serious.
And finally: It's time to give us a little challenge — can we guess your relationship status based on this one question?

Just like the dude from Saved By The Bell.
Artificial intelligence is advancing quickly. Not only can robots write news stories and land planes — it's already been proven that people have the ability to develop deep emotional relationships with the artificially intelligent creatures. So what does this mean for the human race? Martin Ford takes a close look at the role of robots in our economy and what that means for the long-term future.