Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Monday, 22 June 2015

Humans Are Free-Blog

Posted: 21 Jun 2015 10:00 PM PDT
by Zen Gardner

I have a hard time with people not being willing to recognize what’s obviously in front of their faces.

It’s a voluntary mind game people play with themselves to justify whatever it is they think they want. This is massively exacerbated by an array of social engineering tactics, many of which are to create the very mind sets and desires people so adamantly defend.

But that’s no excuse for a lack of simple conscious recognition and frankly makes absolutely no sense.

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Posted: 21 Jun 2015 09:00 PM PDT
The case of Alien abductions and alien implants has been a fascinating subject for years, if proven to be true, it could be considered as one of the best pieces of evidence that points towards the existence of otherworldly beings.

After years of researcher on the UFO phenomena by different individuals worldwide, there is a tremendous amount of "official" information that has been made available for people around the globe.

The National Archives of the United Kingdom, for example, published in 2013 a wide range of information ranging from testimonies of sightings, photographs and even drawings to prove human contact with extraterrestrial beings.

Whether aliens exist or not is something that has "never" been officially answered yet the question has not changed for years, even though in the last decade, tremendous evidence has been made averrable which directly points towards the existence of not only extraterrestrial beings, but beings from other "dimensions".

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Posted: 21 Jun 2015 08:00 PM PDT
From Rothschild to Bush, meet the 5 most powerful families that control America and the world in 2015.

Conspiracy theorists say they are the puppet masters that control the highest echelons of society from finance to music.

Rumored to have occult satanic connections, secret ties to the gold trade, a dark mysterious hidden agenda and a plan for a new world order, these real families are some of the richest families in the world.

In documentary form, these are the top facts on the families RothschildRockefellerDu Pont, Morgan and Bush.

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Posted: 21 Jun 2015 07:00 PM PDT
If you want to truly live free, you have to first recognize the things that are preventing you from doing that. Life isn’t what it used to be.

Being born in our day and age is a lot different than being born 5000 years ago. Back then, you were born, rinsed off in a river, and grew up learning how to work and hunt. 

Now when you are born, you are assigned a social insurance number, you have a government authorized birth certificate, you are piled on with cultural programs, launched into a public education system, and you are brainwashed into conforming with societal expectations.

Nobody wants to be considered a slave, but to be honest, we are all slaves in one way or another.  The world and its institutions are carefully designed by the people in power, and the people in power only care about two things: power and profit.

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