Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Articles posted on Sunday, 21 June 2015
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What We Read Today 21 June 2015

Econintersect: Every day our editors collect the most interesting things they find from around the internet and present a summary "reading list" which will include very brief summaries (and sometimes longer ones) of why each item has gotten our attention. Suggestions from readers for "reading list" items are gratefully reviewed, although sometimes space limits the number included.
This feature is published every day late afternoon New York time. For early morning review of headlines see "The Early Bird" published every day in the early am at GEI News (membership not required for access to "The Early Bird".).
Every day most of this column ("What We Read Today") is available only to GEI members.
To become a GEI Member simply subscribe to our FREE daily newsletter.

China's Giant Oil Painting Copy Shop

More than half of the world's oil paintings come from Da Fen in southern China. Located in China's manufacturing hub, Shenzhen, Da Fen thrives on the mass production of art. It exports millions of replicas of Van Goghs, Monets, and Picassos to the world, generating billions in revenue for painters who were once farmers or migrant workers. The founder of Da Fen, the 69-year-old artist Huang Jiang, spoke to BBC News about his miracle business model and the challenges his team faces now. 

A Word from This Newsletter's Sponsor for 21 June 2015

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By making 1 simple "shift", I am going to prove to you how to make 12 times more on your trades with 92.5% less risk compared to how most people do it, without ever owning a stock. My free training video reveals how.

Assessing The Impact Of Oil Price Declines On Louisiana's Economy

by Atlanta Fed
It's no big secret that the energy sector is a huge contributor to Louisiana's economy. According to theEnergy Information Administration, Louisiana is one of the nation's biggest energy producers and consumers, largely because of the industrial sector, which includes many refineries and petrochemical plants. In fact, with 19 operating crude oil refineries, Louisiana ranks second in the nation in both total and operating refinery capacity.

Budgetary And Economic Effects Of Repealing The Affordable Care Act

by Congressional Budget Office
Over the past several years, a number of proposals have been advanced for repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which became law in March 2010. In this report, CBO and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) analyze the main budgetary and economic consequences that would arise from repealing that law.

Understanding Recent Exchange-Rate Movements

by Dallas Fed
The international purchasing power of the euro area declined 16 percent and that of Japan fell 13 percent relative to the U.S. from July 2014 to last February.

Early Headlines: End of Humanity, Ex-King Coal, Bernie Who?, Greece End Game, Australian Housing Boom and More

Early Bird Headlines 21 June 2015
Econintersect: Here are some of the headlines we found to help you start your day. For more headlines see our afternoon feature for GEI members, What We Read Today, which has many more headlines and a number of article discussions to keep you abreast of what we have found interesting.

What You Missed Friday

Econintersect: We are posting for the general public what was in What We Read Today on Friday 19 June 2015. This daily feature is accessible only by GEI members - and membership is FREE. The only thing needed is a subscription to our FREE daily newsletter. Click through the Read more >> command to read Friday's column.

The Week Ahead: Will the Greek Crisis Roil the Markets?

by Jeff Miller, A Dash of Insight
The calendar shows a fair amount of economic data in the coming week, but attention is likely to be focused abroad. After many years (some would say decades) of percolating, the issue of Greece and the Eurozone is coming to a conclusion. I expect this week's theme to be:
What does the Greek crisis mean for financial markets?

What Are 'Boomerang Buyers'?

by Michael Haltman
Many homeowners negatively impacted by the financial crisis may now, all these years later, finally be in a position to qualify for a mortgage again!
These 700,000 potential 2015 reentrants into the mortgage and housing markets are known by the name 'Boomerang Buyers'.

Inaccurate Energy Forecasts are Costing Us the Earth: Here's Why

by John McKibbin and Ed Langham, The Conversation
How will our electricity system change in the future? Will we consume more electricity over time or less? And how will we meet our energy needs?

Shifting Patterns In Recessions And Recoveries

by Lakshman Achuthan, Co-Founder and Chief Operations Officer of ECRI
The topic of recession and recovery is a very important one. The focus on recovery in the wake of the crisis is understandable, and today, seven years later, there's still widespread debate about why we didn't do better.

East Asian Maths Teaching Method Boosts English Children's Progress by a Month

by John Jerrim, The Conversation
There has been much discussion in recent years about why East Asian children perform so well on international education tests. I've argued before that there is no one reason for these countries' stellar results, but that home background and culture plays an important role.

Why EIA, IEA, and BP Oil Forecasts are Too High

by Gail Tverberg, Our Finite World
When forecasting how much oil will be available in future years, a standard approach seems to be the following:
  1. Figure out how much GDP growth the researcher hopes to have in the future.
  2. "Work backward" to see how much oil is needed, based on how much oil was used for a given level of GDP in the past. Adjust this amount for hoped-for efficiency gains and transfers to other fuel uses.
  3. Verify that there is actually enough oil available to support this level of growth in oil consumption.
Click for large image.


Trefis: Highlights Week Ending 19 June 2015

Written by Trefis
Below is a summary of the activity at Trefis during the past week that Trefis thought Econintersectreaders would find interesting.
Trefis is a financial community structured around trends, forecasts and insights related to some of the most popular stocks in the US. It provides the unique feature of allowing the user to model future valuation based upon projected changes in components of each business. It also provides communication capabilities among members, including consensus of member analysis compared to Trefis staff analysis and blogging opportunities for members.

Click on graphic to go Trefis interactive page.
Click "Read more..." to see our clickable table of contents with the most covered companies (more than 1 article) of the week identified. 

The Countries With The Most Engineering Graduates

from Felix Richter,
by Niall McCarthy
Which countries produce the most engineering graduates every year?

Indonesia at Risk from Huge Fires Because of El Nino

by Allan Spessa and Robert Field, The Conversation
In 1997-98, extremely dry El Nino conditions in Indonesia kicked off a wave of large-scale uncontrolled burning, destroying about five million hectares of tropical forest (equivalent to seven million football fields).

Infographic Of The Day: Top 10 Job Titles That Did Not Exist 5 Years Ago

The workplace is constantly changing and how we define what we do is no exception.