Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Inside the Issue:

"Will Humans Go the Way of Horses?” by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee
A century ago, horses were an indispensable part of the labor force. Then, suddenly, they weren’t. Will advances in robotics and artificial intelligence make human labor just as obsolete?

Same as It Ever Was” by Martin Wolf 

Today’s evangelists overstate the significance of contemporary technological changes. The truth is that those advances pale in comparison to past leaps forward, productivity growth has stalled, and the future will be less novel than we think.

The Facts of Life” by Jill Lepore

There is no end to the hypocrisy of people who tell other people how and when to tell kids about sex, but the details vary country by country.


Washington’s support for Russian studies was sharply cut back in October 2013, for a grand savings of $3.3 million—a month before the Ukraine crisis began. The proximity was coincidental but telling. To avoid being blindsided by events, we need to revive international studies.