Humans Are Free-Blog |
- 3-Mile-High Pyramid Found on Ceres
- The Metaphysical Effects of a Magnetic Pole Reversal
- 6 Alien Species Currently Fighting for Control Over Earth
- 'Humans Will be Extinct in 100 Years', Says Professor Who Helped Eradicate Smallpox
Posted: 20 Jun 2015 10:00 PM PDT
In March, the NASA Dawn Spacecraft entered the orbit of the mysterious dwarf planet Ceres, with the craft scheduled to begin sending images to Earth later this month.
For several weeks, surprising and unexplained bright spots within a crater on the planet’s surface have generated enormous buzz in popular media. Despite now orbiting at a near altitude of just 2,700 miles, those big spots remain a mystery. But Dawn is also beginning to pick out other bright spots and an odd pyramid-shaped peak that NASA estimates to be three miles tall,CNN reports. But not only other bright spots and the pyramid have been spotted by NASA's Dawn spacecraft. Dawn also spotted another weird feature, an ancient Dome, about 10 times the size of Empire State. Read Entire Article » |
Posted: 20 Jun 2015 09:00 PM PDT
Science has proven that the Earth is currently going through a magnetic pole reversal, so how will this affect us?
Magnetic fields of lava By analyzing the magnetic fields of lava, we can determine that the last magnetic pole reversal was about 780,000 years ago. While the fossil records do not show any dramatic changes in animal or plant life, more subtle change may have occurred. Read Entire Article » |
Posted: 20 Jun 2015 08:00 PM PDT
Hundreds of sightings, abductions and first-hand accounts have made it possible to distinguish several distinct alien species that have been in cahoots with military forces, deciding our future without ever consulting us.
Below are the least obscure ones we could find. 1. The Sirians Hailing from the Sirius B star system, the Sirians are as advanced as they are ancient. Throughout history, they have imparted their knowledge to human civilizations of their choosing. Read Entire Article » |
Posted: 20 Jun 2015 07:00 PM PDT
“We're going to become extinct. Whatever we do now is too late.” — Frank Fenner
These words belong to Professor Frank J. Fenner, an eminent Australian scientist who helped wipe out smallpox. In an interview with The Australian, just a few months before his death, Fenner expressed his fears regarding the future of the human species. As an emeritus professor in microbiology at the Australian National University, he was considered an authority on extinction. After all, he played a key role in eradicating smallpox by erasing the variola virus from the book of life. Read Entire Article » |